Lomask 1

Laurie Lomask

139 E. 110th St., Apt. 54 Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

New York, NY 10029 Fairfield University

860.748.2766 1073 North Benson Rd.

Fairfield, CT 06824

Current position:

Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT

Sept. 2014 -Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish
presentDepartment of Modern Languages and Literatures


Yale University, New Haven, CT

Dec.2014Ph.D., Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Dissertation title: “Modernity in Stride: Walking in Modern Spanish Literature.” Adviser: Dr. Noël Valis

Description: My dissertation studies the motif of walking in works of Peninsular Spanish literature from 1889-1929. I divide this project into three topics: 1.) the persistence of pilgrimage and mysticism at the fin-de-siècle through the figure of Santa Teresa de Ávila in works by Leopoldo Alas (Clarín), Pío Baroja, and Antonio Machado;2.) the excursion programs of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, which forms an intellectual bridge across generations from Clarín to Miguel de Unamuno and Federico García Lorca; and3.) the development of an urban roaming perspective in Spain, the paseante,and its difference from the French flâneuras seen in works by Unamuno, Lorca and Luis Cernuda.

Areas of specialization: contemporary Peninsular literature, poetry, urban studies, literature and visual arts, music, and dance.

Minor: Frenchlanguage and literature

Dec. 2012M. Phil. Spanish and Portuguese

Dec. 2012M.A. Spanish and Portuguese, with distinction

Boston University, Boston, MA

Sept. 2009B.A., summa cum laude

Major: Hispanic language and literatures

Minors: Mathematics, visual arts

Trustee Scholar

Jan.-June 2009Study abroad: University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dec. 2007Completed University Honor’s Program

Jan.-June 2007Study abroad: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


(forthcoming)Benito Pérez Galdós. Correspondencia. Ed. Alan Smith, María Ángeles Rodríguez Sánchez, Laurie Lomask. Madrid: Cátedra.

Co-editor of the critical edition of the personal letters of Benito Pérez Galdós, one of the largest collections of personal letters published in Spanish language. Expected date of publication:2016.

2014“El lenguaje profético de Los heraldos negros: Un compromiso con la palabra.” Actas del Congreso Vallejo, Siempre. Lima: Editorial Cátedra Vallejo, 2014.

Courses Taught:

Fairfield University, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Visiting Assistant Professor

Spring 2015SP 357: The Spanish Novel

SP 211: Intermediate Spanish (Fourth Semester)

SP 111: Elementary Spanish (Second Semester)

Fall 2014SP 210: Intermediate Spanish (Third Semester)

SP 110: Elementary Spanish (First Semester)

Yale Summer Session Abroad: Brazil

Teaching Assistant

Summer 2014PORT140: Intermediate PortugueseII

PORT130: Intermediate Portuguese I

Responsible for developing cultural immersion experiences: visits to schools, volunteer centers, and museums; film, music, literature, and dance. Residential advisor to students. Co-taught Portuguese language.

Yale University, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Part-Time Acting Instructor (PTAI)

Spring 2013SPAN140: Intermediate Spanish II

Fall 2012SPAN130: Intermediate Spanish I

Spring 2012SPAN120: Elementary Spanish II

Fall 2011SPAN110: Elementary Spanish I


Apr. 23-25, 2015Kentucky Foreign Language Conference

Lexington, KY

Paper title: “For the love of walking in Leopoldo Alas´Superchería”

Oct. 20-22, 2014 Congreso Internacional Vallejo, Siempre

Lima, Perú (Ministerio de Cultura)

Panel: De Los heraldos negros a Trilce

Paper title: “El lenguaje profético de Los heraldos negros: un compromiso con la palabra”

Oct. 11, 2014 II Oficina de Especialização de Professores de Português como Língua de Herança e Língua Estrangeira

New Haven, CT (Yale University)

Roundtable: Português é a Nossa Língua, uma Proposta de Ensino Alternativa

Paper title: “A dança no ensino de português para crianças”

May 21-24, 2014Latin American Studies Association International Conference

Chicago, IL

Panel: Inmigración y memoria

Paper title: “Las múltiples historias de inmigración en El rufián moldavo de Edgardo Cozarinsky”

Apr. 3-6, 2014Northeast Modern Language Association Convention

Harrisburg, PA (Susquehanna University)

Seminar Co-Chair

Seminar title: "Physical Transcendence: Material and Immaterial in Spanish Literature and Film"

Mar. 21-24, 2013Northeast Modern Language Association Convention

Boston, MA (Tufts University)

Seminar: The (New) Politics of Transitional Spain: Bodies, Culture and the Movida

Paper title: “Bridging the Nostalgia Gap of the Movida”

Nov. 03, 2012New England Council of Latin American Studies

New Haven, CT (Yale University)

Panel: Narratives of conflict

Paper Title: “La ética de la narración en El rufián moldavo de Edgardo Cozarinsky”

Apr. 17, 2010Princeton University Graduate Symposium in Comparative Poetry

Princeton, NJ

Conference Theme: Poetry of the Americas

Paper: Title: “Langston Hughes’ Gypsy Ballads: Relocating the Individual in American Poetics”


May 2014Spanish Paleography

Beinecke Library Master Class

Dr. John O’Neill (Hispanic Society of America), instructor

Aug. 2011-Research Assistant to Dr. Noël Valis

Aug. 2012

May 2011-“Al Cantío de un Gallo”

Mar. 2012Sterling Memorial Library International Projects

Catalogue and describe content of a collection of over 600 tapes containing independent radio programs broadcast into Cuba, in order to create a finding aid for the collection.

May 2011Approaches to Biography in the James Weldon Johnson Collection

Beinecke Library Master Class

Dr. Emily Bernard (University of Vermont), instructor

Dec. 2008“Langston Hughes’ Gypsy Ballads”

Cited in: Christopher Maurer.“Shades of Green.” In Gypsy Ballads. Trans. Jane Duran and Gloria García Lorca. London: Enitharmon, 2011.

Study of Hughes’ translation of Lorca’s Romancero gitano, extensive biographical and archival research in the Beinecke Rare Books Collection (Yale University) and the Schomburg Center (New York Public Library).

Teaching Experience and Pedagogy:

Dec. 2014Certification in Second Language Acquisition

Yale Center for Language Study

Principles of Language Teaching and Learning (graduate seminar); teaching texts in the target language, technology in the language classroom, error correction, teaching heritage learners, study abroad programs.

Dec. 2014Undergraduate Teaching Certificate

Yale Teaching Center

Fundamentals of Teaching in the Humanities (graduate seminar); syllabus design, leading discussion sections, teaching writing, student-centered teaching methods.

Sept. 2012-Writing Adviser

May 2014Graduate Writing Center, Yale University

Advising graduate dissertations and publications; mentor to new advisers; development of writing aids and advanced composition materials.

Spring 2013Guest lecturer in LITR301: Walking in Literature

Undergraduate Humanities Division Course, Yale University

Taught by Dr. Jason Groves

Two lectures on the topic of pilgrimage in Spain and on the motif of walking in poems by Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, and Pablo Neruda.

Translations and Interdisciplinary Work

(forthcoming)“‘La Barbarie refinada:’ The Crisis of European Modernity in Gómez Carrillo’s Chronicles of the First World War. By Brais Outes-Leon. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. Spanish to English, prose.

Aug. 2014-Freelance translator for Huffington Post, World News.

presentInterview excerpts from Rio de Janeiro. Portuguese to English, prose.

Oct. 2012Fernando Buide del Real Master of Music Recital.

Translation of three poems that accompanied original music compositions. Gallego and Spanish to English, poetry.

June 2012Freelance translation for Yale Law School (for research purposes)

Translations of Constitutional Court rulings from Colombia regarding pricing of HIV/AIDS medication. Spanish to English, prose.

Grants and Scholarships:

Sept. 2013-Dissertation Writing Fellowship

Aug. 2014Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Sept. 2012-Morgan-Senior Fellow

Aug. 2013Partial funding of doctoral stipend from the Morgan Foundation

Sept. 2009-Sara Page Hill Fellowship

Aug. 2012Partial funding of doctoral stipend

June 2010Yale Summer Language Institute Fellowship

Grant for intensive study of Latin. Amount: $5500.

Sept.-Dec. 2008Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Boston University

Grant for continued research on Benito Pérez Galdós. Correspondencia.

Amount: $2000.

June-Aug. 2008Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Boston University

Grant for summer research on Benito Pérez Galdós. Correspondencia.

Amount: $4000.

Sept. 2005 -Boston University Trustee Scholarship

June 2009

Service to the Profession and Affiliations:

2011-2014Modern Language Association

2014Nominated for election to the MLA Sephardic Studies Discussion Group

2013-2014Northeastern Modern Language Association

2013-2014Latin American Studies Association

2012-2014New England Council of Latin American Studies

Service to the University:

Sept. 2011-presentGraduate Affiliate

Trumbull College, Yale University

Mentoring undergraduate senior theses; advising undergraduate study abroad and post-graduation opportunities; organizing extracurricular activities.

Service to the Community:

June 2013-presentConnecticut Capoeira and Dance Center (New Haven, CT)

Efraim Silva, director.

Volunteer instructor for samba and capoeira classes and cultural demonstrations in the greater New Haven area.

Jan. 2006-Dec. 2008Codman Academy Charter Public School

Mark Destler, program director, Tutors for All

Volunteer tutor in math and reading; lead tutor responsible for training and mentoring tutors, supervising students’ progress.

Awards andHonors:

Dec. 2011Distinguished with honors upon completion of doctoral exams

May 2009Barbara Argote Prize for Excellence in Spanish

Boston University, Department of Romance Languages

May 2009Phi Beta Kappa Society

May 2008Junior Prize for Excellence in Spanish

Boston University, Department of Romance Languages

Language Proficiencies:

English: Native speaker

Spanish: Near-native (all skills)

Portuguese: Near-native (all skills)

French: Advanced (all skills)

Hebrew: Intermediate (all skills; ongoing coursework)

Latin: Translation proficiency

Technology Proficiencies

Publishing software: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop; iVideo; Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, OneNote); Google Docs; Prezi

Classroom activities: Berkeley Language Center Library of Foreign Language Film Clips, CLEAR Rich Internet Applications (including Mashups), GoAnimate, Quizbreak

Class management: Blackboard, ClassesV2, Wiki, Wordpress

Research organization: Mendeley, Scrivener, OneDrive

Communication: LiveMocha, Skype


All references from Yale University can be reached at the following address:

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Yale University

P.O. Box 208204

New Haven, CT 06520

Dr. Noël Valis

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies for Spanish

Yale University

(203) 432-1155

Dr. Rolena Adorno

Sterling Professor and Department Chair for Spanish

Yale University

(203) 432-1154

Ms. Juliana Ramos-Ruano

Senior Lector I of Spanish and Coordinator for SPAN120

Yale University

(203) 432-1160

Dr. Roberto González Echevarría

Sterling Professor of Hispanic and Comparative Literatures

Yale University

(203) 432-1153

Dr. Ame Cividanes

Spanish Language Program Director

Yale University

(203) 432-1159