BioEnvironmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholars

Applicant, use the template below to prepare a single PDF of application including: 1) research project statement, 2) personal statement, 3) unofficial transcripts, and 4) a letter of recommendation from your research mentor. Submit completed applications (using the template below) as PDF to Dr. Brian D. Shaw () no later than March 21, 2014 at 5PM. The awards committee will evaluate proposals using the rubric on the last page of this document. Awards will be announced by April 4, 2014.

A. General Information

Name of student:




PLPM Research Mentor:

B. Education

Academic Major (+ minors):

Expected Graduation Date:

Overall GPA:

Major GPA:

List up to five of your extracurricular university activities that pertain to the BESC degree or career plans:

List any academic honors/awards:

C. Research Project Statement: Write a research project statement that includes the following (2-page limit):



Rationale and Significance

Research Plan

Expected Outcomes

The student should be the primary author of the project description, but it is expected that the research mentor will provide guidance in drafting the proposal.

D. Personal Statement: Write a personal statement that includes the following (1-page limit):

i. Your short- and long-term career objectives

ii. How the BURS program will enhance your career objectives

iii. Evidence of preparation by the student for successful completion of the project (relevant course background, classroom laboratory preparation, independent study, previous research experience, etc.).

iv. The following signed statement.

I commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week laboratory research time as a BURS Scholar in the Summer of 2013. I will present my preliminary research at the BURS/BESC Poster Session on September 20, 2013 and relevant TAMU Undergraduate Research Events.

Signature: Date:

E. Unofficial Transcript:

F. Letter of support from BESC/PLPA Research Mentor:

Please address the applicant’s preparation for the project and potential to successfully participate in BURS. Also address your commitment to personally mentor the undergraduate and/or assign laboratory personnel to the mentoring role. The letter of recommendation can be included in the student's application package or sent separately to Dr. Brian D. Shaw ().

The Following rubric will be used in evaluation of the proposals to select BURS fellows.

BURS nominee:______Evaluator:______

Advanced (10) / Developing (5) / Emerging (0) / Score:
Scientific Communication and Understanding / Language choices are vivid
and precise. Field specific terminology is used appropriately all of the time. / Language is appropriate,
but word choices are not
particularly vivid or precise. Field specific terminology is used appropriately some of the time. / Language choices may be
limited, peppered with slang
or jargon, too complex, or stupefying. Field specific terminology is not used appropriately.
Introduction and Rationale / The proposal conveys background information allowing the reader to understand the research problem. / The proposal conveys some background information but it is inadequate for the reader to understand the research problem. / Background information is not given. The need to the research is not explained
Research Plan / Main points are clear and the reader has a good understanding of what the research is that will be conducted / Main points are not always
clear. An understanding of the research plan is not achievable from reading the proposal / A research plan is not given
Expected Outcomes / The proposed research plan has a clear and achievable goal / The outcomes of the proposed research are not easily identified or not thoroughly understood. / No expected outcomes or goals are identified.
