First Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verses 9-10

“Prophecy is never perfect”

A short commentary

By a soul

(October 9, 2016, A Marian Month)

As I sit here in contemplation, there is a lot of hope in my heart for the future. As we approach the monumental presidential election for my country (USA), I see a ray of light in the distance and I can feel the prayers of many people who are lifting up my country to God that are being heard by Heaven. I know that the outcome can be changed for the better and I have great hope for the future of the world.

I trust in God.

I know that many people are concerned, worried, and perhaps, even scared for the future of themselves and their families. I know that many people visit the prophecy pages of Prophet John Leary on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, for answers to the immediate future. I know that many people are worried about a future living in refuges and frightened about a possible economic collapse, etc.

I am writing this short commentary to ease people’s concerns, worries, and fears.

I am writing this short commentary so that people retain hope in their hearts.

In late June/early July 2016, I wrote three commentaries that I hope people will revisit or read for the first time, because I wrote important words that must be considered now, at this moment in time. Those commentaries are:

(July 6, 2016) “My Hope for the Future is Medjugorje” – a commentary by a soul

(July 5, 2016) “A Prayer Request – I want the easier path” – a commentary by a soul

(June 23, 2016) “A Fork in the Road – Two Paths for the Future of My Country (USA)” – a commentary by a soul

Most people do not understand this divine truth, but it needs to be understood and accepted by all: Prophecy is never perfect. Even Holy Scripture teaches this divine truth in First Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verses 9-10:

“For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.”

As long as there is free-will in the world and sacrificial prayer to mitigate the future, prophecy will always be imperfect. For example, we have the story of the Prophet Jonah in Holy Scripture and how he prophesied that Nineveh would be chastised by God, but the entire city repented of their sins and the chastisement was avoided.

Was Jonah a false prophet because his prophecy failed to happen? No, of course not. Jonah successfully fulfilled his prophetic mission from God, because the primary purpose of giving prophecy, especially, about chastisements, is to mitigate and hopefully, avoid them from ever being fulfilled.

This is the primary purpose for the Secrets given at places such as Fatima and Medjugorje. This is the primary purpose for most prophecy given in the world today by God.

And so, the best possible outcome for a given prophecy, especially, if it is a bad one, is that it never happens. That giving the prophecy results in sufficient prayer, sacrifice, and fasting, to avoid the chastisement entirely. This understanding must be accepted by people when discerning spirits and testing prophetic utterances. The reaction should always be an approach full of repentance and hope for the future. The reaction should be one that respects free-will choices and prayer as the first means of mitigation.

We, as Christians, are called to hope and trust in God.

I have great hope for the future, especially, for my country (USA), because I can see prayer working in hearts. I read the heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministry (), and I can see Our Blessed Mother and all of Heaven working their hardest to safely bring us to the November 8th U.S. Presidential Election, as many evil plots are being avoided and mitigated.

Prayer is indeed working.

We must continue onward and increase our prayers.

On July 15, 2016, God the Father gave a message to His children, which I include below, for people to re-read. In that heavenly message, Our Heavenly Father tells us that there is a small chance that my country (USA) can survive if we put God and the Ten Commandments back into everything—our government, our schools, our workplaces, etc.

And with this small chance, if my country (USA) survives, so, too, can the rest of the world.

I believe in small chances.

I believe in a future where we can still avoid the refuges, detention camps, and so many evil plots and chastisements.

I invite you to pray and believe in this, too.

God bless!

For Reference:

Holy Family Refuge Messages

July 15, 2016

Come Holy Spirit with God the Father’s words to His children

My beloved son and children, your country America keeps wondering what to do to save your country and it is so simple. Your country is now being led by a communist leader controlled by the one world government which is controlled by satan himself. Your country was founded on God and the Ten Commandments. The onlychance you have to survive is to put the Ten Commandments back into the government, your schools, and all of your work places. It is as simple as that. When a country is led by satan, it will not survive.

Your country was taken down by one commandment at a time. When your government threw out one commandment, they destroyed 10% of your country at a time. They destroyed 10% with the first commandment, 20% with the second commandment, 30% with the third commandment they took out, and then they finally threw out all of your commandments which destroyed 100% of your country. Your country destroyed itself from within.

You cannot survive as a country living on satan’s rules. You must live by God’s rules or you will be no more. The Roman empire and every country in the history of the world fell the same way. Without God, you will have no country. I and My Mother have been telling you this for years but you will not listen. Now satan will take you down because of your sins, America. I, God the Father repeat, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!” I repeat it in the name of God the Father, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!” I repeat it in the name of God the Son, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!” And I repeat it in the name of God the Holy Spirit, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!”

Put God back into everything and there is a small chance that your country could survive but it would have to be NOW! There is no time left. You have to stand up for God and run satan from your country, your government, and your churches. This is your simple answer, America, and all the world. Love, the Father of All Creation. Amen. So be it.


Holy Love Ministry

August 12, 1998

Monthly Message to All Nations

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says:

"Praise be Jesus."

"The needs here are many and varied today, but I invite you to pray with Me for those who oppose the Mission of Holy Love in their hearts."

"My dear children, as the millennium draws near, many seek answers and many think they know about future events. But, I invite you to realize that Scripture has it, no one prophesizes perfectly.* Further, I invite you to discover the truth of Holy Love in the present moment. While you worry for the future, you have missed the grace of the present."

"This much I reveal to you. A great shadow of suffering has, and will, pass over this country. But it shall not rest upon it. This is because of your prayers and sacrifices, and in reward for the benevolent nature of your nation towards other countries less fortunate. But, I tell you, formulas and schemes have been shared during this decade with nations that do not understand their potential. Trust has been placed in those who are untrustworthy. Therefore, I call you once again to a renewed spirit of prayer and sacrifice. There are many scheming hearts in your world who have not been reconciled to God."

"Dear children, I have come to you so that you will understand how important your free will is. You can follow Satan into the world, or you can choose to be united to Me through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Satan calls you along the road of deceit and confusion. The path I call you upon is joy, peace, and love. To choose one, you must give up the other. You cannot live in Holy Love and live in sin at the same time. Each one knows best what he must abandon in order to follow Me into the Heart of My Son."

"Dear children, it is not necessary that you believe My presence is here in order to be saved; but I caution you, you must live in Holy Love in order to reach salvation. Holy Love, which is to love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself, is gospel, irrefutable, and not subject to your discernment. Therefore, I come to invite you along the path of holiness through Holy Love. But I do not pull or push you. I wait for you to decide. When you come to Me with your heart open, I will embrace you. Dear children, I am always loving you."

The United Hearts Blessing is given.

*I Corinthians 13, 9-10

For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.

August 16, 2002

Mary of Agreda comes. She says:

"Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear little sister, it would be a mistake to compare what I revealed to you last night with what I had written when I was in the world. To do so would be to say one is right, the other wrong. Prophecy is never perfect. And so...accept what I have come to offer. For who is to say, perhaps you are a better recorder of facts than I was. Be humble enough to just pass on to the world what I reveal to you."

December 22, 2012

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"How easily people accept and believe in false prophecy. I am speaking of the pagan prediction of disaster on December 21, 2012. Yet, here in this Mission, people choose to deny the Truth of Heaven's Messages, using every excuse: lack of approval, denial of graces offered, misunderstandings and rash judgments."

"Heaven has affirmed over and over the reality of every Message and grace given here. This is the answer to world peace and a return to the Age of Innocence. The key to My Mother's Immaculate Heart is offered you here through Her Title, Protectress of the Faith. This opens the door to the journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Once the journey has begun, it continues into conformity with God's Will."

"Be perfected in the Truth. Do not look for dates through false prophecies which mislead you. Allow yourselves to live in and to become the Light of Truth."

July 18, 2014

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says:

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"My brothers and sisters, put aside all prediction about the future. Empty your hearts and surrender to Me the past, present and future. Then I will fill you with My Provision which will be your security."

"Tonight, I'm imparting to you with My Blessing of Divine Love."

April 20, 2015

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"I wish today to address those who search feverishly for the newest prediction concerning the future of the world. The future is not carved in stone, but is dependent upon the effort of prayer and sacrifice emanating from the heart of the world. No one knows the hour of the Apocalypse except My Father in Heaven. The present moment is the opportunity God gives you to win souls for the Remnant and to change the hearts of influential leaders. In this effort, you must never be discouraged."

"A great part of My Victory is those who are not afraid to speak out against the evil in the world. Too many in authority and of great influence remain silent. It is this silence which bespeaks approval. I hold such as these accountable for those they have misled."

"As My Victory is Truth Itself and this Mission stands solidly on the Truth, there will be an apparition here* in June on the 14th - the Feast of Our United Hearts. I need the great effort of prayer that rises from here during these events. It pleases Me. Therefore, at midnight dawning on the 14th, My Mother will bless the crowd that gathers in the Field of Our United Hearts."

"This Mission* is all about the salvation of souls - not the future of the world which can still be changed by each one's efforts. This is why each apparition here is so important in My Eyes. The prayer effort changes hearts. It is what is in hearts that determines the future."

* The Ecumenical Mission and Ministry of Holy Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Acts of the Apostles 1:7+

He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by His own authority."

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.

-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.