Alturas Planning Commission

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

February 25, 2015 5:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharon Lee Carey at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners present: Tom Romero, Chris Lauppe, Bill Hall, Robert Dolan. Commissioners absent: None. Staff present: Planning Director Joe Picotte, City Council Planning Dept. Liaison Mark Steffek, Acting Secretary Bobbi Jean Kemper. Public present: None.

No one is present under the public forum.

MOTION by Commissioner Romero, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the minutes of the October 29, 2014 meeting with amendment to revise the February 25, 2015 Agenda to read: “ 3.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of Minutes for the meeting held on October 29, 2014.” ALL AYES.

INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS: B) Geothermal System/Project Location

Planning Director Picotte opened with an update on the Geothermal System Project in conjunction with Modoc Joint Unified School District. The application package was submitted on or about November 1, 2014. Superintendent O’Malley is expected to sign for acceptance of funds on or about March 5, 2015.

There has been discussion of drilling a reinjection well tentatively on Alturas Municipal Airport property; however, Picotte has concerns with the project crossing Warner St. Alternative location to be considered.

Commissioner Hall inquires as to what happened to the reinjection well project some 1500 feet away. Director Picotte states the project was never initiated.

Commissioner Dolan reminds commissioners to pull permits for well drilling rigs as soon as possible as all must soon apply to the State rather than the County.

Director Picotte advises he will visit Klamath Falls’ Ella Redkey year-round, ‘open air,’ geothermal pool in the near future. The pool is City owned and operated.

Commissioner Hall questioned the configuration of a running line; whether it is done or needs to be accomplished. Picotte confirms it must be across Main Street and down Eighth Street. Also, the current water mains may not be large enough to accommodate the need.

Picotte adds that the engineer on the project is Anderson out of Lakeview. It is approximately a two year project and the first order of business will be the injection well. There are some hurdles with regard to the Regional Water Board and issues with tests on running the well; discharge into the wetlands. Notice of Exemption is complete due to no new construction necessary other than the piping.


1.)  CIVIC CENTER: Director Picotte introduced the City’s proposal to build a youth oriented Civic Center utilizing the John Wall Trust. Commissioners were issued a map sighting the general location. Other uses proposed of the Trust may include improvements of baseball fields, Jr. Livestock area, Municipal Swimming Pool, and other various options for youth. There will be a public meeting at City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, March 3rd at 6 p.m., 2015.

2.)  FEMA: Director Picotte noted differences to be expected in the new flood maps from FEMA. There will be more public meeting concerning these in the weeks to come. There is hope that a representative will come to Alturas toward the end of March/beginning of April. FEMA is currently dealing with issues concerning the company which produces the maps using numbers based on ‘worst case scenario’ as well as seeking someone to argue the case.

Commissioner Hall expresses the need for City Council and Planning Commission to stand behind Picotte at upcoming FEMA meetings in support of the City’s position and as a ‘buffer’.

Liaison Steffek questions the outcome of the floods of the 1980’s. Director Picotte states there was minimal sandbagging and debris at trusses.

3.)  HOUSING ELEMENT: Director Picotte states the most current Housing Element for the City is dated 2005 and needs to be updated. Choosing someone for this job will be decided by both the Planning Commission and City Council. Although the County has rehired Kim Hunter, Picotte has had no level of production in attempt to work with the County on this update. His recommendation is to extend Jennifer Andersen’s contract. With this recommendation, Picotte notes the initiative needs minimal expert assistance which will keep the cost down.

Commissioners Dolan and Hall add that Planner Jennifer Andersen has brought a new level of expertise to projects. They appreciate her honesty and knowledge based on real facts and agree in the interest of keeping the cost down.

4.)  BIOFUEL: On Monday evening, March 2, 2015 Director Picotte will attend a BioFuel meeting in Lakeview with City Council members Jim Irvin and Cheryl Nelson.

There has been discussion with the Railroad regarding repairs at the 4th and East Streets intersection. The timeline appears to be approximately two years. The Railroad is also working on a shoestring budget and is currently in the process of cleaning up railroad ties. Commissioner Romero inquired as to what was being shipped via the railroad. Director Picotte says the railroad is shipping Jet A fuel.

5.)  In the interest of community and job growth, Commissioner Dolan has questions regarding Warner Mountain Lumber Company’s mill. Picotte reveals the equipment has been installed. The mill, however, is not in full production. They are currently employing eight local employees, in low production, and shipping a load of logs about every two weeks to Reno to make pallets. In the near future, there is a possibility wood chips coming from the mill will be shipped via railroad en route to produce biofuel.

Chairman Carey proposed to set regularly scheduled monthly meeting dates. Suggestions included 5 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. Ideas to have meeting earlier in the day were generally rejected.

With no further business to come before the Commission, MOTION Chairman Carey, SECONDED by Commissioner Hall to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ALL AYES.

Respectfully submitted,

Bobbi Jean Kemper

Acting Secretary