obesity in adults

The Activities on these Portfolio Pages correspond with the learning objectives of the Guided Learning unit published in Nursing Times 105: 45 (17 November, 2009) and 105: 46 (24 November, 2009). The full reference list for this unit follows Activity 4.

Before starting to work through these Activities, save this document onto your computer, then print the completed work for your professional portfolio. Alternatively, simply print the pages if you prefer to work on paper, using extra sheets as necessary.

Recording your continuing professional education

To make your work count as part of your five days’ CPD for each registration period, make a note in the box below of the date and the total number of hours you spent on reading the unit and any other relevant material, and working through the Activities.

Hours: / Date:


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 1

obesity in adults

Learning objective: Be aware of the reasons for the current obesogenic environment.

Activity: Outline changes in the diet today compared with 50 years ago. In what way do you feel it has changed and how do these changes impact on society?

How have exercise levels changed over the last 50 years and what is the effect of this?


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 1

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 1

obesity in adults

Learning objective: Have a clear understanding of the risks of being overweight or obese and be able to explain these to patients in terms they understand.

Activity: How can nurses help to tackle the obesity epidemic?

List up to five initiatives available in your area for overweight/obese patients.

How would you help and support those who are not aware they are at risk to make use of these facilities?


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 4

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 4

obesity in adults

Learning objective: Know how to discuss dietary changes with patients and the main components of effective weight-loss strategies.

Activity: If possible, in clinical practice take a full nutritional assessment from a patient, exploring with them the reasons they may have put on weight.

Try to explore some ways in which they could change their eating habits. Are there any cultural or social obstacles? How could these be overcome?


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 4

obesity in adults

Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 4

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 4

obesity in adults

Learning objective: Understand the indications and criteria for using medication and surgery to treat obesity.

Activity: Barry Clark*, a 42 year old builder, has presented with increasing shortness of breath. Outline how you would assess him.

He has tried unsuccessfully to diet in the past and asks for some help. His BMI is 36. How would you proceed?

*The patient’s name has been changed.


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title

obesity in adults


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obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 5

obesity in adults

Avenell A et al (2004) What interventions should we add to weight reducing diets in adults with obesity? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of adding drug therapy, exercise, behaviour therapy or combinations of these interventions. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; 17: 4, 293-316.

Barnett A et al (2009) Managing adult obesity in primary care - a consensus algorithm (roundtable discussion). Supplement to Diabetes and Primary Care; 11: 1, 53-62.

Bibbins-Domingo K et al (2007) Adolescent overweight and future adult coronary heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine; 23: 357, 2371-2379.

British National Formulary (2009) BNF 58. London: BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.

Cancer Research UK (2009) Our Annual Survey on Public Perceptions of Risk. London: CRUK. tinyurl.com/annual-perceptions

Chee C, Olczak SA (2008) A Prader-Willi tricky situation. Practical Diabetes International; 25: 5, 192.

Counterweight Project Team (2008) Evaluation of the Counterweight Programme for obesity management in primary care: a starting point for continuous improvement. British Journal of General Practice; 58: 553, 548-554.

Croker H (2007) Tackling overweight and obesity in children. Practice Nurse; 33: 10, 25-31.

Diabetes UK (2009) Diabetes and Obesity Rates Soar. London: Diabetes UK. tinyurl.com/obesity-diabetes-soar

Dobson R (2009) Obesity is a risk factor in 70,000 new cancers a year in Europe. BMJ; 339; 3171.

Eckel R et al (2005) The metabolic syndrome. Lancet; 365: 9468, 1415-1428.

Finer N (2009) Alli: a friend to the overweight. Prescriber; 20: 14, 6.

Foresight (2007) Tackling Obesities: Future Choices – Project Report. London: Foresight. tinyurl.com/foresight-project

Fry T (2004) Childhood obesity: if they’re fat by four we’ve failed. Nursing in Practice; 15: 25-27.

GlaxoSmithKline (2009) Considering alli? tinyurl.com/considering-alli

Haslam D (2008) The metabolic syndrome: should we move on? Supplement to Diabetes and Primary Care; 10: 4, 220.

Haslam D et al (2009) Medical Management During Effective Weight Loss (leaflet). Cambridge: Cambridge Health and Weight Plan.

Helman CG (2007) Culture, Health and Illness. London: Hodder Arnold.

International Diabetes Federation (2006) The IDF Consensus Worldwide Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome. Brussels: IDF. tinyurl.com/metsyndrome

Jeffery AN et al (2005) Parents’ awareness of overweight in themselves and their children: cross sectional study within a cohort. BMJ; 330: 23-24.

Johnson-Taylor W et al (2008) The change in weight perception of weight status among the overweight: comparison of NHANES III (1988–1994) and 1999–2004 NHANES. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 12: 5-9.

Karet B (2008) The metabolic syndrome: Pie in the sky? Supplement to Diabetes and Primary Care; 10: 4, 221-226.

Kennedy E (2008) The big issue. Diabetes Update. Winter 2008, 24-27. tinyurl.com/the-big-issue-debate

Lock K (2009) Potential causes and health effects of rising global food prices. BMJ; 339: b2403.

MacDonald P (2009) A diet-free approach to weight loss. Practice Nurse; 37: 32-35.

Milligan F (2008) Child obesity 2: recommended strategies and interventions. Nursing Times; 104: 33, 24-25. tinyurl.com/child-obesity-strategies

National Institutes of Health (1998) Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: The Evidence Report. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. tinyurl.com/obesity-report-nih

NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care (2008) Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England, January 2008. Leeds: NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care. tinyurl.com/stats-obesity

NICE (2006) Obesity: The Prevention, Identification, Assessment and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults and Children. London: NICE. http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG43

Pearson D (2004) Primary care treatment approaches to weight management. Complete Nutrition; 4: 2, 9-13.

Poirier P et al (2006) Obesity and cardiovascular disease: pathophysiology, evaluation, and effect of weight loss. Circulation; 113: 898-918.

Preiss D, Sattar N (2007) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: what is it, when does it occur and why does it matter? Practical diabetes international 24;6;310-316

Pryke R, Docherty A (2008) Obesity in primary care: evidence for advising weight constancy rather than weight loss in unsuccessful dieters. British Journal of General Practice; 58: 547, 112-117.

Qi L, Cho Y (2008) Gene-environment interaction and obesity. Nutrition Reviews; 66: 12, 684-694.

Royal College of Physicians (2003) Anti-obesity Drugs. Guidance on Appropriate Prescribing and Management. London: RCP.

Shan Y (2008) Tackling the obesity crisis in the UK. Primary Health Care; 18: 8, 25-30.

Stear S (2004) The importance of physical activity to good health. Nursing in Practice; 14: 47-50.

Stern MP et al (2004) Does the metabolic syndrome improve identification of individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease? Diabetes Care; 27: 2676-81.


Turner A (2007) Cardiovascular risk: motivating behaviour change to reduce it. Practice Nurse; July 13, 2007.

Zammit V (2009) Recent drug development for diabetes and obesity. Primary Health Care; 19: 6, 32-36.


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obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 5

obesity in adults


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Obesity in adults 5