Dapdune House Surgery Patient Participation Group Meeting

14 March 2017

Record of Decisions and Actions

Present / Sue Holroyd
Doreen Horridge
Joram Ndiweni / Adam Smith
Dr Allison Jump
Sarah McLaughlin(Practice/Business Manager)
Apologies / Jean Bywater
Lindsay Leaver
Andrea Croucher / John Diggens
Steven Knight
Deborah Wills
Item / Subject / Decision or Action
1 / Introduction
In welcoming the group, Sarah opened the meeting with a brief foreword, followed by introductions from Dr Jump and those members present.
2 / Practice Update
Sarah updated the group on:
Staff (Retiring partners, new partner, new PN, new receptionist (maternity cover)
New signage (on the front of the building)
Update on the building work of adjacent buildings
Phone Lines open over lunch period since 1 Feb 17
Dr Jump briefed on the introduction of the ‘Hydration Project’. / Complete.
Action 2.1: AJ. As final details are still being confirmed, further information will be disclosedin due course.
Action 2.2: SM. Will investigate options for a water dispenser within the practice.
3 / Friends and Family Test Feedback
Dr Jump updated the group on:
The results of the FFT over the last 3 months; giving an overview of positive responses, areas receiving constructive feedback and any obvious trends
Dr Jump highlighted a particular response commenting on reading material in the waiting room being unimaginative and out of date. Dr Jump asked the PPG for their assistance on this matter. / Complete.
Action 3.1: PPG. Members were asked if they could bring material into the practice which would be appropriate for displaying in the waiting rooms and if there were any volunteers to clear out-of-date material.
Complete. Sue Holroyd has kindly volunteered to come in and review the reading matter on an occasional basis.
4 / AOB
Sarah asked members to confirm details held.
Sarah confirmed the frequency of PPG Meetings / Action 4.1: PPG. Members present were asked to confirm their continued membership and contact details.
Action 4.2: PPG. After the next meeting, PPG meetings will take place every quarter.
5 / Date of next meeting
Tuesday 9 May 2017 at 1900hrs