College Panhellenic Association

Meeting Minutes


The regular weekly meeting of the College Panhellenic Association was held on WEDNESDAY February 11th, 2015 at 4:36pm

Present in Voting: Alpha Delta Pi: PRESENT AND VOTING






ALPHA DELTA PI motioned to forgo the reading of the past minutes, DELTA PHI EPSILON seconded the motion, the past minutes stand approved as sent by the Vice President of Administration.

Guest speakers:

  • Tim Drevins- Relay for life- March 27th-28th, 7pm-7am. FAU track and field. to register. FREE for Pre-register only.

Officer reports:

  • VP of Administration
  • Chapter dues Invoices have been sent out. They are due February 25th at the general meeting. Let me know if you would like an emailed copy
  • Please send your pro/con list for the exploratory committee via email to me
  • We are starting a new incentive to promote the CPA meetings! Each time you come to a meeting you can enter your name in a drawing, which will take place at the end of the month!
  • VP of Communication
  • Each chapter please have at least one CPA women of the month nomination don’t forget, must be women in a chapter other than your own. Refer to the application attached.
  • Philanthropy council met on Sunday and reviewed all packets.
  • Please send me appropriate pictures of your chapter excluding CPA exec, recruitment directors and Rho gammas.
  • VP of Programming
  • Bracelets are available in the SI office. PLEASE PICK THEM UP.
  • IFC is putting on an Easter egg hunt for the children of the faculty administration on Sat March 28th 9-11 free speech lawn we need volunteers to help set up. Email
  • Game of the semester, next Thursday Feb 19th at the Burrow. Tailgate 5pm game at 7.
  • Scholarship banquet tomorrow night the 12th doors open at 6:30pm faculty club
  • Relay for life: Once upon a time theme. March 27th-28th 7pm-7am.
  • Alpha delta lambda Hoops for hunger: March 31st. 3 on 3 basketball tournament $15 per team. Benefiting Feeding south Florida. More info:
  • AEPi princess is next week Feb 16-20. Chapter presidents should have received packet.
  • SigEp kickball tournament Saturday Feb 21st Henderson 12-6
  • VP of Recruitment
  • We had an exploratory committee meeting last week. I will send out an email with what the delegates asked for by the end of the week.
  • Remember the mandatory Panhellenic recruitment workshop is April 15th.
  • Announce RHO GAMMAS!!
  • Executive VP
  • Judicial Board apps will be available Feb. 18th. Anyone who was on the board last year and wants to keep their position, email me.
  • President
  • Sing Your Heart Out! Karaoke event to raise awareness for the non-profit organization Save A Child's Heart. In the Burrow tomorrow at 9pm [
  • Still need to hear from Theta Phi Alpha on the names you are sending to SEPC, I had requested information from Presidents by today's General Meeting. If I do not hear from them by the end of today, they will be responsible for buying their plane tickets and not being invoiced.
  • If you are interested in being paid tutor in the Boca Raton Campus there is an opportunity through Cardinal Scholars. For more information visit:
  • The Atlantic Shuttle is up and running from 8pm-2:30am Twitter: @FAUatlantic
  • Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life:
  • Scholarship banquet
  • Greek Week dance portion of the packet has been released, and sent to chapter presidents, the reminder of the packet will be out this coming week.

Old Business

New Business

Recruitment Vice President: 2015 Recruitment rules,

Danielle motioned to approve the 2015 Recruitment rules, Delta Phi Epsilon second. Everyone voted yes, APPROVED.

Open Forum

Chapter Announcements

Alpha Delta Pi:

  • We had a sisterhood event this past Monday where we decorated cakes, watched movies in our pajamas! We had a lot of fun and a great bonding experience with all the sisters who attended.
  • Our Spring Recruitment started yesterday with our Ice Cream Social, and it went really well.
  • We have our Sisterhood chapter Retreat March 10th at the FAU Ropes Course and will be doing a picnic for dinner, which we are all excited for!
  • Go Luck to Theta Phi for their Theta Phi Cutie Pie this week!
  • Congrats to all the new Rho Gammas!
  • We hope everyone has a great week and Valentine’s Day Weekend

Alpha Xi Delta:

  • We had a great time participating in Viking Games.
  • We're glad to support Theta Phi Alpha in their Cutie Pie.
  • This past weekend we had community service events.
  • Congratulations to all the new Rho Gammas!

Delta Phi Epsilon:

  • We had our annual banquet this past Sunday which all of our sisters enjoyed
  • Thursday we will be going to a nursing home to bring them teddy bears for Valentine’s Day!
  • We have a workshop this Thursday with our membership manager
  • We have been tabling with the Health & Wellness center this week promoting the Love Your Curves Fashion Show which will be on February 26th @7 in Live Oak
  • Good luck to Theta Phi Alpha with Theta Phi Cutie Pie! You ladies are doing a great job
  • Have a great rest of the week & happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Theta Phi Alpha:

  • We had our State's Day this past Saturday. It was really cool to meet other sisters from different chapters in Florida.
  • Our Theta Phi Cutie Pie Philanthropy events kicked off on Sunday with out sports day. Tonight we have a give back at Shane's Rib Shack from 5-9, and ourRed Dress party is this Friday. We are tabling all week selling shirts, tickets, and having money wars.
  • Wewill be hosting a red carnation flower sale fundraiser this Wednesday and Thursdayfrom 10-2on the breezeway. The flowers will be sold1 for $3 or 2 for $5 andcomeswith a personal love note! They can be for anyone.Thepeople who make purchases for peoplein Greek life will have the option for the flower to be delivered totheir chapter!
  • Congrats to the women who were chosen to be Rho Gammas.

Sigma Kappa:

  • This past weekend our executive council went to Atlanta Georgia for our Regional Leadership Conference. They brought some amazing ideas back with them.
  • We have a social this weekend with Alpha Tau Omega.
  • We are excited to take part in the events for Theta Phi Cutie Pie this week and wish them the best of luck with it.

Phi Mu

  • Hope everyone is having a lovely week so far!
  • We had recruitment training this past weekend.
  • Thank you to everyone who came out to support our first Sweet TeaTuesday yesterday!
  • We have a Phi Retreat this Friday that our new members are looking forward to.
  • Good luck to ADPi this week during their Spring Recruitment!
  • Good luck to Theta Phi Alpha this week during Theta Phi Cutie Pie!
  • Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.

Meeting Adjourned

ALPHA DELTA PImotioned to adjourn the meeting, ALPHA XI DELTA seconded, Motion was passed.

The Meeting adjourned 5:12PM


Vice President of Administration