Dr. Karrin Meffert-Nelson, Conductor

FAM 307


Phone: 7316

2014-2015Syllabus and Calendar

Welcome returning and new members to a great year of music in the VASA WIND ORCHESTRA! I look forward to an incredible year of musical growth for each of you as individuals and for our ensemble as a whole. Please read the syllabus carefully for important information regarding our year.


Tuesdays and Thursdays5:30-6:45pm

See the VASA CALENDAR and the VASA WIND ORCHESTRA PERFORMANCE CALENDAR for a few exceptions to the regular schedule. It is expected that all members will carefully mark all dates into their calendars immediately.

Please be warming up no later than 5:25 on full rehearsal days. We are a team dependent on the contribution of each individual. Be ready to contribute each and every rehearsal with tremendous FOCUS and musical ENERGY. This level of commitment and preparation is critical for the RESPECT for the musical process and for the team.


Each section is required to hold a weekly sectional rehearsal under the leadership and organization of their principal/section leader. These can take place at a time and location agreeable to the section. All members of the section must attend.

Schedule Information

The schedule might have a few alterations (ie: additional rehearsals, cancelled rehearsals, location change) due to dress rehearsals for concerts, Friday rehearsals, and/or breaks (Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, etc). I will communicate such changes well in advance. Do not assume changes unless posted.

Expectations and Grading

Grading is based on your personal and musical commitment/contribution to the development of the ensemble, attendance/timeliness to rehearsals and sectionals, and musical effort/demeanor throughout each rehearsal. Students that have an excellent work ethic and contribute to the ensemble by meeting and surpassing expectations should receive an ‘A’, reflecting their excellence in performance and preparation. Students that simply: show up, do not practice, disrupt or detract from the learning environment, try to “ride the wave of excellence created by others”, or do not meet expectations should receive a grade reflective of their work.

The Vasa Wind Orchestra, both as an ensemble and as an academic course, is designed to provide members with a fair opportunity to perform, learn, grow, and earn a final mark representative of their work.

Expectations and Etiquette

The following are a few items that are essential as we approach each rehearsal. There is no way to list every type of appropriate or inappropriate rehearsal behavior. However, an attitude of respect for the music and for one’s fellow musicians is essential to a great ensemble. The following are “rules of the road.”

  1. Arrive to rehearsal at least five minutes ahead of the scheduled beginning of the rehearsal. Use the time to warm up thoughtfully, so that you are physically and mentally prepared for the downbeat. Be prepared to play the most difficult passage in the music during the first five minutes of the rehearsal.
  2. Before the rehearsal begins, turn off all cell phones and other electronic communication devices. All electronic communication during rehearsal is prohibited (texting, twittering, etc.) This is an issue of respect for the music and for each other, personal maturity, and adult responsibility.
  3. The order of music will be on the board prior to each rehearsal. Before rehearsal begins, get your music ready.
  4. Have your pencil and other ancillary items (mutes, valve oil, etc.) with you at each rehearsal.
  5. When the conductor asks you to “mark that accent” or gives some other instruction to mark one’s music with a pencil, do mark the music immediately. Marking is not optional. When we mark, we remember the changes that we have made. Marking avoids hundreds of future mistakes. Please do not be casual about this issue.
  6. As we begin to warm up and create musical sounds, become engaged in the study effort by thinking and listening and responding to every sound. As great musicians, we can—and must—do this.
  7. Talk only about the music and talk only when necessary. This is an issue of respect for the music and for each other, personal maturity, and adult responsibility.
  8. Work hard to remain focused all the way to the end of the rehearsal. That is, play your best at the “bottom of the ninth inning” (the last ten minutes of the rehearsal) even when you are physically, mentally, or emotionally tired. Great music making is very challenging—BUT—the rewards are truly filled with majesty.
  9. As the great conductor Arturo Toscanini said, the rehearsal space is a “temple.” What we do in rehearsal commands our very best: in preparation, in listening (both to what is performed and what is said about the performance), in “trying again,” in attentiveness, and in personal maturity. When we pursue the excellence and greatness that lies inside of great music, the rewards and fulfillment that come to us are nothing short of magnificent!


  1. The first choice in good communication will always be “in person.”
  2. Nearly all “out of rehearsal” communication will be handled via email. SO – IT IS CRITIAL AND EXPECTED THAT YOU WILL READ YOUR EMAIL PROMPTLY, and will respond in an appropriate and professional manner. A mature approach to communication will serve you well not only at Gustavus, but in all your personal and professional relationships throughout life.

Grading (fall and spring semesters)

Preparation, Professionalism and Performance35%


Repertoire Reflection (see below)15%

Listening Reflection (see below)15%








Below 70F

Credit Options

It is expected that if you have credit space, you will take this course FOR CREDIT. However, it is possible that a rare instance might occur where a student is unable to register for VWO for credit. These students will likely be asked to register for the zero credit option. Students that are permitted to take the course for zero credit are expected to complete all assignments and course requirements listed. Please set up a meeting with the professor should you need to explore the zero credit option.

Preparation, Professionalism and Performance

This mark is based primarily upon professionalism, musical and artistic growth, and dedication to the ensemble through preparation, leadership, and professional behavior. Although grading for this portion of the course is subjective to some degree, promptness, solid preparation, committed practice, attendance at sectional rehearsals, communicating clearly with the instructor and your principal/section leader, an inquisitive and positive attitude will serve as the backbone of a high mark. If you prepare, practice and are patient with your colleagues, you should not expect to have your mark lowered.

This mark could be lowered due to an attitude or behavior detrimental to the ensemble’s well being. This includes the following policy regarding electronic devices:

“Internet applications, text messages, and other mobile phone usage for any reason during rehearsal are/is not allowed. If you use your phone during rehearsal, your grade will be lowered 5% for the first offense, 10% for the second and 15% for the third. If you wish to record rehearsals for your own study, please use a personal recording device, not a mobile telephone, and discuss this with the instructor ahead of time.”

Repertoire Reflection

This brief written reflection is designed to enhance the ensemble learning process by inviting members to explore, on a slightly deeper level, the history and context of two works from our fall concert program. This should be submitted to me at: no later than our fall concert date. Second semester, members can choose to write about two works from our March or May programs. The due dates are always the concert date of the works included.

These should be brief, on page, single spaced reflections. These reflections should include discovered information on the history of the composer and the work of art, including but not limited to time period, methods of composing, social context, etc. You are also welcome to write about connections with other pieces of music, aspects of your life, connections to other courses, etc. These are open-ended reflections aimed at deepening your artistic experience with the music.

Listening Reflection

Following our family concert performance, I will post our recording on Moodle. You are expected to listen to that recording and write a brief (2-3 paragraph) response to the listening. This should be submitted to me at: by Thursday, 10/23. Second semester listening details will be presented at the start of the semester.

Reflections should include positive and negative criticism of your own performance, your section’s performance, and the ensemble’s performance. Use this reflection to also discuss goals for personal and ensemble growth. Remember “criticism” means critical listening!


You are required to attend all rehearsals, performances and sectionals as scheduled. In case of an emergency, please contact the instructor. Excused absences from rehearsals will be allowed only for family emergencies, serious illness, and other case-by case incidents. For the case-by-case incidents, you must contact the instructor at least ONE MONTH prior to the rehearsal in question. In the case of severe illness, please provide documentation from college health services or a doctor.

Absences from performances and/or dress rehearsals will only be allowed for the most extreme illnesses and serious family emergencies and will require documentation. Please do not assume that any absence will be excused. Missing a performance or dress rehearsal unexcused will result in failure of the course.

Lab and course conflicts arise from time-to-time and are, occasionally, acceptable for members of VWO. You must arrange an individual plan for attendance ahead of time with the professor and uphold the agreement. This includes if you must arrive late from another class or rehearsal.

Concert Dress

Please note that members of the Vasa Wind Orchestra will need such attire for our first performance on Tuesday, October 7th (Nobel Conference Performance).

Dress for women is concert black. This means long black slacks with a formal black shirt with sleeves, or a long black skirt with a formal black shirt with sleeves, or a long black dress with sleeves. Ladies must wear shoes, not sandals or flip-flops.

For men, a black tuxedo with black bow tie and a white tuxedo shirt. If you do not own a tuxedo, you have the option to purchase new or used on your own. We make it easy for you however, with a visit to campus by J LONGS FORMAL WEAR from Mankato. You can be measured for and purchase a tuxedo for a discount from them at GAC. Detailed information will come to you via email.

*To take advantage of this offer, you must be present at Dr. Miller’s (JPM) office across from 106 on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 at 6:30pm. You will need a checkbook or a credit card with you at that time.


Check your schedule very carefully to be sure you have no conflicts with the following dates, including conflicts with theater/dance productions

Fall Semester


Performance: Tuesday, October 7th 12:40Lund Center

*call time 12:00

Dress rehearsal: Monday, October 6th5:30-6:20Lund Center


Performance: Sunday, October 12th2:00pmChrist Chapel

*call time 1:15

Dress rehearsal: Friday, October 10th5:30-6:20Christ Chapel


Performance: Saturday, November 15th 1:30pmBjorling Recital Hall

*call time 12:45

Dress rehearsal: Thursday, November 13th 5:30-6:45Bjorling Recital Hall


Performance: Tuesday, December 9th10:00amChrist Chapel

*call time 9:40

Dress rehearsal: Monday, December 8th4:30-6:30pmChrist Chapel

Spring Semester


Performance: Saturday, March 21st1:30pm Bjorling Recital Hall

*call time 12:45

Dress rehearsal: Thursday, March 19th 5:30-6:45pmBjorling Recital Hall


Performance: Saturday, May 16th1:30pmBjorling Recital Hall

*call time 12:30pm

Dress rehearsal: Thursday, May 14th5:30-6:45pmBjorling Recital Hall

VASA CALENDAR: Fall Semester 2014

Regular Rehearsal: 5:30-6:45pm



Thursday, 9/4First rehearsal!

Tuesday, 9/9Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 9/11Regular Rehearsal

*Weekly sectionals begin

Tuesday, 9/16Regular Rehearsal


Thursday, 9/18Regular Rehearsal

Dr. Miller conducting

Tuesday, 9/23Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 9/25Regular Rehearsal

Dr. Miller conducting

Tuesday, 9/30Regular Rehearsal


Thursday, 10/2Regular Rehearsal

Monday, 10/6DR-Nobel: Lund Center


Tuesday, 10/7NOBEL PERFORMANCE: Lund Center

Call Time: NOON

Performance Time: 12:40pm


Thursday, 10/9Regular Rehearsal

Friday, 10/10DR-Family Day Concert: Chapel


Sunday, 10/12FAMILY DAY CONCERT: Chapel

Call Time: 1:15pm

Performance Time: 2:00pm

Tuesday, 10/14Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 10/16Regular Rehearsal

Tuesday, 10/21No Rehearsal: Fall Break



*this replaces the weekly sectional time




Thursday, 10/30Full woodwind, brass and percussion sectionals, guest faculty


Tuesday, 11/4Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 11/6Regular Rehearsal

Tuesday, 11/11Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 11/13DR-Fall Concert: Bjorling Recital Hall


SATURDAY, 11/15FALL CONCERT: Bjorling Recital Hall

Call Time: 12:45pm

Performance Time: 1:30pm

Tuesday, 11/18Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 11/20Regular Rehearsal

Tuesday, 11/25NO REHEARSAL

Safe Thanksgiving travels!!


Tuesday, 12/2Regular Rehearsal

Thursday, 12/4Regular Rehearsal

Monday, 12/8DR-Winds of Christmas: Chapel



Call Time: 9:40am

Performance Time: 10:00am

VASA PARTY 5:30pm in 106

iii. Disability Services

Gustavus Adolphus College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs. If you have a documented disability (or you think you may have a disability of any nature) and, as a result, need reasonable academic accommodation to participate in class, take tests or benefit from the College’s services, then you should speak with the Disability Services staff, for a confidential discussion of your needs and appropriate plans. Course requirements cannot be waived, but reasonable accommodations may be provided based on disability documentation and course outcomes. Accommodations cannot be made retroactively; therefore, to maximize your academic success at Gustavus, please contact Disability Services as early as possible. Disability Services ( is located in the Academic Support Center.

iv. Academic Honesty

Full descriptions of the Academic Honesty Policy and the Honor Code can be found in the Academic Catalog (online at ).

For more information about the Honor Code, contact Dean Darrin Good ( or x7541).

v. Multilingual Student Support

Support for English learners and multilingual students is available through the Academic Support Center’s English Learning Specialist ( The ELS can meet individually with students for tutoring in writing, consulting about academic tasks, and helping students connect with the College’s support systems. When requested, the ELS can consult with faculty regarding effective classroom strategies for English learners and multilingual students. The ELS can provide students with a letter to a professor that explains and supports appropriate academic arrangements (e.g., additional time on tests, additional revisions for papers). Professors make decisions based on those recommendations at their own discretion. In addition, English learners and multilingual students can seek help from peer tutors in the Writing Center (

Questions about these policies can be directed to Dean Paula O’Loughlin ( or x7541) or Dean Darrin Good ( or x7541).