September 6, 2016 9:00 a.m.
COMMISSIONERS: David Berry, President
Rick Woodall, Vice President
Donald Walton
ATTORNEY: James Ensley, Attorney
AUDITOR: Lorie Hallett, Auditor
AUDIENCE: 8 individuals
The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on September 6, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. David Berry opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.
Chief Deputy, Phil Parker had several items to discuss with the Commissioners.
1. The Sheriff’s Department has 7 patrol vehicles to decommission. Phil requested to auction off at a cost of 10%-15% of the sale.
Jim Ensley gave the Commissioners for 3 different auction companies. The discussion was held as to sell everything together or sell the Sheriff and Highway separate.
Phil Parker said that the Sheriff’s Department would like to use Troy Mc Elflush.
Donald Walton made a motion to hire Troy Mc Elfush and to make sure all the legalities are covered, to sell 7 vehicles only. Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried.
2. The Sheriff has had a K-9 for 5 years and has become extremely aggressive. The K-9 is now with a seconded Deputy in one year.
The Sheriff is uncomfortable with this dog and The Department of Correction is willing to take this animal. The do is costing the county money.
The Sheriff is asking to transfer this K-9 to The Department of Correction. Todd Smith, Attorney for the Sheriff has done all the necessary legal work for the transfer.
Donald Walton made a motion to transfer the K-9 to The Department of Correction with the correct paperwork being prepared. David Berry seconded the motion. The motion carried.
3. Phil informed the Commissioners that they would like to participate in a Federal Firearms Exchange.
Currently the Department has 6 models that the Deputies are using and 5 calibers. The current firearms are well used.
Phil is asking to go from 100 firearms to 45. They would only have 2 options, 9 mm or 45.
This would be of no impact on the County budget as $28,000.00 would come from the sale of the current firearms, and the difference would come from the Firearms Permit fund.
Phil said the only problem would be qualifying officers. Training will take a 3 day school.
Rick Woodall made a motion to allow proceeding with weapons exchange and Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Mike Ricketts told the Commissioners that they had 8 pieces of equipment that needed to be disposed of.
Rick Woodall made a motion to hire Ted Everets Auction to serve as the company to auction the equipment for the County at a cost of 15% of the sale. Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Mike said that Hanson Aggregates would be moving rock from one side of County Road 900 South to the other. Mike said in prior times they have used their own flagman. Mike will continue to research to cover the County’s interest in the road and bridge. Mike will Call Mark at Bliss Mc Knight.
Mike also gave the Commissioners updates on current projects:
1. County Road 900 East North of 36 they are strip patching.
2. Manhattan Road they are milling today and paving next week.
3. Horseshoe Drive will start in mid October.
4. Covered bridges they will be painting 7.
5. Federal Aid Project Bridge #137-Crowes Bridge they are behind on dirt work and then will be pouring bridge deck.
6. Bridge #248 they will prepay for beams change order in the amount of $97,564.50. David Berry made a motion to sign change order and Donald Walton seconded the motion.
7. Bridge #8 is done and open they will wait until next year to do approaches.
8. Bridge #42 is torn out.
9. Bridge #76 the concrete work is done this week.
10. Bridges #110 and 165 they are waiting permit.
11. Bridge #215 they are working on bid packages.
12. Working on setback due to right of way issues.
Jim Ensley told the Commissioners that the ordinance they passed in the spring for a blanket bond for employees, we now have an application.
The cost of the blanket bond is at a cost of $350.00 for a term of 12 months from January to December for 50 employees and each employee is covered up to $5,000.00. The bond will renew in January and a credit will be issued for the difference.
Rick Woodall made a motion to proceed with the application and Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 8-18-2016 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 8-25-2016 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by David Berry. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 9-1-2016 were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 9-6-2016 were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
Payroll from 8-19-2016 was approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.
Payroll from 9-2-2016 was approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by David Berry. The motion carried.
1. Thank you from Beyond Homeless.
2. IDEM Receipt of Air Permit Application for NALC, LLC
3. Harrington Law Second Motion To Continue Hearing On Appropriation Of Real Estate.
4. Indiana Dept. of Correction Appropriation of County Misdemeanant fund.
5. GIE determination of claim #GIE02528ML-21-1 Ashley Crabb
6. GIE determination of claim #GIE02528ML-24-1 Tannance Holiday
7. West Central Indiana Economic Development, notice of workshop.
8. IDEM Receipt of Air Permit Application for POET Biorefining.
9. IDEM Notice of Public Comment Chiyoda
10. IDEM Notice of Approval Poet Biorefining
11. IDEM Notice from Office of Water Quality for a sanitary sewer permit from Global Construction Management/Whispering Winds subdivision.
12. Tort claim from Fleschner Stark Tanoos & Newlin- V. Rhodes
Donald Walton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rick Woodall seconded. The motion carried.
David Berry, President Rick Woodall, Vice President
Donald Walton Attest: Auditor’s Office