PTFA Meeting Minutes from March 5th, 2015 at 6:00 pm
A Helm
H Ford
K Witkiss
D Burrows
R. Wroblewski
K Gillett
C Mosses
- Easter Events:
1)Easter Egg Hunt was discussed. Mrs Wroblewski explained that PTFA members would not be required as the staffwere coordinating this at various times of the day on the last day of term.
2)Pictures for colouring competitionare to be sent out the week before to be in on the Monday. The winters will be announced in the Merit Assembly. It was agreed that there would be a picture for each class and it would increase in complexity and religious theme through the grades. K Witkiss has sorted out the pictures, but needs them to be photocopied. / K Witkiss
3)K Witkiss has bought chocolate lollies as prizes for each of the events.
K Gillett suggested we have an alternative for the children who can’t eat chocolate. / K Witkiss
4)Name the Easter Bunny –the children write their name for the bunny on a slip of paper and put it into a post box. L Speed was nominated to make the post box as she has creative talent.
We will ask for £1 donation to cover entry into all 3 events.
- Summer Fair:
1)D Burrows confirmed the theme as being environmental / animal related. Everyone supported this providing some of the ‘regular’ summer fair things were there that people expect – tombola etc.
D Burrows explained his father has reptiles etcwhich could be an attraction, possibly ina marquee with some sort of adventure trail or quiz for the children to follow. D Burrows to arrange.
2) Mrs Wroblewski said she had obtained a quote for a mobile climbing wall. The committee questioned whether we would recoup the money outlaid for the hire. Mrs Wroblewski agreed it could be a loss-leader but may draw people in. The committee asked her to get more details to work out what level of profit could possibly be made.
3) D Burrows’ brother works for Brockholes nature reserve. It would beapprox £165 to have him and an assistant come and do something like bush trials. They would teach the children how to make dens, fires etc. If we did this, it was suggested we would get people to sign up before hand, so that we would know how many children we would have. If we did this activity, we would likely have it run from 10am to 3pm which means it would run longer than the normal fair.
4) Some of the suggestions for other activities were: wildlife themed face paint, pebble paperweights as a craft, animal shape modelling, animal suncatchers. K Gillett to look and see if the glass paints are still around.
5) ‘Rhythmicality’ was discussed as this was popular last time. K Gillett to contact Joanna at Rhythmicality to see if she has any animal themed costumes.
6) Following the success of Olaf at the Christmas Fair, it was agreed to use the donation buckets at this event.
7) Nature/wildlife trailK Gillett suggested setting up a trail around the school’s nature and wildlife area. Maybe have the kids find objects to win a prize.
8) BBQ – It was noted that the BBQ made a large profit last year and was once again very popular. K Witkiss is going to ask Mrs Robinson if she and her husband will run the bbq again. Mrs Critchley provided the bread rolls last year and Full Deli Belly provided the burgers. Following comments last year, we would need to look into a vegetarian option. K Witkiss to speak to Mrs Critchley and Mr Jones about sourcing the food items once again.
9) A bar was discussed but Mrs Wroblewski raised concerns about selling alcohol at a children’s / families event and said it would avoid any potential issues to just have soft drinks available.
10) Soak the Teacher - DB said they have a “cow” board that could be used for this stall – it has a place for two people so maybe open it up to people other than the teachers being soaked (children, parents etc).
11) The donkeys have been booked. KW was assured by the owner of the business that what happened last year (short rides, expensive) will not happen again. The price will be £2.00.
12) Owls - Having the Owl people in (the ones that present in town) would cost £90.00 for two hours. It was queried whether this was necessary in addition to the reptiles as it is an interest stall rather than a profit making activity.
13) Bouncy castle – This has been booked for the day and a letter has been received saying they will be in touch. The committee discussed whether to have this or to hire a bouncy castle and get volunteers to run it. The latter would make more profit but volunteers are often in shirt supply.
It was suggested that once the stalls and activities are decided, that each person is assigned a stall and they are responsible for getting help with it. For example – the raffle would need one person to sit at the raffle table and sell tickets, one person to walk around the fair selling tickets, and one person to help with folding the tickets and putting them into the box/bucket.
D Burrows and L Burrows are going to meet with K Witkiss and try to sort out what stalls are going to be used and come back to the next meeting with the definitive list so that we can start canvassing for volunteers straight away.
/ K Witkiss, K Gillett, D Burrows, L Burrows, Mrs Wroblewski
- Casino Night:
D Burrows had mentioned at the previous meeting that his family had the ability to run a Casino Night to a set, tried and tested formula, which would generate a god profit for the school. A discussion took place at this meeting about what it would involve.
1) A discussion was held about whether to add a large marquee to the hall to extend available space, takes 8-10 people to put up and is pitched on grass. However, there is also an option of a small marquee which could be used to extend the hall – it would just go on the tarmac.
2) Croupiers - Volunteers would need to be trained. This can be done before hand. Teachers to be approached by RW.
3) Tickets would be sold ahead of time for £10.00 per head, which would include a bucket of chips, a finger buffet, and a complimentary cocktail. Extra chips could be purchased for £5.00. There would be a bar.
There would be a raffle and good prizes for the people who have the most chips left at the end of the night. DB outlined the format of the event. There would be 2 poker tables, 2 roulette tables, 1 craps table, horse racing and several other tables.
4) It was suggested that the hall be transformed into the right atmosphere for a casino night using black drapes. The drapes/material would need to be purchased as well as the hardware for hanging the drapes all around the hall. DB is going to get the hall measured up and get quotes for the materials that need purchasing. Mr. Darbyshire mentioned that the school maybe pay for part of the materials as they could be used for performances etc. The material would need to be fire safe. This is likely to be a large expense. DB has already researched online for best prices. Mrs Wroblewski suggested hiring may be simpler and would obtain a quote.
5) Possible date - Times for the event would be from 7:30pm to 11:30pm (the last roll) on a Saturday in July. Mrs. Wroblewski is going to put the idea to the staff as there are quite a few weekends they need to be available for other school events in the summer months. The date suggested was Saturday July 18th, but DB is going to confirm the date with Mrs. Wroblewski who will confirm it with staff.
- Cinema Night:
1) Refreshments - Everything is sorted out apart from the hot dogs and rolls. H Ford to arrange.
- Quingo Night:
- Bag2School:
- New Business:
A Halso asked for event profit/loss sheets for the 2013/2014 year and the 2014/2015 year for each event so it could also go into the binder. A Helm has volunteered to put these in a binder for future reference. / A Helm K Witkiss
- More Volunteers and Members
Mrs Wroblewski would give the committee notice of the new parents’ welcome evening in May/June and invited the PTFA to use this opportunity to engage with new families.
Date of next meeting - to be confirmed.
Minutes produced by Arianna Helm