SAMPLE INITIAL ACTION PLAN – Standing Objectives – All Events

SAMPLE INITIAL ACTION PLAN –StandingObjectives – AllEvents

Each function has a specific role as the emergency unfolds. Start by finding your initial objectives on this list and then get out your function checklist. If any function is not staffed, someoneon site must be assigned these additional objectives.

Decision to Activate EOC


  • Gather information about the impact (eye witness reports, 9-1-1 dispatch center, radio/TV stations, staff, volunteers, clients, other cities, Operational Area).
  • Review generic and function checklists.
  • Use Disaster Time Sheets.
  • Monitor your EOC email account.
  • Make contact with your counterparts if other EOCs are activated.
  • Document everything.


  • Send out message to alert clients, staff, volunteers.
  • Review Hazard-Specific considerations sheet for this type of event.
  • Prioritize incidents and set Management Objectives.
  • Set an Action Planning schedule.
  • Evaluate potential multi-shift operation and create a staffing plan, based on EOC Activation levels document.
  • Keepboard members briefed.
  • Assess the impact on essential functions and initiate continuity of operations (key staff, law, fire, utilities, etc.).
  • Evaluate our ability to assist the community.
  • Include people with access and functional needs in planning and response processes.
  • Determine the need to proclaim a local emergency.


  • Send public information through media sources within 90 minutes and assure the public that you are monitoring/assessing/evaluating the situation and will provide additional information via various communication methods (include Social Media).
  • Set a Press Release schedule and provide to media.
  • Work with EOC Team to develop an information distribution list of stakeholders.
  • Provide early public information about donations to reduce the number of unwanted items.
  • Monitor and correct any person or organization who might be providing inaccurate information.
  • Notify the surrounding jurisdictions if they may be impacted by the event.
  • Consider the need for a Joint Information Center.
  • Request outside agency participation.
  • Identify JIC location.
  • Evaluate and request equipment/tools/technology.

Emergency Manager

  • Set up the EOC within 30 minutes of the event.
  • Contact the Operational Area (CADRE Unit) and advise that you are activated.
  • Coordinate activities with other organizations.
  • Coordinate with EOC Director to identify other departments/agencies/staff who should be included in EOC coordination activities and notify them to respond to the EOC.

Planning & Intell

  • Obtain the status of clients, staff and volunteers.
  • Identify anyscheduled events that may need postponement/cancellation.
  • Mapincident/event information and maintain Status Boards that are accessible to all EOC members.
  • Identify potential mapping needs and prepare electronic and paper copies for the field and EOC.
  • Provide damage estimate to City.


  • Test all communication systems (Ham radio, AM radio, EOC-to-EOC radio, telephones, cell phones, internet, email.
  • Identify Critical Resources (things we may run out of quickly such as radios, batteries, toilet paper, fuel, etc.) and begin reorder process.
  • Estimate the number of EOC staff and first responders and develop a feeding plan.
  • Track resources in use and available resources.
  • Earthquake
  • Establish restroom/sanitation procedures.
  • Plan for food and water distribution.


  • Establish contact with the Incident Command Post(s).
  • Consider the impact of the event on traffic and develop a traffic plan if needed.
  • Process first responders’ resource requests ASAP.
  • Ensure critical infrastructure/utilities are being checked.
  • Anticipate needs of the first responders and coordinate with Logistics.
  • Identify evacuation sites, if needed.
  • Identify strategic areas for staging animals, if necessary.


  • Track all costs.
  • Track all EOC team and volunteer time.
  • Ensure that people are documenting their actions/purchases.
  • Assist other sections when possible.

CADRE 1 of 2Edited 4/4/2016