It is strongly recommended that you complete as much of this student profile as possible before College Application Week. Using the profile to gather your information beforehand will help get you through the college application process much faster and easier.

List the college(s) where you would like to apply:

College #1______

Deadline for application ______Application fee $ ______

Circle required documents and check off when completed:  Essay  Personal statement  Application for in-state tuition

College #2______

Deadline for application ______Application fee$ ______

Circle required documents and check off when completed:  Essay  Personal statement  Application for in-state tuition


  1. Do you plan to be a full-time college student? Yes No Undecided
  2. Do you want to live on campus? Yes No Undecided
  3. When do you plan to enroll? Summer 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015


Student’s full legal name (First, Middle, Last)


Current address (Street address/P.O. Box, City, State, ZIP)


Permanent address where mail can be always be received (if different from above)


Home phone numberCell phone numberEmail address (REQUIRED)


Social Security Number (9 digits)Driver’s license number and state/date issued (if applicable)


Date of birthPlace of birth (City, State, Country)

If you have lived at another address in the last two years, please write it below and include dates. N/A


Street addressCity StateZIPFrom mo./yr. to mo./yr.


Date student moved to Virginia(enter birthdate if in VA all of your life)State in which parents file taxes


If not U.S. Citizen:Visa typeParent Visa type



Parent/Guardian’s full legal name (First, Middle, Last)


Street address/P.O. Box, City, State, ZIP


Home phone number Cell phone numberEmail address (if available)


Please indicate the highest education level completed by Parent/Guardian #1:

 No high school diploma High school graduate/GED Some college/Certificate

 Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s/Doctoral/Professional degree



Parent/Guardian’s full legal name (First, Middle, Last)


Street address/P.O. Box, City, State, ZIP


Home phone number Cell phone numberEmail address (if available)

Please indicate the highest education level completed by Parent/Guardian #2.:

 No high school diploma High school graduate/GED Some college/Certificate

 Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s/Doctoral/Professional degree


(You can find high school CEEB and ACT codes at:and )

Name of current high school Phone number


Mailing Address, City, State, ZIP


Date you entered high schoolExpected graduation dateCEEB/ACT code

Please list any other high school(s) you have attended.  N/A


High school namePhone number


Mailing AddressDates of AttendanceCEEB/ACT code

Please list any colleges where you have received or expect to receive college credit(i.e., dual-enrollment): N/A

College Name / Course/Class / # of Credits / Dates of Attendance



SAT test date (month, year)ReadingMathWriting


ACT test date (month, year)English Reading Math Science Writing


Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score(s)


Most college applications request a written statement about you. Review the applications for the colleges you are interested in applying to and follow the writing instructions. Personal statements and essays should be proofread. Save final drafts to a flash drive. Bring the flash drive with you during College Application Week to upload, or cut and paste your personal statement and/or essay into your college application.


Organize your extracurricular activities, honors, awards, work experience, community service (also called service learning),
and skills information into a student activity resume. You can find a sample student activity resume and build your own at .Save the activity resume to your flash drive to upload, or cut and paste into your college application.