Minute of the Area Clinical Forum Meeting

held on Wednesday 2 July 2014 at 5.30pm

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Mrs Linda Juroszek, Chair, Area Pharmaceutical Committee (Chair)

Mr David Corry, Chair, Area Optometric Committee (AOC)

Mr Chris Llewellyn, Chair, Area Healthcare Scientists Committee (HSC)

Dr Angus Lorimer, Vice Chair, Grampian Area Applied Psychology Advisory Committee (GAAPAC)

Mrs Jenny McNicol, Chair, Grampian Area Nursing & Midwifery Committee (GANMAC)

Dr Rebecca Riddell, Chair, GP Sub-Committee

In Attendance:

Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Ms Fiona Mitchellhill, Patient Safety Programme Manager - Safe Team Leader, QGRU

Mrs Judith Proctor, Corporate Lead for Health & Social Care Integration (Item 4)

Mrs Elinor Smith, Director of Nursing

Ms Shona Strachan, AHP Lead, Aberdeenshire CHP

Ms Tracey Leete, Minuting Secretary

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Chair’s Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. / Apologies
Mrs Jackie Berry, Chair, Allied Health Professionals Advisory Committee (AHPAC)
Mr Norman Binnie, Chair, Consultants’ Sub-Committee (CSC)
Mrs Pamela Cornwallis, Vice Chair, AHPAC
Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director
Ms Jenny Gibb, Vice Chair, GANMAC
Dr Izhar Khan, Chair, Area Medical Committee (AMC)
Dr Helen Moffat, Chair (GAAPAC)
Mr David Shaw, Chair, Area Dental Committee (ADC)
Ms Ann Smith, Vice Chair, Area Pharmaceutical Committee (APC)
Mrs Susan Webb, Deputy Director of Public Health
3. / Minute of meeting held on 14 May 2014
The Minute of the previous meeting was approved as an accurate record.
4. / Consultation on Health and Social Care Draft Regulations
Mrs Proctor provided a briefing paper and outlined the Scottish Government’s consultation on the draft Regulations and Orders relating to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. Consultation is in two phases and currently taking place until August 2014.
Within both sets of Regulations and Orders there are a range of areas for discussion and Mrs Proctor is currently co-ordinating NHSG’s response to both phases of the consultation process.
The Committee discussed the transitional work required with integration and the need to determine clinical governance issues and how staff are supported throughout. The NHSG advisory structure remains key and joint strategic themes will need to be considered together.
Mrs Proctor to email consultation details and NHSG’s draft response to ACF for comment, before it is submitted to the Board for formal approval. / JP
5.. / Matters Arising
5.1 HIS Visit Update
Following the HIS Visit in March, NHSG has invited HIS to undertake a short independent review of the quality of care at ARI to provide public assurance. The review will look at the underlying factors which may impact on the safety and quality of care, the adequacy of the current approach to engagement with clinical staff and NHSG's capacity for implementation.
Dr Riddell raised concern that the HIS review is to be Acute focused and wanted to ensure there is clinical engagement with community services. Mrs Smith clarified that the HIS Review Team will examine ARI only, where the concerns had been raised with the Cabinet Secretary, and the review would therefore exclude AMH and RACH services also. Dr Angus Cameron is leading the HIS Review Team that will advise NHSG who is to be interviewed during their 12-14 August visit. Whilst HIS wish to constrain the assessment to ARI, the HIS Review Team can be contacted direct if community colleagues wish to provide useful input to the HIS review of ARI.
5.2  Clinical Advisory Structure Meeting 10 June 2014 – Update
Following the June event, Mr Carey issued a letter to attendees detailing the main areas that were agreed for action. The event was well attended with more than 80 participants and has received positive feedback. The actions will be included in the clinical engagement plan and implemented in the coming months. The clinical engagement plan will also be discussed with the advisory committees in the near future.
The Committee agreed it was a positive and helpful meeting and a well organised starting point to improve joint working between the Board, management and the advisory structure. It was suggested that it would be useful for the Executive Team to issue a quarterly update of key issues to ensure the advisory structure had a better understanding of matters. Members also requested that clinical staff were given more notice of future events.
A follow-up event is to be arranged to discuss progress and consider specific issues. / RC
6. / Learning from Adverse Events – Draft Policy
The Draft NHSG ‘Policy for the Management of and Learning from Adverse Events and Feedback’ was circulated.
All Boards are to review processes following national framework issued in September 2013. NHSG have since built on this and produced a draft policy based on national guidelines and definitions. The Board needs to ensure all healthcare professions know their role and responsibilities and know how to highlight any concerns.
The Committee recognised that training and development would be required to support the policy and there is an opportunity to develop staff and improve feedback of incidents reported following investigations. However concern was raised with the practicalities of implementing the new process in terms of staff’s roles, time and commitment particularly when undertaking actions following a level 1 adverse event.
ACF members to send any comments to and support the circulation of the policy once approved at GAPF.
Mrs Smith and Ms Mitchellhill left the meeting. / ALL
7. / Election of Chair
The Chair informed the Committee of her retirement from NHSG with effect from 31 July 2014. However Mrs Juroszek is currently awaiting advice from NHSG’s Chairman as to whether she can continue as ACF Chair and Non-Executive Board Member until after the advisory structure review and election of ACF Chair.
It was noted that the AMC Chair has an open invite to Board meetings (albeit not as a board or voting member) therefore ACF now has two attendees at Board meetings which will be beneficial during this transitional period.
Dr Riddell highlighted the ACF constitution was last updated in 2009 and states GP and Consultant Sub Chairs do not have voting rights for election of chair and asked that the constitution be reviewed. Mr Carey advised that including the AMC Sub Chairs would result in 3 medical votes and other professions only having one vote, so need to ensure fairness when reviewed.
The Chair advised the ACF constitution is under review and is currently with Mr Andrew Jackson, NHSG Legal Advisor, but she would need to pursue.
The Committee agreed to Mrs Juroszek continuing in the role of ACF Chair for the foreseeable future. Any member interested in the role of ACF Chair is invited to spend some time with Mrs Juroszek and/or discuss with the executive team to understand the role. / LJ
8. / Annual Review – 17 November 2014
This year's Annual Review will be held on Monday 17 November and will be performed by the Cabinet Secretary. The structure of the day is the same as last year involving a one hour public meeting followed by a private meeting with the Board in the afternoon. There will be separate ACF, GAPF and Patients’ meetings in the morning. Further details with specific timings will be provided in due course.
ACF members to add date to diaries meantime. / ALL
9. / eHealth Committee Representative
A nominee of the clinical advisory structure is sought from anyone who has a particular interest and wishes to attend the eHealth Committee which meets quarterly. Representation does not need to be a Chair or Vice Chair.
Pamela Cornwallis to attend in the interim. / ALL
10. / Chair’s Update
The Chair gave a brief update on key events and issues since the last meeting as follows:
·  Short Life Working Group in place to oversee the Improvement Plan following the initial HIS Visit.
Final report going to SLWG this week and to be shared with ACF members for information and verbal feedback.
Report to the Board: May 2014
Items for 1 August 2014 Board Meeting
The Chair to include in report to the Board:
-  Adverse Events – importance of awareness across organisation.
-  Clarify election of ACF Chair after advisory review and review constitution issues.
-  Resource implications for Children and Young People Bill – to be on future agenda on progress. Pamela Cornwallis and Rebecca Riddell on group. / LJ
11. / Director of Public Health Report
The latest report was circulated for information.
12. / Updates from the Advisory Committees
Brief updates from the Advisory Committees covered the following areas:
·  AHPAC – ISD figures show 20% vacancies in some areas. AHP MSK Redesign – physio and podiatry involvement.
·  AOC – Prescription pads now dispatched. Discussion needed to decide on NHSG formulary to be used by independent prescribers. Audit of pathology patients in February and to undertake every 6 months. EHN – 60% signed up to Local Enhanced Service. HIS report on EHN understood to be positive but AOC not seen - Ms Leete to pursue.
·  GANMAC – Revalidation for nurses and midwives consultation before launch in December 2015.
·  HCS – HCS Delivery Plan 2014-17 circulated for wide consultation and committee to produce formal response. Review constitution. Issues re Implantable devices in death. Recruitment issues (delays particularly when NES funded) – Mr Llewellyn to send details of recruitment issues and administration of medicine issues to the Chair.
·  GP Sub – MSK service redesign – hoping to get clarification for August. Workforce response to recruitment issues – Mr Carey suggested sharing Malcolm Valentine paper further with GP Sub. Protecting vulnerable patients and recruitment in psychiatry – Mr Carey suggested that Julie Fletcher attend meeting to advise of current situation.
·  GAAPAC – Health and Social Care Integration Event 30 May received positive feedback. Recruitment issues with candidates not adequately qualified. Adult Mental Health training places – psychology and primary care. Service development work streams for Mental Health redesign. Primary Care modernisation involving 6 practices. / TL
13. / Minutes
Recent minutes were circulated for information.
14. / AOCB
15. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 17 September at 5.30pm in the Conference Room, Summerfield House.