Mr. ForetPhysical Science Syllabus

Email: Room: D114

Phone: (251) 221-3233 Website:

Tutoring Hours:

Tuesday and Wednesday: 2:25pm-3:00 pm / weekly

Tutoring times are subject to change due to student and/or instructor needs.



Welcome to Physical Science! During our year in physical science we will be challenged by many diverse topics that are best explored utilizing a variety of different instructional tools, including – but not limited to; interactive computer based technology, labs, active class discussion, extensive analysis and application of current literature. An introductory course designed to allow students to explore the basic concepts of physical science. Students will be introduced to the history and nature of science. The course includes an introduction to the fundamental concepts of physics, chemistry, astronomy and earth science. Students will be encouraged to explore the relationship between science and everyday life.

The primary goal of this class is to cultivate an interest in the sciences and to improve science literacy. The secondary goal is to inspire motivated students to consider science related educational programs/career training.


* To provide students with a challenging and creative scientific curriculum.

* To provide students with a body of knowledge that characterizes science and technology within a global context.

* To provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge of science and technology

* To enable students to develop their abilities to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information.

* To provide opportunities for students to engage in scientific investigations that are both thought provoking and relevant.

* To foster an awareness of the importance of communication, and collaboration during scientific investigations.


Demonstrate both an understanding of (and ability to apply) the following:

* Scientific facts, concepts, & terminology

* Investigative methods, and techniques

* Effective methods of communicating scientific knowledge

Demonstrate an ability to construct, analyze, and evaluate:

* Hypotheses, research questions, and predictions

* Investigative strategies and techniques to collect authentic data.

* Explanations and conclusions derived from scientific explorations


  • Start on Time Procedures will be strictly enforced.
  • Once you enter the classroom, students will not be allowed to leave.
  • Use the restroom before you enter the classroom.
  • Students should begin the Science Starter.
  • If you are late, you must have the correct color pass given during tardy sweep, no exceptions!!!
  • Students are to sit in assigned seat daily.
  • You are required to bring your Binder with paper, Black ink pen, pencil to class EVERYDAY.
  • Each student is responsible for his or her supplies.

Black or blue ink pen and pencil are the only accepted colors to be used on all assignments; such as, notes, reports, quizzes, and test.(Other colors will not be graded)

Pencils are recommended for problem solving and schematics

  • No student will be allowed to leave the class to retrieve assignments or supplies.
  • Quality Work is expected at all times. (Work that is not legible will receive a grade of Zero)
  • Proper Heading must be present on all assignments (A deduction of 5 points)_
  1. Assignment Title – Center top line
  2. Student’s Name, Date, and Block located in upper right hand corner of paper.
  3. For assignments that consist of more than one page, place your last name w/page number. (Example: Harbin 2, Harbin 3)
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Have respect for yourself, each other, teacher, and any other adults that enters the classroom.
  • The use of profanity and the N word will not be tolerated, be mindful that you are in an institution of learning.
  • NO LOUD TALKING allowed at any time especially during lecture, completing assignments, and lab activities.
  • Check your ATTITUDE at the door!!!
  • The Uniform Policy of B. C. Rain High School will be strictly enforced.

The shirts of all students must be tucked in.

Absolutely no sagging pants.

  • ELECTRONIC DEVICESareto be concealed at all times in the classroom. A parent will be notified. The device will then be turned in to the office. (View BYOD policy)
  • Exception: iPods, iPads, Tablets, iPhones, and other Smartphones will be used periodically during allotted times to be determined by Mr.. Harbin for completion or uploading of assignments.
  • These devices are only allowed to be used for purposes listed above with teacher permission.


All assignments that are to be handed in to Mr.. Harbin are due on their respective designated date. Any work not turned in on the date assigned will be deducted 15 points a day. No late work will be accepted after two days from due date.

All assignments and lectures will be uploaded to Moodle. It is the responsibility of the student( NOT Mr.. Harbin) to retrieve assignments, listen to lectures, and complete assignments within two days per absence. All assignments that are to be uploaded to Moodle, must be uploaded by the designated date. NO EXCUSES!!! You will have plenty of time to complete any assignment given. If you are going to be absence on the date a major project is due, you have the option of turning in your assignment early or have someone else to turn it in for you. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Only EXTENUATING circumstances will be accepted and must be approved by me at least 3 days in advance. If you miss an assignment, again it is your responsibility to get your make-up work.

  • If a Quiz needs to be made up, it will be made up doing tutoring within two days of original quiz (Mr.. Harbin will announce when quiz will be given).
  • Missed exams and labs need to be scheduled to be taken after school with Mr.. Harbin within 3 days of exam.
  • All makeup work can be found in designated folder on window pane.
  • If you are absent during notes, assignments, or lecture, it is your duty to get what you missed, NOT MR.. HARBIN. Ask a classmate!! “I was not here will not be an excuse when checking “Study Questions”.”

Required Materials/Supplies:

  • $10.00 Lab fee
  • 2 inch Binder
  • Black or Blue Ink Pen
  • Pencils (preferably mechanical)
  • 5 Dividers
  • Loose leaf paper
  • White out
  • Highlighter
  • Flash drive

Lab Fees are due by August 31, 2016


You are REQUIRED to keep a notebook for this course. Keeping a notebook will not only help you stay organized, but will also help you keep up with your notes, handouts, and other materials given during class. This will make it easier to study for your quizzes and tests. Your notebook will be checked periodically which will be an assessment grade. Your notebook should be divided with the following tabs: Policies/Procedures, Science Starters, Notes, Classwork/Homework, and Labs/Projects. You will be given a copy of the rubric that will be used to check your notebook.


You will be REQUIRED to read in this class. Sometimes we will read and discuss together. Sometimes you will partner read. Sometimes you will read alone. However, again, you will be REQUIRED to read. You will also be REQUIRED to read articles related to the current topic and write a synopsis on it. You will receive a rubric on how your paper will be graded.

For homework, you will be required to view videos and complete assignments for homework. Also you will have to complete assignments using different websites and apps. Having access to the internet is a MUST for all students. It is recommended that students download the following apps to their tablets and/or phones:

  • Kahoot
  • QR Code Reader
  • Exit Ticket
  • Nearpod
  • Class pager
  • Educanon
  • Socrative – student

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy

Electronic Devices
Use of certain electronic devices is permitted in Mr.Foret class are described below. Electronic devices are classified as disruptive, non-disruptive, and mobile phone devices. Permissibility of each type of electronic device is described as follows:
Disruptive Electronic Devices
  1. Recording devices, radios, pagers, laser pointers, and other electronic devices are deemed distracting to the educational environment. As such, these devices are not permitted in class at any time.
  2. The misuse of permissible electronic devices in a manner distracting to other students or school personnel is not allowed. The misuse of electronic devices includes, but is not limited to:
  3. Use of any electronic device in a classroom prior to having permission from Mr.. Harbin.
  4. Violation of the MCPSS Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy.
  5. Listening to video or audio without headphones or earbuds.
  6. Use of headphones/earbuds at a volume level where others can hear.
Non-disruptive Devices
  1. Non-disruptive devices are defined as electronic devices primarily used for educational purposes.
  2. The categories of non-disrupted devices are (a) laptops, (b) netbooks, (c) tablets, (d) eReaders, and (e) audio players (MP3 players).
  3. These devices may be used:
  4. during classroom instruction when authorized by Mr.. Harbin ONLY. Use of technology without permission will result in confiscation of device, referral, parent contact, and prohibited use permanently. An alternative assignment will be given to receive credit for the assignment.
Mobile Phones
  1. Use of mobile phones for any voice or text communication is not permitted while in Mr.. Foret class.
  2. Mobile phones may possess advanced functions including Internet access, eReader, and video/audio functions. These functions may be used ONLY when permission is granted by Mr. Foret for instructional purposes. Use of these functions during classroom instruction is at the discretion of the Teacher.
Consequences for inappropriate use of electronic devices
Violation of the appropriate use of electronic devices, as described above, (1) may result in detentions, In School Suspension, or Out of School Suspension; and (2) student may be required to turn the device over to school personnel and the student and/or parent may pick up the device from an Administrator.
Internet Connection
Wireless Internet connection is available for students to connect their devices to the Internet. Students must have a completed Acceptable Use Policy signed and on file at Rain High School. Additionally, students may connect to the Internet using their Internet provider. In this case, the student and family will be responsible for any Internet connection expense.
Lost or Damaged Device
Mr.. Harbin and B. C. Rain High School assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of an electronic device brought to school. Students bring these devices to school and class at their own risk.


  • Major Grades -60%
  • Minor Grades- 40%

Parents, please be advised that if a student’s grade falls below a 65, I will be contacting you via email, phone, or letter if your child is failing to meet success in this class.


Your cooperation and support is needed to ensure that your child is successful in this course. I am Battling for the Success of all Students. Please make sure that you and your child fully understand the rules/regulations, policies/procedures, and all that is outlined in this syllabus.


Student’s Name Student’s Signature Subject Block


Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature Date

Parent’s Contact Number: ______

Parent’s Email: ______

If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone.

Mr. Jeramie Foret

B. C. Rain High School

Science Teacher