Hinchingbrooke Maths Department

Ratio and Proportion Homework

Name: ………………………………………………

Question / 1 / 2 / 3, 4 / 5 / 6
Total Score / 2 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 3
Your Score

Q1. Andy and Trevor share 40 sweets in the ratio 11 : 9.

How many more sweets does Andy receive than Trevor?




Answer ......

(Total 2 marks)

Q2. The table shows some exchange rates.

£1 is worth 1.82 American dollars
£1 is worth 194 Japanese yen

Joanne buys a camera in America and pays 200 dollars.
Jack buys a similar camera in Japan and pays 20 370 yen.

In which country is the camera cheaper and by how much?







Answer Country ......

Amount ......

(Total 4 marks)

Q3. Packets of chocolate biscuits are sold in two sizes.

Which size is the better value for money?

You must show your working.





Answer ......

(Total 2 marks)

Q4. A shop sells tennis balls in two different sized packs.

Which pack is better value?

You must show your working.





Answer ......

(Total 3 marks)

Q5. 75 scientists are trapped in the Antarctic.

They have enough food for 30 days on full rations.

After 16 days on full rations a rescue party of 9 people arrive.

The rescue party brings enough food to increase existing supplies by 60%.

The weather then gets worse and both the scientists and the rescue party are trapped.

They decide to go on half rations.

How many more days before the food runs out?








Answer ...... days

(Total 4 marks)

Q6. Visitors to a theatre are classed as either children, adults or senior citizens.

The ratio of children to adult visitors is 2 : 3

The ratio of adults to senior citizen visitors is 4 : 5

A stratified sample of 70 is to be taken from the visitors to the theatre.

How many senior citizens should be in the sample?





Answer ......

(Total 3 marks)