History Repeats Itself

Winter Kallah 2007

Written By: Michael Goodwin, Rachel Stern, and Zach Larsen

Touchstone Text: “When we listen to each other… when we understand one another there will be peace in the world” – Rick Recht


  1. To take a look at how history repeats itself and how we can prevent it from repeating.
  2. To alert participantsabout issues which plague our society, while also having it be somewhat enjoyable.


  1. PP’s will recognize the perplexities in how history repeats itself.
  2. PP’s will develop their own solutions to current issues which they can work to try to implement.


  1. Pens
  2. Paper
  3. Scripts for performances (copies)
  4. Scripts for participants (copious copies)
  5. Costumes


  • PP’s
  • GL’s (1-2 each group)
  • Skit Performers (10 people)
  • Timekeepers

Space Needed:

  • Beit
  • Mo

Time Table:

00:00-00:15: Skit/Intro

00:15-00:19: Explain Activity

00:19-00:20: Split


00:40-01:00: Activity

01:00-01:15: Presentations

Detailed Procedure:

00:00-00:15: Skit/Intro

Some of the GL’s will perform a variety of skits (Appendix A) that all focus around one central idea, being hazed.

00:15-00:19: Explain Activity

GL’s will be leading a discussion based on the skits that were just seen. After, PP’s will have a chance to change history and re-write the skits and perform them to the rest of the groups.

00:19-00:20: Split

PP’s will be divided into 7 groups based on a sticker on their name tag.


-What is a similarity you saw in all of the performances? (Point them in the direction of what it is)

-Why do you feel like these things repeat themselves?

-What are other examples of things that repeat in history? (Hypothetical and/or historical)

-Is history repeating itself inevitable?

-Is it better to learn from the past or forget about it so you can move on?

-What are the best ways to prevent history from repeating itself?

00:40-01:00: Activity

GL’s will give each PP a copy of the same skit they previously saw in a modern day version (Appendix B). This skit will now be worked on and altered by the PP’s so that they can prevent history from repeating its self.

01:00-01:15: Presentations

Each group will have the opportunity to present their change of history to the rest of the groups.

Appendix A

Narrator: 1995

Bill: Hey, let’s get them now.

John: If those freshmen think they can play varsity they can stand this.

Bill: Yeah sounds good.

John: Bill, did you bring the eggs and ketchup?

Bill: Got them right here.

Max: Guys you sure we should do this?

Bill John (Together): Yeah it happened to us.

John: Stop complaining and do it.

Max: I’m not going to do it.

Bill: Here they come…

George: Man that sucks. I’m not going to do it when I’m a senior.

Larry: Yeah, it sucks being a freshman on varsity.

George: It’s what we have to deal with though.

Narrator: 4 years later

George: Today’s the Day

Steven: Yeah, it’s a perfect day.

George: Everything we need is right here. We’ve got the itching powder, grasshoppers and my mom’s stinky shoes.

Steven: Why your mom’s shoes

George: You know how bad they smell.

Larry: Guys we said we weren’t going to do it when we were seniors.

George: Shut up and just do it, it’s something they’re going to have to deal with to play varsity.

Steven: Here they are…

Tom: Those Seniors are jerks.

Scott: Let’s not do it when were seniors.

Tom: Agreed

Narrator: 4 years later

Tom: Here come those stupid freshmen.

Sam: They think they’re the word we’re not allowed to use because they made varsity.

Tom: Let’s make them see what it means to play varsity.

Sam: Remember, today’s freshman slam day.

Tom: This will be so much better than when we were covered with itching powder and bugs

Sam: and those smelly shoes

Scott: This is just as bad as that. We shouldn’t haze them.

Tom: What are you a girl?

Sam: Just make them cry.

Matt: Why’d they hit us so hard today?

Jeff: I’m not sure but it sucked and I don’t want it to happen to me again.

Matt: It shouldn’t happen; it’s their way around getting in trouble for hazing.

Jeff: We will be better than them when we’re seniors.

Appendix B

SKIT TO ALTER….keep the characters and the problem but you can change anything else…and stop history repeating itself by changing the outcome!

Narrator: 4 years later - 2007

Matt: Guys remember when we were hazed

Wyatt: Yeah I do. It sucked.

Matt: Well today let’s make it even worse for these freshmen. They act all high and mighty.

Wyatt: Yeah

Matt: Let’s bring them down to ground level

Wyatt: Sounds good to me.

Jeff: Guys we said we weren’t going to do this.

Matt: That was then this is now.

Wyatt: Here they come…

Frosh 1: This was one of the worst days of my life.

Frosh 2: Yeah those seniors didn’t have to make it so bad.

Frosh 1: Let’s not do it when we’re seniors.

Frosh 2: Yeah defiantly.