WinForms Grid - Add a New Item to the Grid's Popup Menu

In this video, you will learn how to add items to the popup menu that appears when right-clicking on the grid’s footer. We will use the gridView’s “ShowGridMenu” event to add a DevExpress MenuItem to the context menu.

1.  I’ll start with a WinForms application that has a Grid Control bound to the Orders Table of the NorthWind Sample Database.

2.  First, I need to enable the footer in order to be able to access its context menu at runtime.

3.  To do this, I run the Grid’s Designer and switch to the Feature Browser.

4.  I expand “Summary”, “Total Summary” and select “Footer”.

5.  On the right, I click on the “OptionsView.ShowFooter” link to make the grid’s footer visible.

6.  And I’m done.

7.  I close the designer and return to Visual Studio.

8.  I select the gridView and create a new handler for its “ShowGridMenu” event.

9.  This event is fired when the user right-clicks on the grid’s footer.

10.  Before adding any code to the event handler, I’m going to create a custom event handler that will be triggered when the new MenuItem is clicked.

11.  This will create a new messagebox, displaying the name of the selected column.

12.  Now, I’m going to add the following code to the event handler.

13.  This will add a new entry, “MyItem” in our case, and associate it with the “MyMenuItem” method I created earlier.

14.  And that’s it!

15.  I run the application to see the results.

16.  I right-click on the footer of the grid and the context menu now includes the new item.

17.  I click on it and the “MyMenuItem” event handler is invoked a creating a messagebox with the name of the currently selected column.

Thanks for watching and thank you for choosing DevExpress!