Performance Assessment 2015

Religion/ ELA Grade 7

Option A

Illustration depicting both Jesus and family as a Light in a Dark World

Appropriate title

Student name

Body of the Booklet:

  1. The students should compose a brief introduction of the Beatitudes. They should include background information concerning the beatitudes and an explanation as to why they are still relevant today.
  2. Using the pre-made template included, students will develop a booklet incorporating the Person of Jesus, the Beatitudes and the modern family as a Light in a Dark World.
  3. On the top of each page is a blank area where the students should compose a brief description of the meaning of the chosen beatitude. On the left hand side of the template the students will need to use their Bibles to find an instance when Jesus lived out that particular Beatitude. The student will need to compose a brief summary, not more than 5-8 sentences of the event that is proof Jesus lived out this Beatitude. They should also reference the location they found the event in the Bible.
  4. On the right hand side of the graphic organizer, the student will need to compose a brief explanation, again not more than 5-8 sentences, of a time that a family member (include all family members, blood related or faith related) who is similarly living out the same beatitude.
  5. Both sides of the graphic organizer should be illustrated appropriately to coincide with the description.
  6. Repeat for 2 additional Beatitudes.


Students will compose a 2-3 paragraph reflection answering, but not limited to the following questions:

  • Which beatitude do you relate to most and explain why?
  • What did you learn from this project?
  • How can you incorporate your learning into your daily life?

Option B: Five Paragraph Essay

Students should compose a five paragraph essay based on one of the Eight Beatitudes. They should include Biblical references to the Beatitude, show evidence of Jesus incorporating the chosen Beatitude into his daily life and cite concrete examples of the Beatitude being carried out in today’s society.