Industrial Revolution Homework Chapter 22

Tuesday 1/6/2015725-732

  1. What two reasons caused the European standard of living to rise slowly until 1850?
  1. List 5 reasons why the Industrial revolution began in England:
  1. How did low food prices stimulate the Industrial revolution?
  1. What motivated James Hargreaves to invent the Spinning Jenny in 1765?
  1. How did Richard Arkwright’s water frame differ from the spinning Jenny?
  1. Why were the weavers the best paid workers in England?
  1. What newly invented machine (by Edmund Cartwright) took the jobs of the weavers.
  1. What was the group apprenticed to work on these power looms?
  1. Give the evolution of power sources mentioned in the book for the early industrial revolution:
  1. Identify the inventions of the following men:
  2. Thomas Savery
  1. Thomas Newcomen

c. James Watt

Wednesday 1/7/2015


1. What was the Rocket and who invented it?

2. By what date had the train become economically significant?

3. What was the significance of the Railroad?

4. In 1851 London was the site of a famous industrial fair. Cite three pieces of data that would justify this type of fair being held in England.

5. Give one reason why the incredible growth of the GNP in England did not correspond to a proportional increase in per capita income. (you need to understand what GNP and per capita income are).

6. David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus are often referred to as the Dismal Scientists.

Explain why this title might be appropriate in light of their major works:

a. Malthus “Essay on the Principle of Population” (1798)

b. David Ricardo’s “iron law of wages”

7. Which country was number 2 in terms of per capita industrial production in:

a. 1860______b. 1900______c. 1913______

8. What does the overview of European industrialization provided in the book tell us?





Thursday 1/8/15 continued from previous reading

9. Why did Industry develop slowly or not at all on the continent from 1789-1815?

10. After 1815 what three advantages did the continental countries have in facing up to the English industrial challenge?




11. How did William Cockerill aid Industrial development on the continent?

12. Why was Fritz Harkort the “Watt of Germany”?

13. How did Friederich List represent the Continent’s view of the role of government in the development of industry?

a. What three policies did List see as being important to industrial development?




b. What did List mean when he said that England’s doctrine of free trade made the rest of the world like “serfs”

c. Define the term: Economic Nationalism

Friday 1/9/15


1. Define:

a. Capital

b. labor

c. paradigm

2. The 19th century was the golden age for which class?

3. According to the new social paradigm created by both the French and Industrial revolution, what two classes did the "public" and the "people" form?

4. What defines a class?

5. What is class consciousness?

6. According to your text, what role should a middle class lady take in the new industrial society?

7.Describe the pessimistic view of the following as it relates to the Industrial Revolution:

a. William Blake (you know on the test I'm going to ask about the satanic mills)

b. William Wordsworth

c. the Luddites (followers of Ned Ludd)

d. Friedrich Engels

8. Who were the optimists about the improvements of the Industrial Revolution?

a. Edwin Chadwick

9. After 1840 "real wages" rose substantially. What does that mean?

10. Identify one reason why the living standard of a worker in 1830 was higher than that of a worker in 1760.

Monday 1/12/2015


1. Why did the cotton mills locate near streams?

2. How did cottage workers view the first mills?

a. Because of the cottage industry workers reluctance to work in the mills, who were the early mill owners prompted to hire?

3. How did the following Acts of Parliament influence labor:(you will find these throughout the reading, not just in one place)

a. Pauper Act 1802

b. Factory Act 1833

c. Mines Act 1842

d. Combination Acts 1799

4. At what age did Robert Owen believe a child should begin to work in the factories? Why?

5. How did the era of the Industrial Revolution impact the sexual division of labor?

Tuesday 1/14/14

Wednesday 1/15/14

Thursday 1/16/14


Friday 1/17/14