(ONLY for applications received by 31.8.17, as fees increase from 1.9.17)

(To be completed by ALL players, even if you completed one last year!!)

I would like to apply for membership of the STTA. My signature at the end, signifies my agreement to comply with all the rules, as set out in their Constitution and League Rules. Please note, that all League Players, including Guests, must also register with Table Tennis England (TTE), before they’re allowed to play. This can be done through STTA [see below].

Surname: ......

Forename(s): ......

Address: ......

...... Post Code: ......

(All the following questions need to be completed, for TTE registration purposes.)

Gender: Male ...... Female ...... (Please tick as appropriate)

Date of birth: ...... /...... /...... Nationality: ......

Contact Details (Insertion of any information below and your signature at the end, signifies that you’re happy for us to communicate with you, as indicated. This information is for STTA purposes only.)

Home Tel No: ...... Mobile No: ......

Work Tel No: ...... e-mail: ......

Subscriptions are shown below. As always, we’ll be sympathetic to any cases of genuine, financial hardship. Just contact any STTA Committee Member, who’ll treat your approach in complete confidence. It’s more important to us, that you play table tennis!

Seniors Juniors/Cadets

Aged 18, or older 31.12.17 Aged 17, or younger 31.12.17

(Born 31.12.99, or earlier) (Born 1.1.00, or later)

TTE Registration (All players) 14 : 00 (1) 7 : 00 (1)

STTA (Same since 2013/14!) 15 : 00 (2) 9 : 00

Total Subscription to Pay (insert as appropriate) £ £


(1) Delete, if paid direct to TTE (If so, tick here .....), or another table tennis organisation (Name of organisation ...... TTE Registration No if known ….…………………….)

(2) STTA subscription for Senior Students, in full-time education, is £9, so your total will be £23 (£14 + £9).

Payment Methods:

1) Bank Transfer (This is the preferred method of payment)

Sort Code = 404024 (HSBC, High Street, Scunthorpe) A/c No = 42023008

A/c Name = Scunthorpe Table Tennis Association (or STTA)

Reference = 18Sub followed by your surname (if room, also include your first name, or initials)

2) Cheque Payable to ~ STTA, or Scunthorpe Table Tennis Association.

3) Cash can be taken on ‘subs night’ at SSC, Tuesday 29.8.17.

Forwarding address and contact details:

Rod Boyers, STTA Treasurer, 25 Wells Street, Scunthorpe DN15 6HL

(Office: 01724/281366 Mobile: 07803 459 464 e-m: )

For further information, check out the STTA website ~

Signed: ...... Date: ...... / ...... / 2017