an interactive source for social change
August 2004/Issue 1action for social change through public policy research, advocacy and community education
In This Issue
- Welcome toActionLink
- Crystal Meth=Death
- Department Updates
- Public Policy Research & Advocacy
- Community Education
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Current Activities
- Sail Away with TAI
- News,Events & Happenings
Current Issues
History & Programs
Become Involved
Support Our Work
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(this issue’s website/page to visit):
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ~
Anatole France
Board Bio…
This month we focus our spotlight on TAI Board President Marylin Merida, Tampa, FL.
Marylin has served on the board for several years and was vice president prior to her election to the presidency.
She is active in HIV/AIDS at the national level, as well as in Florida, with a special concern for the impact of HIV in the African American community.
Marylin administers the Florida Family AIDS Program, a federally funded program at the University of South Florida College of Public Health.
800 779 4898
Meet the TAI Team
Dr. Gene Copello, Executive Director, 813-974-2598
Markus Bell, Public Policy Associate, 850-656-2437, ext. 300
Jesse Fry, Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy, 850-222-9580
Mary Ann T. Green, Director of Communications, 813-974-4892
Drew McCarthy, Director of Global Affairs, 202-746-5221
Denise Ruppal, Fiscal Coordinator, 813-974-2598
Michael Ruppal, Associate Executive Director, 813-974-2598
Michelle Scavnicky, Director of Community Education, 813-974-7958
Amanda Diers Schall, Assistant Director of Policy Research,813-974-2838
Carl Schmid, Director of Federal Affairs, 202-299-9430
Frederick Wright, Volunteer Coordinator, 813-974-5592
Join Our Grassroots Advocacy Program!
The AIDS Instituteis a national nonprofit organization affiliated with the Division of Infectious Diseases, University of South Florida, College of Medicine.
For more information, visit us online at
Mary Ann T. Green
Dr. Gene Copello
Marc E. Cohen
Jesse Fry
Drew McCarthy
Michael Ruppal
Michelle Scavnicky
Amanda Schall
Carl Schmid
The AIDS Institute
action for social change
800 779 4898
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Welcome to ActionLink
~ by Dr. Gene Copello, Executive Director, The AIDS Institute
Welcome to ActionLink, a monthly publication of The AIDS Institute. We hope that ActionLink will bring you helpful information about HIV/AIDS and related issues, as well as inform you about ongoing developments at The AIDS Institute.Our mission is to promote action for social change. As a national nonprofit organization, based in Washington, DC and Florida, we accomplish that mission through public policy research, informed advocacy and public education. One of the agency’s unique characteristics is linking research, advocacy and education together in a seamless understanding of the AIDS pandemic and what we need to do to address it.
As a network builder, The AIDS Institute collaborates productively with many other national and regional organizations as we work to ensure comprehensive prevention education, access to quality healthcare and social services,and finding a cure.
While the agency is focused on HIV/AIDS, we participate in ensuring access to care in the Hepatitis arena as well as other areas. Access to improved healthcare for all – in the United States and worldwide – must be our goal. Please let us know what you think of ActionLink. We want this publication to be one of the ways we interact with each other in our common efforts.
Crystal Meth
Links between rising crystal methamphetamine (meth) use/abuse and increasing sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates have led Miami-based United Foundation for AIDS (UFA) to take action through a graphic marketing campaign known as Meth=Death.UFA President, and TAI board member, Marc E. Cohen launched the Meth=Death campaign in September of 2003. Since then, the program has received international recognition and is currently being adapted for use in cities such as Orlando, Tampa and New York.
Posters and palm cards detail not only a decomposing skull, but the side effects of this highly addictive and illicit drug, such as stroke, paranoia, skin lesions, convulsions, violent episodes, cardiac arrest and more.
In addition to the campaign, Cohen utilizes online chats, websites and meth/club drug meetings to raise awareness of the issues around meth use/abuse. Moreover, this past April, working in collaboration with The AIDS Institute and several Miami-based organizations, UFA hosted a Methamphetamine Educational Awareness Forum in Miami. The meeting, designed to educate front-line workers on meth use and the relationship between use and rising STD and AIDS infection rates, was a success.
“The reason this campaign is effective is that we’ve taken our prevention messages to the next level,” explains Cohen. “We’re seeing the deadly impact of meth in our communities and we’re fighting back with a strong, clear message.”
Meth, or Tina as it is sometimes called, has been widely used among the poor and in gay communities since the 1970s. Now embedded in the circuit party scene, the drug increases stamina and provides feelings of euphoria, linking its use to high-risk sexual behaviors and rising STD rates.
According to research from the San Francisco Department of Public Health, meth users verses non-users are:
- More than twice as likely to be HIV infected
- 1.7 times more likely to test positive for gonorrhea
- 4.9 times more likely to test positive for syphilis
Public Policy Research & Advocacy
Global News…The AIDS Institute has been participating in global AIDS efforts for the past three years. Efforts were begun with a community forum on global AIDS. The Global Affairs program includes public policy and program components. In public policy we have worked with a number of partner organizations in advocating for adequate funding allocations from the United States and other developed nations, as well as international bodies, to address the AIDS pandemic in resource challenged regions.
Program development efforts focus on community mobilization and network building consultations.
The Institute has participated in programs regarding the Caribbean region, Central and South America, India, Mexico and Nigeria. Another program component is raising awareness about global AIDS in the United States.
While public policy efforts are aimed at the entire developing world, program efforts are emphasizing the greater Caribbean area and both Central and South America. This has included meetings with health officials from the Caribbean and, recently, with Adolfo Franco, Assistant Administrator of USAIDSfor Latin America and the Caribbean.
On July 1, Drew J. McCarthy was appointed as Director of Global Affairs with TAI. Previously, Drew served as Director of Government Affairs at The AIDS Institute, as well as having worked in the private sector.
National News…
TAI staff and volunteers have been actively involved in a series of advocacy efforts this spring, including:
White Coat Day– physician and nurse HIV/AIDS providers took to Capitol Hill to meet with key appropriators on May 11 to discuss issues such as research at NIH, prevention at the CDCand the Ryan White CARE Act at HRSA. The coalition organizing the event included the AmericanAcademy of HIV Medicine, HIV Medicine Association, International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care and TAI. Florida participants included TAI Board members Karen Klubertanz, RN, Gainesville, and David Waldron, RN, Sarasota. Also participating, University of SouthFlorida’s Dr. John Sinnott, along with Dr. Copello and TAI Director of Federal Affairs Carl Schmid.
PublicCommentTestimony – so far this year, TAI has provided public comment to the HRSA/CDC Advisory Committeeand the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.In his written testimony to the Subcommittee on Labor, Health, Education and Related Services of the US House Committee on Appropriations, Dr. Copello asked the Subcommittee to “adequately fund a full range of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis programs in order to provide for, and protect the health of, many Americans and others throughout the world.” To read the actual testimony, click the link above.
National Campaigns–TAI helps to raise awareness on behalf of many health-related issues including: National STD Awareness Month (April), March for Women’s Lives (April 25), Cover the Uninsured Week (May10-16), National AIDS & Aging Day (May 13), the 21st International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (May 16), HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (May 18), Hepatitis Awareness Month (May) and National HIV Testing Day (June 27).
Ryan White Reauthorization efforts – As Congress prepares for Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization, TAI joined other national AIDS organizations in conducting a recent briefing for Senate Staffers of the CARE Act. Carl, who serves as co-chair of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership’s (FAPP) Reauthorization Committee, helped to organize and moderate the panel for this event sponsored by Senate Health Ranking Member Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Moreover, the agency’s board of directors has put together a reauthorization work group that will, working with staff, conduct research and analysis to make recommendations on the future of the CARE Act.
Institute of Medicine Report (IOM)–In a bold proposal, the IOMreport, “Public Financing and Delivery of HIV/AIDS Care”, recommended that a new entitlement program be created for low income Americans who are infected with HIV/AIDS. The report noted significant disparities in service throughout the US and proposed a new Comprehensive Care Program that would entitle each individual to a science-based, uniform and federally defined benefit package reflecting the standard of care.
Medicare Modernization Law – In a TAI organized meeting, representatives of HHS and its Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) were joined by members of leading national AIDS organizations to discuss concerns about the Medicare Modernization Law, including: ensuring that formularies cover all necessary medications; that those dually eligible persons (on Medicaid and Medicare) slated to lose their Medicaid coverage under the new law will not lose coverage; how ADAP can provide coverage during a time when the program is already struggling; and the appeals process.
Most pressing is letting HIV+ people on Medicare know about the Drug Discount card and, if eligible, the annual $600 payment for medications.
For more information on The AIDS Institute’s federal policy efforts, please contact Director of Federal Affairs Carl Schmid.
Florida Update…
Medically Needy Victory- TAI’s Tallahassee,FL, staff (Jesse Fry and Markus Bell) are pleased to announce that for the 4th year in a row, advocacy efforts helped save Florida’s Medically Needy program. Medically Needy provides medical assistance to persons earning too much money to be considered for Medicaid, but whose medical expenses are catastrophic. Currently, some 32,500 Floridians are in the program, including at least 1,100 people living with AIDS.
Youth Advocacy Mobilization –In conjunction with Big Bend Cares in Tallahassee, Markus is working to recruit high school and college-age advocates to discuss collaborative efforts around prevention and treatment education. After the model goes through a “shake-down cruise” we can take it state and nationwide! Considering that the highest rate of new HIV infection is among 15 – 24 year olds, advocacy by young people makes a whole lot of sense.
Coalition Around Medicaid Reform– Jesse, Amanda (Research) and Mary Ann (Communications) have been working closely with a coalition of health care advocates around the issue of Medicaid reform. The group secured meetings with Mary Pat Moore (AHCA’s interim secretary) and other key agency directors around what has become a topic of discussion all over the country. The coalition is perfectly poised to keep this issue in the Sunshine, where it belongs.
ElectionYearTown Hall Meetings – Several Town Hall meetings are already underway in advent of the fall elections. The gatherings will provide community members a chance to let their candidates know how important health care issues – particularly HIV/AIDS – are to voters in their districts. Stay tuned for details.
Public Policy Research…
The Research Department has been busy working on a variety of projects during the first half of 2004, including:
- Serving as contracted evaluator (2 years+) for Coastal Behavioral Healthcare, Inc., on a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) project integrating HIV testing and counseling services with outpatient substance abuse treatment. In January, TAI submitted a full report to the agencies involved, including program progress reports and efficiency recommendations.
- Serving as contracted evaluator for the University of South Florida, Department of Pediatrics’Youth Education Services (YES) program. Funded through Title IV of the Ryan White CARE Act, YES provides nontraditional HIV counseling and testing to at-risk youth. Begun in January of this year, the Department will present its findings before fall.
- TAI was awarded a contract from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS. This project entails an analysis of case management services provided through Ryan White CARE Act funded agencies as well as AIDS-specific Medicaid case management.Although still in the initial exploratory stages of this project, which began in April, the goal is to decipher the current case management structures looking for efficiency and effectiveness.
- TAI’s Research Department is also developing additional materials related to its program evaluation activities to be used as resources for HIV/AIDS service agencies nationwide and will be looking at issues related to Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization.
Community Education
The Department of Community Education has been busy preparing for the fiscal year development of Department of Health patient care and prevention meetings. The upcoming Florida Comprehensive Planning Network (FCPN) Meetings are as follows: Patient Care ~ November 8 & 9, 2004, AdamsMarkHotel, Jacksonville; Prevention ~ August 12 & 13, 2004, Rosen Center Hotel, Orlando.Additionally, TAI will sponsor a Substance Abuse Consultation follow-up meeting and MSM Consultation follow-up both of which will happen in the fall of 2004.
Educational activities:
- Michelle Scavnicky, director of Community Education, recently participated in the VOICES 2004, Title IV Conference for Woman, Infants, Children, Youth and Families, as well as the HIV Prevention Leadership Summit, held June 16 -19 in Atlanta, GA. TAI was a sponsor and exhibitor at both conferences.
- Staff are currently preparing for the upcoming United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) taking place in Philadelphia, PA, October 21-24, 2004.
- TAI, along with Gilead Sciences, Inc.,is sponsoring a PLWH Community Education Dinner Program on August 18, 2004, at Landry’s Seafood in Tampa. For more information contact the Department of Community Education.
Volunteer Opportunities
TAI has numerous exciting opportunities for volunteers throughout Florida and across the nation!Administration – if you live near one of our offices, you can assist us with basic office operations such as faxing, filing, database management and answering phones.
Advocacy – throughout the US and abroad, TAI’s looking for individuals willing to participate in our email-based Action Alert Broadcast; network with community leaders; make urgently needed phone calls; send faxes or emails to elected officials and more!
Community Education – help expand TAI’s reach in communities throughout the US by creating packets for various meetings and forums; staffing educational booths at healthfairs and events; assisting with the development of TAI’s referral system; planning volunteer orientations & training programs; and participating in, as well as maintaining, our speaker’s bureau.
Events– contact TAI to learn about our next special and event and see how you can assist us in raising HIV/AIDS awareness and funds!
To learn more about volunteering with The AIDS Institute, please contact TAI Volunteer Coordinator Frederick Wright at , or by phone at 813-334-6959.
Current Activities
4x4 Initiative, Get Out The Vote – TAI’s campaign focused on the 2004 Presidential election, but continuing throughout this decade, to encourage voter registration and community participation in elections on the local, state and national levels.The 4x4 Initiative is a volunteer-based effort designed to compliment the national Get Out The Vote campaign and includes the following objectives:
- Encourage at least 4 people that voting makes a difference in their community
- Help 4 non-registered voters become registered to vote
- Plan for election day and assist voters in getting to the polls
- Help staff booths to register voters at various events
- Encourage absentee voting
Packets, including voter registration forms, are available. Download a 4x4 flyer: 4x4 flyer
In addition to our own 4x4 Initiative, TAI is joining forces with Equality Florida and numerous organizations across Florida as part of a Democracy Project effort. The goal of this collaborative TurnOut Florida campaign is to mobilize 350,000 fair-minded Floridians for the 2004 elections.
Help shape the future on local, state, national and global levels – register to vote today:Your Vote Matters!