A Short Stay School (medical) and Home & Hospital Tuition Services
Bilston Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 2QJ
Headteacher Mr S Pritchard-Jones
Telephone: 01902 632 719 FAX 01902 608081
Your Ref:
Our Ref:
Date8th February 2016
Dear Parents & Carers
I’m writing to remind you about the visit by Mr Daniel Dalton the European Member of Parliament for the West Midlands this coming Friday. He will be accompanied by The Director and Assistant Director of Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Towe (portfolio holder for learning skills) plus, an array of other Walsall Council officials. May I also remind you that pupils, as a one off, will be required to stay until 4.15pm. It has been brought to my attention that one or two pupils informed staff that they will not stay until 4.15pm however, pupils not in attendance on Friday will not be allowed to leave at 12.30pm on the last day of this term, Thursday 24th March 2016, and will stay in school until the end of the school day as normal.
I extend a warm welcome to parents and carers to join us on Friday 12th February 2016 to meet with Mr Dalton and enjoy complimentary refreshments including coffee, tea and cakes. It will also give you the opportunity to have a look at the new autism and art classrooms and to hear a presentation by pupils.
Some of our pupils are not arriving wearing the correct school uniform. The wearing of correct uniform is discussed at the initial interview and addressed in the accompanying student enrolment booklet all parents sign.
I have mentioned to parents and pupils about uniform on several occasions and all our young people are aware of the guidelines. I would be grateful of you could ensure your son/daughter is properly dressed for school.
Mainstream school uniform or
Black trousers/skirt
White shirt/polo shirt
Black jumper/cardigan
Black school shoes
May I take this opportunity to remind you that it is extremely important that the pupils be in school as much as possible as well as being in on time? There is clear evidence from across the country that children whose attendance is poor and children who do not arrive in school on time tend to achieve less than others are. Therefore, I am writing to ask you to help us in making sure your child gets the best education possible whilst they attend Shepwell School.
At Shepwell, we strive to maintain a high level of education your son/daughter deserves and we work hard to look at ways to improve what we offer. If you have suggestions please let us know by either telephone or use the suggestion box in reception.
Should you wish to discuss any of the contents of this letter then please do not hesitate to contact me further by telephone, either by calling in or by email. I truly believe that by working together we can make a big difference in the future and for the education of your child.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind regards
Stephen Pritchard-Jones
Mr S. Pritchard-Jones
Head Teacher
Twitter: @ShepwellSchool