DearPermissions Manager,

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has recently undertaken a project to digitize its small special collection of sugar industry books and periodicals. Most of the works in this collection are out of print and are not likely to be reprinted.QUT is adding its contribution of digitisedsugar industry publications to the global Million Book Project led by CarnegieMellonUniversity. (For more information on the Million Book Project, please see the attached information.) QUT is one of the largest universities in Australia, respected for its scholarship and links to business and industry. (

We are seeking non-exclusive copyright permission from publishers to digitise their out-of-print, in-copyright works.

We ask that you consider granting QueenslandUniversity of Technology Librarya non-exclusive licence to digitise theenclosed list of titles which you have published.

Sometimes events happen that spark renewed interest in out-of-print books, creating the potential for revenue. Publishers participating in the Million Book Project will retain the right to withdraw permission and request removal of a book from the website for any reason. Books will be removed from the Million Book Project website at no cost to the copyright holder.

Your favorable response to our request will be greatly appreciated by the Million Book Project partners and the many future users of the collection.

A release form is enclosed. Please sign and return it to us. Your prompt reply would also be greatly appreciated as we are ready to commence our part of the Project.

If you have any questions about the “Million Book Project” at Queensland University of Technology, the rights we are seeking, or our plans, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

<Contact details removed>


PUBLISHER grants Queensland University of Technology Library a non-exclusive licence to digitize, store, archive and offer free-to-read on the World Wide Web, now and as it evolves over time, in PDF or any other comparable format deemed appropriate by Queensland University of Technology, whether the format now exists or is developed in the future, the enclosed list of titles and published by PUBLISHER, and to which PUBLISHER holds the copyright to copy, distribute and display.

The right shall continue for the remainder of the copyright term of any particular work unless earlier terminated by the copyright owner. This non-exclusive licence is revoked upon receipt of notice in writing by Manager, Library Resource Services, Queensland University of Technology from PUBLISHER.


(Print Name)

On Behalf of:





