Bartlett Youth Football (the “BYF” or the "League") as a mission gives the youth in our community

the opportunity to play organized football (both contact or otherwise), in order to promote the ideals of

teamwork, good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and honorable character. The Board of Directors, League Commissioner, League Directors, Coaches, volunteers, players, parents/guardians, and any other participants engaged in, or present at, any Bartlett Youth Football activity or function are expected through their individual and corporate conduct, to promote the missions and policies of the League, and abide by all of the behaviors traditionally associated with such ideals.

The BYF, as a legally recognized and properly formed corporate entity, takes a strong position against any conduct which its Board deems unbefitting of the ideals of teamwork, good sportsmanship, goodcitizenship, honorable character, as associated with the development of youth participants. To that end,upon any report to any member of the Board of Directors,coach,volunteer, or parent/guardian of a participant by an eye-witness of a personal misconduct demonstrated by any individual(s) participating in any BYF activity or function regarding any behavior which defies such ideals, will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, including suspension, dismissal, or expulsion (whether temporary or permanent) from participation in the League in whatever capacity. The BYF Board of Director vests its disciplinary authority in the form of a Grievance Committee. All decisions of the Grievance Committee shall be final and binding and not subject to Board Review.

  1. All Head Coaches participating in the BYF will be required to review this policy with their players,player’s parents/guardians, all assistant coaches, and any person having contact or providinginstruction to the team's players prior to any such individual participating in a team's practice. It issuggested that such review be held at the beginning of the team's first practice and upon anyaddition of such an individual intending to have contact with or provide instruction to any player.
  1. Immediately upon witnessing or receiving an eye-witness report of improper conduct (to includeviolation of Titles VI, Title IX and ADA) of any of the aforementioned persons, the person takingthe report shall contact the associated Coach(es) and/or the nearest Board Member.
  1. The individual receiving the report will take immediate action to remedy the situation at hand (e.g.if there is improper conduct on the field or in the game that must be immediately addressed).Coaches and Directors have the right to require an individual to leave the premises if deemednecessary to gain immediate control of the situation. If the issue of concern involves a member of
  1. Once there is assurance that the immediate situation is under control, a written report must be filed

with the BYF Board of Directors, within 5 days of the event. The President of BYF shall immediately notify the involved parties ofthe claim and schedule a hearing to be completed within 7 days. Reports should be completed onthe BYF form labeled “Grievance Form”.

  1. Grievance Committee Composition
  2. Parents and Player and grievances will be heard by a grievance committee comprised of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
  3. Coach and BoardMember grievances shall be heard by a grievance committee of 3 BYF parents whose names shall be randomly generated from the membership. Parents shall be unable to serve on the grievance committee if:

-They have a child or a sibling on the team or in the division in which the conflict exists

-They are on the board of directors

*This should make sure that the process is fair and non-partisan. The secretary from BYF shall serve as the scribe for the hearing. The hearing shall have a BYF presiding officer assigned to the hearing to make sure there are no process related questions. The officer will be from a disaffected division as not to influence the outcome. In the event that the grievances have multiple offenses and involve board members, coaches, parents, and players the grievance committee shall be coach and board member grievance committee composition of 3 parents.

  1. Grievance Hearing Process

a. Personally interview the involved parties on the schedule hearing date

Hearing Rules – the hearing shall follow the following process:

- Plaintiff and Defendants shall bring forth their arguments and call no more than 3 witnesses. One at a time. Witnesses must be adults.

- Once testimony is complete, the grievance committee shall deliberate in private and bring back a decision.

b. Upon reviewing the complaint and evidence, the Grievance Committee will make a determination of the proper action to be taken. Committee action will be majority vote of the committee. In the event of no majority, the default action is no action. Actions include:

- Take no action

- Official Apology

- Warning

-- Single/Multi Game Suspension

- Expulsion from the league

c. The grievance committee designee shall notify the parties and the board of their final decision.

d. The grievance committee decision will be final and binding.

e. The grievance committee decision shall be made the night of the hearing after deliberation

At no time should this policy or procedure and/or any associated decision of any kind be understood to

conflict with the BYF Bylaws, which are the foundation of the organization.

Failure of any member of the Board of Directors to act on thisprocedure in a timely manner may result in immediate dismissal from their position within the association.

Possible temporary suspension or permanent expulsion from the BYF, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, may be warranted. Bartlett Youth Football wants to be timely informed about any misconduct of all of its members, andparticipants, including but not limited to coaches, volunteers, parents/guardians, players and members of its Board of Directors.


By affixing my signature below, I hereby certify that I have read the Bartlett Youth Football League

Grievance Policy and Procedures, and agree to abide by the policy as set forth in the mission - to promotethe ideals of teamwork, good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and honorable character


Parent / Guardian / Member Printed Name