Marketing and Public Works Outreach Committee (MPWO)
June 22, 2017
Attendees: Diana, Misty, Juel, Bethany, Grace, Erin, Amy,
Not in attendance: Roger, Cathy, Brett, Sherry, Dara, Jon, Lauren, Ken,
Enhance Membership Engagement -Brett
  • New Member Outreach. In June, Erin sent an email to 78 new members who joined since January 1, 2017. She hasn’t seen any response or feedback but the process seemed to go well. It is on her task list to send this email the first Tuesday of every month to new members who joined the preceding month to enhance membership engagement.
  • Annual update to New Member Packet. Winter timeframe/Juel task
  • New member selfie page
Public Works Magazine– Ken – move to next meeting
  • Support magazine development with Patrick Skillings w/readership impressions, editorial calendar, messaging/theme, solicit articles, etc.
  • New member selfie page
Chapter Photo Galleries - Diana
  • Develop Management Plan
Chapter Website- Juel
  • Ongoing Website Maintenance – Winter review for updates
  • Project Awards – Now showing on a rotation on the home page. Project completed, looks awesome – thanks to Juel
Committee Report
  • Membership Committee - Brett
  • Construction Management committee – Misty volunteered to be liaison for this committee
  • Other committee MPWO roles – Need Volunteers
Marketing Consultant - Lilt
  • Updates. Quiet, will concentrate on conference. Job postings are down for the summer.
  • 2018 conference. Scott picked a theme for the Conference theme: Diversity Expedition. Will begin working early on graphics and good speakers.
Fall Conference Update – Cathy McKay
  • White Paper Ideas, Presentation Ideas
  • Amy Cloud City of Bellingham, paper submitted. Delay on papers approved. Getting closer to being able to announce speakers for the conference. Waiting on green light from Jon. ‘Communication best practices’.
Communications – Need Volunteer – Juel/Bethany/Diana to create matrix.
  • Develop Communications Calendar – themed by committee e.g. May is Sustainability Month highlighting across all SoMe channels
  • Social Media – FB, Twitter, Linked In
  • Eblasts
  • PR – press releases to publications about APWA events/successes
If committee can develop calendar and communicate to other committees and BOD, Lilt will do heavy lifting to implement. Company shout out.
Other Business
  • Erin suggested that the regular email blasts that are sent to membership include an item from this committee. Would be a good idea to come up with a plan for information that we could put into a ‘marketing and PR’type section each month i.e. Marketing tips / tricks for the trade.
  • We did do Public Works week on SoMe. There was good participation on FB and LI. Some agencies had content from entire team, others were by individual. It was good to have excitement around the summer time frame vs. just the conferences. This led to a discussion about other ‘themes’ we can tag onto, Misty mentioned the April Work zone awareness week as an option.
  • Diana suggested having a brainstorming session focused on the goals and work plan for this committee to come up with ideas on how we can accomplish these in a creative way that serves membership. Juel suggested we do this via email to garner initial involvement so that we don’t need to coordinate a meeting.
/ Erin to send New Member Welcome email the 1st Tuesday of each month. Initial mailing went well.
Juel to initiate discussion to update new member packet this winter. Annual assessment.
Diana to check in with Ken and Patrick on the magazine project and determine how we can help.
Diana needs to develop a Photo Galleries management plan still.
Amy to let committee know if paper was accepted
Juel/Bethany/Erin/Diana to develop matrix tool for planning communications. Forward to committee for volunteers to ‘own’ key tasks
Diana and Juel to develop a discussion email on these topics for broader brainstorming and for use as a decision tool going forward.