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Pre-enrolment Assessment Form: Spanish

In order to help us place you on the most appropriate language course, please spend a few minutes completing this form before returning it to the MFL Department or email it to

1Personal Details



Telephone no: Mobile:



a) Reason(s) for learning? Please tick the boxes below:

Pleasure□ Obtain a qualification (e.g. GCSE, AS)□


Personal Reasons□Other□Please state: ______

b) Are you interested in any other language?


a) Have you already studied this or any other language before?

If yes, which?

Where? When?

To what level? How long for?

What did you find easy or difficult about learning this language?

Do you already hold a qualification in this language or in any other language?

If yes, which? Grade?


Please assess your linguistic ability in the language you wish to learn, by ticking the most appropriate boxes. Be honest on what you can already do and be prepared to do a language test at that level at the beginning of your class.

I can do this / I need help with this / I want to learn this
A1 (Entry level)
I can recognise familiar words and very basic phrases when people speak slowly and clearly
I can understand words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters
I can ask and answer simple questions
I can write a short, simple postcard and fill in forms with personal details
A2 (Level 1)
I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements (e.g. train platform, arrival time)
I can read very short, simple texts
I can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can't usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself
I can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something
B1 (Level 2, Intermediate)
I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes
I can understand texts containing everyday language; I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters
I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.
I can write personal letters describing experiences, impressions and give explanations for my opinions
B2 (Level 3, Upper Intermediate)
Comprendo discursos y conferencias extensos incluso sigo líneas argumentales complejas
Soy capaz de leer artículos e informes relativos a problemas contemporáneos en los que los autores adoptan posturas o puntos de vista concretos
Puedo participar en una conversación con cierta fluidez y espontaneidad, lo que posibilita la comunicación normal con hablantes nativos. Puedo tomar parte activa en debates
Soy capaz de escribir textos claros y detallados sobre una amplia serie de temas relacionados con mis intereses. Puedo escribir redacciones o informes
C1 and C2 (Level 4, Advanced)
Comprendo discursos extensos incluso cuando no están estructurados con claridad y cuando las relaciones están sólo implícitas y no se señalan explícitamente. Comprendo sin mucho esfuerzo los programas de televisión y las películas
Comprendo textos largos y complejos de carácter literario o basados en hechos, apreciando distinciones de estilo
Me expreso con fluidez y espontaneidad sin tener que buscar de forma muy evidente las expresiones adecuadas. Utilizo el lenguaje con flexibilidad y eficacia para fines sociales y profesionales
Puedo escribir sobre temas complejos en cartas, redacciones o informes resaltando lo que considero que son aspectos importantes. Selecciono el estilo apropiado para los lectores a los que van dirigidos mis escritos

Your level should be the one where you have stopped ticking the boxes on the “I can do this”. You can now enrol on the following classes:

If you have ticked at least two boxes of A1 Beginners or Fast-track

If you have ticked at least two boxes of A2 Level 1 classes

If you have ticked at least two boxes of B1 Level 2 classes or GCSE

If you have ticked at least two boxes of B2 Level 3 classes or AS Level

If you have ticked at least two boxes of C1 Level 4 classes

Writing assessment

For Levels 1 & 2 (A2 and B1)

We would like you to write about yourself, your family or your latest trip or holiday in Spanish below. For level 1, please writeapproximately 10-30 words. For level 2, please write 30-50 words and demonstrate at least 2 tenses. Please do not use a dictionary or any other aids.

For Levels 3 & 4 (B2 and higher)

Escriba una carta a una escuela de idiomas solicitando información sobre los cursos.

Para el nivel 3 tiene que escribir aproximadamente 50 a 70 palabras.

Para el nivel 4 tiene que escribir aproximadamente 70 palabras.

El uso de diccionario u otra clase de ayuda no está permitido