Founded in 2003, A Long Walk Home, Inc. (ALWH) is a 501 (c) non-profit that uses art therapy and the visual and performing arts to end violence against girls and women. ALWH features the testimonies and art by survivors and their allies in order to provide safe and entertaining forums through which the public can learn about healing from and preventing gender violence.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with A Long Walk Home, Inc. We are excited that you want to support creative and innovative programs to end gender violence.

Please complete the form below. After we receive your application, we will contact you about volunteer opportunities as they arise. Please be aware the all ALWH volunteers may be asked to provide information for a background check. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact A Long Walk Home, Inc. at 877-571-1751 or .

Please type or print clearly

Name: ______Date:______

E-mail: ______

Street Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip code: ______Phone: ______

Age (optional): ______Gender (optional): ______Race/ethnicity (optional): ______

(A Long Walk Home, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, faith or age.)

I am interested in (check all that apply):


□ Graphic Design (brochures, newsletters, flyers, etc.)

□ Joining Marketing Team

□ Information Technology (website, computer troubleshooting)

□ Helping with administrative duties such as office management, updating databases, and mailings

□ Joining the fundraising committee

□ Developing sexual health education curriculum


□ Hosting a house party

□ Helping with grant writing and foundation cultivation efforts

□ Soliciting or providing in-kind donations for food and supplies

□ Connecting ALWH to a foundation at a company or business where I work (Name: ______)

□ Connecting ALWH to a family foundation (Name:______)

□ Connecting ALWH to a community to which I belong (ethnic group, school, religious group, existing organization, etc.) - Please list community name(s) ______

Arts and Advocacy

□ Lead a workshop (yoga, creative arts, media)

□ Being an artist-in-residence for Girl/Friends

□ Being an art therapist/rape crisis counselor for youth

□ Mentoring students

□ Photo and Video Documenting ALWH special events

Other (Please Describe): Please share any special interests you have. Consider social justice campaigns, educational interests, and recreation interests, etc. ______

All volunteers are asked to make at least a 6-month commitment to working with ALWH. Further, all volunteers must attend a 3-hour orientation within six months of the start date of their services. Are you able to make these commitments? ___ yes ____ no / Comments:

Please share any special skills, certifications or licenses that you have.

All volunteers for ALWH make a commitment to supporting anti-violence work in some capacity. What types of training or information would help prepare you to be an effective ally?

Please describe some of your past volunteer experiences. Be sure to include name, dates and the type of work you did.