Summertime relishes

Corn Relish

Great Smokey Mountains Natural History Association

·  4 cups fresh corn kernels

·  5 cups chopped green peppers

·  2 cups chopped onion

·  2 cups cucumbers, sliced — unpeeled

·  4 cups ripe tomatoes — chopped

·  4 cups vinegar

·  2 cups sugar

·  1/4 cup salt

·  1 tablespoon turmeric

·  1 tablespoon mustard seed

Combine vegetables. Add vinegar, sugar, salt, turmeric, and mustard seed.
Heat to boiling, simmer 25 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.

Seal in hot, sterilized jars.
Makes six pints.

Dilled Green Beans
Home Canning – Cooperative Extension Service – MSU

·  4 pounds green beans — whole (4 qts)

·  hot red pepper, crushed — 1/4 tsp per pint jar

·  mustard seed — 1/2 tsp per pint jar

·  dill seed — 1/2 tsp per pint jar

·  garlic — 1 clove per pint jar

·  5 cups vinegar

·  5 cups water

·  1/2 cup salt

Wash beans thoroughly; drain and cut into lengths to fill pint jars. Pack beans into clean, hot jars; add pepper, mustard seed, dill seed, and garlic.

Combine vinegar, water, and salt; heat to boiling. Pour boiling liquid over beans, filling to 1/2 inch of top of jar. Adjust jar lids.

Process in boiling water for 5 minutes. (Start to count processing time as soon as water in canner returns to boiling.) Remove jars. Set jars upright, several inches apart, on a wire rack to cool.

Grape and Green Tomato Chutney
America’s Best Recipes (1992)

·  2 pounds green tomatoes — sliced

·  4 medium Granny Smith apple — peeled & diced

·  2 3/4 cups dark brown sugar — firmly packed

·  2 cups cider vinegar

·  1 cup raisins

·  2/3 cup chopped onion

·  1/2 teaspoon salt

·  3 cups green grapes — seedless

·  1 tablespoon mustard seeds

·  2 teaspoons ground ginger

·  1 teaspoon dry mustard

·  1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Combine first 7 ingredients in a large Dutch oven; stir well. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered, 30 minutes. Add grapes and seasonings; stir well. Cook, uncovered, over medium heat 1 hour or until mixture is thickened.

Spoon chutney into hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch head space; wipe jar rims. Cover at once with metal lids, and screw on bands. Process in boiling-water bath 15 minutes. Serve chutney with curried dishes or cheese.
Yield: 2 1/2 pints

Green Tomato Chow-Chow
Too Many Tomatoes, Beans, Squash and Other Good Things

16 cups green tomatoes

·  1 large head of cabbage

·  8 onions

·  6 green peppers

·  6 sweet red peppers

·  1/2 cup salt

·  15 cups vinegar

·  5 cups sugar

·  3 tablespoons dry mustard

·  1 tablespoon powdered ginger

·  1 tablespoon turmeric

·  4 tablespoons mustard seed

·  3 tablespoons celery seed

·  2 tablespoons pickling spice

Chop and combine all vegetables in a large kettle. Stir in salt and let stand at room temperature overnight. Drain.

Combine vinegar, sugar, dry mustard, ginger, and turmeric in a large kettle. Put mustard seed, celery seed, and pickling spices in a 6-inch square of cheese-cloth. Tie with a string and add to the kettle. Bring the liquid to a boil and then simmer 30 minutes. Add vegetables and return to simmer for 30 minutes. Discard spice bag. Spoon into hot sterilized jars and seal.

Pear Relish
Southern Sideboards
12 pounds hard pears — about 40

o  peeled, cored, and quartered

·  4 green peppers — seeded & quartered

·  2 pounds onions — peeled & quartered

·  5 cups white vinegar

·  4 cups sugar

·  2 1/2 tablespoons salt

·  2 tablespoons whole mixed pickling spice

·  2 tablespoons turmeric

Run pears, onions and peppers through food grinder. Drain off all liquid.

Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, pickling spice and turmeric. Boil 10 minutes. Add pears, onions, and peppers. Boil 15 minutes. Spoon into hot sterilized jars and seal quickly. This is very good with meats or vegetables.
Yield: 8 or 9 pints.

Pickled Crab Apples
Food And Recipes Of The Smokies – Rose Houk
Great Smokey Mountains Natural History Association

·  6 cups vinegar

·  8 cups brown sugar

·  2 teaspoons cloves

·  1 stick cinnamon

·  8 pounds crab apples

Boil vinegar, brown sugar, cloves, and cinnamon together. Leave stems on crab apples. Add to syrup and boil until fruit is tender. Remove the fruit and pack into jars. Pour in syrup. Seal.

Tomato Ketchup
The Foxfire Book Of Appalachian Cookery – Edited by Linda Garland Page & Eliot Wigginton
Chapel Hill

·  1 gallon cooked tomatoes — about 1 peck

·  1/2 cup sugar

·  2 tablespoons dry mustard

·  1 tablespoon ground allspice

·  1 pint cider vinegar

·  3 tablespoons salt

·  1 tablespoon black pepper

·  1/2 tablespoon ground cloves

Select good, ripe tomatoes. Scald and strain through a coarse sieve to remove seed and skin. When the tomatoes become cold add the remaining ingredients. Let simmer slowly for 3 hours. Pour in bottles or jars. Process for 15 minutes in boiling water bath.

Home Canning – Cooperative Extension Service – MSU

·  50 pounds cabbage

·  1 pound salt, pure granulated — 1 1/2 cups

Remove outer leaves and any undesirable portions from firm, mature, heads of cabbage; wash and drain. Cut into halves or quarters; remove the core. Use a shredder or sharp knife to cut the cabbage into thin shreds about the thickness of a dime.

In a large container, thoroughly mix 3 tablespoons salt with 5 pounds shredded cabbage. Let the salted cabbage stand for several minutes to wilt slightly; this allows packing without excessive breaking or bruising of the shreds.

Pack the salted cabbage firmly and evenly into a large clean crock or jar. Using a wooden spoon or tamper or the hands, press down firmly until the juice comes to the surface. Repeat the shredding, salting, and packing of the cabbage until the crock is filled to within 3 to 4 inches of the top.

Cover the cabbage with a clean, thin, white cloth (such as muslin) and tuck the edges down against the inside of the container. Cover with a plate or round paraffined board that just fits inside the container so that the cabbage is not exposed to the air. Put a weight on top of the cover so the brine comes to the cover but not over it. A glass jar filled with water makes a good weight.

A newer method of covering cabbage during fermentation consists of placing a plastic bag filled with water on top of the fermenting cabbage. The water-filled bag seals the surface from exposure to air and prevents the growth of film yeast or molds. It also serves as a weight. For extra protection the bag with the water in it can be placed inside another plastic bag.

Any bag used should be of heavyweight, watertight plastic and intended for use with foods.

The amount of water in the plastic bag can be adjusted to give just enough pressure to keep the fermenting cabbage covered with brine.

Formation of gas bubbles indicates fermentation is taking place. A room temperature of 68 to 72 degrees is best for fermenting cabbage. Fermentation is usually completed in 5 to 6 weeks.

Fully fermented kraut may be kept tightly covered in the refrigerator for several months, or it may be canned as follows: Hot Pack: Bring kraut and liquid slowly to a boil in a large kettle, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and fill jars rather firmly with kraut and juices, leaving 1/2-inch headspace.

Raw Pack: Fill jars firmly with kraut, and cover with juices, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids and process.

Hot Pack:

·  Pint jars………..10 minutes

·  Quart jars……..15 minutes

Raw Pack:

·  Pint jars………20 minutes

·  Quart jars…….25 minutes