Substrate / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1) / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1) / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1)
Penicillin K / 0.32±0.05 / 5.16±0.13 / 16.12
Penicillin dihydro F / 0.98±0.22 / 1.46±0.06 / 1.49
Penicillin F / 0.94±0.18 / 0.90±0.03 / 0.96
Penicillin V / 0.74±0.11 / 0.57±0.01 / 0.77
Penicillin G / Approx. 2.90 / Approx. 4.10-4 / Approx. 1.10-4 / 0.007 / 42 / 6000 / 0.0042 / 54 / 12857
Kluyvera citrophila PACc / S. lavendulae PACd / A. utahensis aculeacin A acylasee
(45 oC)
Substrate / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1) / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1) / Km (mM) / kcat (s-1) / kcat/ Km (mM-1s-1)
Penicillin K / 0.14 / 22.71 / 165.3 / 1 / 33.3 / 34.79
Penicillin dihydro F / 0.69 / 15.19 / 21.85 / 5.6 / 4.2 / 0.75
Penicillin F / 0.047 / 4.7 / 100 / 1.2 / 7.69 / 6.41 / 15.1 / 1.9 / 0.13
Penicillin V / 2.05 / 60.25 / 38.88 / 15.4 / 70.3 / 4.55
Penicillin G / 0.018 / 56.5 / 3139 / 60.20 / 3.40 / 0.075 / 155.8 / 2.2 / 0.01
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