North East Premier League
Minutes of the League Management
Committee held on 19 January 2016
Officers:Keith Robson (Chairman), Gordon Halliday (Secretary), Jeff Marshall (Assistant Secretary) and Keith Telford (Treasurer)
Committee:Peter Brown, Peter Connolly,Mark Appleton (item 13 only), John Smithson, Adrian Wood and Keith Shaw
Apologies for Absence: Bob Jackson and Doug Hudson,
1.Election of Officials
1.1The following nominations were proposed, seconded and agreed – KR as Chairman, GH as Secretary, JM as Assistant Secretary and KT as Treasurer.
1.2KR welcomed JM to the LMC and indicated that his main responsibilities would be registrations and results. PC would continue as Registrations Secretary until the end of April when he would be replaced by JM. PC reported that he has met with JM and provided him with all necessary documentation. KT would continue as Results Secretary until the end of the 2016 season when he would be replaced by JM. KT and JM would meet in due course to discuss the role. (ACTION: KT/JM)
2.Membership of Sub-Committees
2.1The following changes compared to 2015 were agreed.
- GH to replace PC on the Match Play Sub-Committee.
- JM to replace PC on the Registration Sub-Committee.
- AW to replace VH on the Facilities Sub-Committee
- JM to be added to Results Sub-Committee.
- KS to replace CS as Chairman of the Dinner and Presentation Evening Sub-Committee. CS to remain on Sub-Committee.
- Delete requirement for the membership of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee to be drawn from DCB and NCB members.
2.2A replacement for JS as Manager of the NEPL Under 21 team is required. Any Club wishing to suggest someone for this role is asked to contact GH. (ACTION: ALL CLUBS)
3.Minutes of the meeting held on 10 November2015
3.1The minutes were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
4.Matters arising from minutes of meeting held on 10 Novembernot dealt with elsewhere on the agenda
3.1All correspondence was considered under other agenda items.
6.League Structures Working Party
6.1The Working Party has agreed an outline proposal for consideration by each league. It was agreed that the LMC would strongly endorse the proposal as being in the best interests for the future of the NEPL and recommend its adoption by Member Clubs at a Special General Meeting. The Secretary would make the necessary arrangements for the AGM including preparing the paperwork. GH would circulate the draft motion to LMC members for approval before it is sent formally to Clubs. (ACTION: GH)
6.2The Working Party had also asked each League to complete a schedule identifying its essential and desirable criteria for promotion into the League. A response was agreed and would be forwarded to the Working Party. (ACTION: GH)
7.NEPL Club and Ground Criteria 2016
7.1The NEPL Club and Ground Criteria for promotion to the NEPL at the end of the 2016 season were discussed and agreed. One aspect required agreement by the DCB following which GH would forward the criteria to the DCL and make arrangements for the list to be published on the NEPL web site and in the NEPL handbook. (ACTION GH)
8.Proposed Changes to Match Play Rules
8.1Following a meeting of the Match Play Sub-Committee a schedule of proposed changes had been circulated. The proposed changes were agreed subject to a number of amendments. Comments would be sought from Midweek league teams on the one change proposed. (ACTION: GH)
9.Strategy for Cricket in England 2016-2020
9.1It was agreed that GH would respond to the ECB on behalf of the NEPL. The main point to be made would be that the Strategy should acknowledge the important role played by Premier Leagues at the apex of the recreational club game. (ACTION: GH)
10.Meeting with CricHQ and subsequent developments
10.1KT reported that a meeting had taken place between representatives of the NEPL and CricHQ. A note of the meeting had been circulated. CricHQ have purchased TCS and it appears that they are seeking to position the company for further expansion. Clarification on some of the matters raised at the meeting had been sought from ECB who had confirmed that Premier Leagues are required to continue to use Play Cricket as the platform for recording results. It was agreed that the NEPL should continue to use Play Cricket and Whos the Umpire in 2016. KT would advise CricHQ accordingly. (ACTION: KT)
10.2KT also reported that the Durham Cricket Board ACO is running a course on Total Cricket Scorer for experienced scorers who wish to score electronically. The course will take place on Saturday 19March at the Emirates Durham ICG. NEPL Clubs interested in attending should contact KT.(ACTION: ALL CLUBS)
10.3Also any NEPL Club wishing to introduce "live score" and or automatic updating of scores onto Play Cricket in 2016 that has any queries should contact KT who will try to answer queries. (ACTION: ALL CLUBS)
11League Web Site
11.1GH reported on an approach by Pitchero who are offering to establish a NEPLweb site. Sam Blacklock has welcomed this and offered to keep the web site up to date. JS indicated that the Eppleton CC web site uses the Pitchero platform and he recommended it. GH indicated that Pitcheromight be willing to provide some sponsorship for the NEPL. It was agreed that further discussions should take place with Pitchero with a view to setting up the new web site. (ACTION: GH)
12.T20 and Banks Promotional Material
12.1Jamie Arkle has offered to prepare publicity material for the T20 and Banks competitions. Suggested artwork had been circulated. It was agreed that this would be supported and JA be thanked for his initiative. GH would discuss with JA how best to take this forward. (ACTION: GH)
13.Sub-Committee Reports
13.1GH left the room during discussion of this item. KR and PC briefed the remainder of the Committee on a letter received from South Northumberland CC concerning the League's current policy with regards to the period of residency required for an Overseas Player to be classified as "overseas Exempt". The letter requested that the Committee considers bringing the qualifying period (2 years) into line with the 18 months stipulated by the ECB in its generic rules. The Committee debated the matter at some length but, in the end, decided not to change its current policy.
Match Play
13.2No additional matters were raised.
13.3GH reported that he had written to Washington CC and Felling CC regarding their low pitch marks for season 2015. A meeting is being arranged between Felling CC, NEPL and Paul Jackson, ECB pitch advisor. AW reported that the letter from NEPL has been sent to Sunderland BC, the Washington CC ground owners, and a response has been promised by 31 January.
13.4MA reported that all Clubs have been asked which pot they would like to be in for the U15 competition and the deadline for responses is 22 January. The Sub- Committee will then meet to make the draws for the 2016 competitions.
13.5PB reported that there are 61 umpires on the NEPL Panel for season 2016 but only 47 of these will be umpiring on Saturdays. With 46 umpires required each Saturday it is inevitable that some 2nd XI matches will have only one umpire.
13.6So far appointments have been made for all Cup, Midweek League and Sunday League matches and the Saturday matches will follow soon.
13.7No matters to report.
Fixtures and Handbook
13.8GH reported that a quote would be sought from Prontoprint for the printing of 425 copies of the handbook and 125 copies of the condensed version. NCCC have agreed to place an advert and DCCC will also be approached. All Clubs are asked to identify other potential advertisers and inform GH (ACTION: ALL CLUBS)
Dinner and Presentation Evening
10.9It was agreed that the dinner and presentation evening should be held at the Centre for Life in late October. KS would make enquiries of the venue and would bring a proposal, including date, guest speaker and compere, to the next meeting. (ACTION: KS)
10.10No matters to report.
10.11No matters to report.
11.Treasurer’s Report
11.1The report had been circulated and there were no further matters to report.Honoraria were agreed for various officers.
12.Any OtherBusiness
12.1KR would be arranging the Dukes balls order soon. (ACTION: KR)
10.Date of next League Management Committee meetings
10.1The SGM would be held on 23 February. The next LMC meeting would take place immediately following the SGM.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
Signed: Keith Robson (Chairman)
Date: 23 February 2016