1. What was the name of the 2011/12 inquiry that concerned itself with the ethics and conduct of the UK press and highlighted the practice of phone-hacking? Leveson Inquiry
  2. In the film ‘The Madness of King George’, can you name the actors who played the King and Mrs King? Nigel Hawthorne and Helen Mirren
  3. Name two of the three planets studied by N. A. S. A.’s Mariner Space programme in the sixties and seventies? Mercury, Venus and Mars
  4. Which London Premiership football club were previously known as Thames Ironworks? West Ham United
  5. Alex Murphy lost three limbs and most of his major organs before becoming which iconic crime fighter? RoboCop
  6. Which range of hills stretches through four counties: Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire? The Chilterns
  7. What is the opening line of the Wordsworth poem ‘Daffodils’?I wandered lonely as a cloud
  8. ‘Nip and tuck’ is a phrase associated with which branch of surgery? Cosmetic surgery
  9. Le Grande Armee was the name given to whose forces? Napoleon Bonaparte
  10. What name is given to a malignant tumour of pigmentation cells? Melanoma
  11. The Mannequin Pis pees proudly in the middle of which E. U. capital city? Brussels
  12. Ralph Waite’s most famous role was ‘Pa’ in which long running U. S. TV series? The Waltons
  13. Only one horse racing jockey has ever won the BBC Sports personality of the Year. Can you name the jockey? A. P. (Tony) McCoy in 2010
  14. The ancient ‘Book of Kells’ is a tourist attraction housed in which famous Dublin College? Trinity College
  15. What alcoholic drink is made from wormwood? Absinthe
  16. If an animal is said to be gravid, what state is it in? Pregnant
  17. Animation. ‘Merrie Melodies’ and ‘Looney Tunes’ were produced by which film studio? Warner Brothers
  18. Which German philosopher wrote the book ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ which included the theories of “The Death of God”, and “The Ubermensch/Superman”?Friedrich Nietzsche
  19. What connects Stephen Frayne, Raymond Teller, David Nixon and Eric Weiss? Magic
  20. The Lanterne Rouge is awarded to what racer in the Tour de France? Last to finish each day
  21. Which famous violinist competed for Thailand in the Women’s Slalom in 2014 in Sochi? Vanessa Mae
  22. Mount Mitchell is the highest peak in which North American mountain range? The Appalachians (also highest in the Blue Ridge mountains)
  23. Which German-author penned ‘Die Verwandlung’ (The Metamorphosis)? Franz Kafka (born in Prague)
  24. What name is given to Parliament of the Isle of Man? The Tynwald
  25. Pleurisy affects which organ in the body? The lungs
  26. Which Disney film, also a musical, is a reworking of Shakespeare’s Hamlet? The Lion King
  27. Which famous tennis player became Andy Murray’s coach in 2012? Ivan Lendl
  28. Which U. S. state’s name translates into Spanish as ‘arid zones’? Arizona (some sources say ‘small spring’, other say ‘the good oak’)
  29. Mary Norton, Edith Nesbitt and Michael Morpurgo are known, primarily, for writing which type of literature? Children’s novels
  30. In Italy, what are Carabinieri? Police
  31. Denis, Norma, BLANK, Sarah, Samantha. Who is missing? Cherie – spouses of British Prime Ministers
  32. The okapi is thought to be a zebra-like, but shares a genus/family with which other visually striking animal? Giraffe
  33. Who composed ‘The Hebrides’ and ‘Scottish Symphony’? Felix Mendelssohn
  34. Named after one of their hits, what was the name of the short-lived Spice Girls musical? Viva Forever
  35. Which British car company made the ‘Interceptor’? Jensen
  36. Which baroque painter was knighted by both Charles I of England and Philip IV of Spain? Sir Peter Paul Rubens
  37. Known as the Chicago Typewriter, what was the common name given to the weapon invented by John T. Thompson in 1918? Tommy gun
  38. What is the highest mountain in the Alps? Mont Blanc
  39. Who has been the only U. S.President to have been Roman Catholic? John F. Kennedy
  40. Directed by The Wachowski Brothers, which three-movie franchise has grossed over one and a half billion dollars? The Matrix series