Wednesday, Jan. 21,2015

MEETING- The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The meeting will be held at the UAW 647 Union Hall, located at 10020 Reading Road, Evendale, Ohio. The 2nd shift will meet at 1:00 PM, 1st and 3rd shifts meet at 3:30 PM.

·  SAFETY TRAINING- Our annual Safety Training classes have started for the year. If you are scheduled for one, please make sure to attend.

·  BENEFICIARIES- If you haven’t done so, make sure that you have designated a beneficiary for your GE Benefits. Just because you are married, your spouse is not automatically your beneficiary. You must designate him or her.

·  STEWARDS ELECTIONS- Stewards Elections are currently taking place throughout the plant. They should be wrapped up shortly.

·  IN UNIT TRANSFERS- In Unit Transfer Forms are being taken at Hourly Placement this week and next week up to the close of business on Friday,January 30. Remember, if you are given a transfer, there is no refusal.

·  TRADE HIRINGS- The Company has hired 2 Gen. Maint. and 1 Toolmaker. They are still in the process of hiring 1 position for Machine Repair. Also the Mechanical Apprentices have been upgraded and have reported to their areas.

·  WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK- Our website (www.iamll912.org) has 2 articles pertaining to Right To Work laws. One article talks about the owner of Juengling Brewery and his support of Right To Work. The website and Our Facebook page (facebook.com/IAM.912) have posted a list of Union Made beers that you can buy as an alternative. The second article talks about the Republicans plan to enact Right To Work laws throughout the country this year. Please take the time to read them.

·  LOCAL CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS- If any of our Members any have suggestions for the Local Contract Negotiations, please feel free to express them to your Steward or Committeeman. We are only as strong as our Membership.

“ If a man hasn’t discovered something that he would die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Havlin, Communicator

IAM Local Lodge 912

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