Helpful Information for Parents

  • High School swim meets run a little different from summer recreational meets and USA meets. The meet runs with a set of events, a break for diving, a warm up and then the rest of the events (see page 3 for order of events). This is so the swimmers don't die trying to swim multiple events in under an hour.During a Rec and USA meet, thereare multipleage groups / heats that provide a break for swimmers. High School meets will at times, have a JV (Junior Varsity) heat for some of the events
  • Brecksville-Broadview Heights District competes in the SW Conference. We are a Division 1 team in the Northeast District. There will be several out of conference meets that will be scheduled. Some of these meets will be invitational meets that require a qualifying time to be able to complete in the meet. Coach Mark will let the swimmers know ahead of time if they qualify for an invitational meet.
  • Although we train and practice together, the boys’ and girl’s teams score separately at a meet. Swim and dive points are added together for each team to determine the meet winner. A typical meet can last between 2 and 2.5 hours.
  • Diving takes place after the 50 free event. Divers are given a chance to warm up prior to the start of their competition. Each diver will complete a total of 6 dives. The officials score their dive by level of difficulty and execution of the dive. The diver with the highest score at the end of 6dives wins the diving portion of the meet.

Scoring for 6-Lane Pool

Relays: 8, 4, 2, 0

Individual Events: 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 (first place gets 6 points ...)

  • Reserve your seat early at home meets! The Brecksville Community Center pool seating is limited. Last year the RecreationCenter tried to setup cameras and a big screen so everyone can see.They also set up chairs in the weight training area. If you want to sit above the pool get there early and dress in layers. It might be snowing outside but it gets hot in there when it's crowded.
  • The Coaches will make up the "heat sheet" the day of the meet. We make every attempt to make copies for parents so you can see what your athlete will be swimming.Swimmers can only swim a total of 4 events including relays per meet, however not all swimmers will swim 4 events.The coaches will keep a log of all swimmers times for the year and will give them a book at the end of the season that has their times for each meet. (He also gives them district/sectional/state qualifying times!).
  • Away Meets: Transportation will be provided for the athletes for all away meets. The bus will pick up the athletes at either the high school or the community center. Pick up location will be communicated in a timely manner. If you decide after the meet to have your athlete drive home with you, you must provide the coaches with a note stating they will not be riding the bus on the return trip. Historically, athletes will dress up on meet day for school and if a meet falls on a Saturday, they will dress up on Friday before the meet. Girls typically wear a dress, shirt or nice pants and blouse and boys will wear dress pants, dress shirt and tie. Coach Mark and/or Captains will let the athletes know ahead of time.
  • Communication: Your parent liaison will provide updated information on regular basis to keep everyone informed. This information will also be available on the team website.
  • Timers: There will be 4 homes meets this year. We are responsible for having 2 timers per lane at each home meet. If you are comfortable timing at a meet, these are the best seats in the house! There is no experience necessary to be a timer! As we get closer to the meet season, Sign up Genius will be sent out so you can sign up to be a timer. Because we only have 4 home meets, please sign up for only 1 meet so everyone that would like to time has the opportunity to sign up. If all the slots do not fill up, then you will have the opportunity to time at more than 1 home meet.
  • Photographs: We do have team photographers that will take photos at the meets. They do an awesome job capturing our athletes. Photos can be viewed on Shutterfly. Our team website will have the link available under team photos.
  • Winter practice schedule – There will be practice over the winter holiday break in order to stay in shape. This time of the season is the peak of trainingand swimmers will be pushed to the extreme. Be prepared for them to be hungry, tired and sometimes grumpy.With swimming, missing 2 days of practice does take a few days to recover. So it is important to attend these practices. Coach will provide the holiday schedule as we get closer. Times will be adjusted since they will be out of school. Historically they swim in the morning.
  • How to earn a varsity letter: Coach Krusinski will spell this out for the athletes.
  • Communication: Your parent liaison will provide updated information on a regular basis to keep everyone informed. This information will also be available on the team website.
  • Parties after meets: These are usually at a senior’s house. The parents (or a group of parents) volunteer to host the kids after a meet. Food is always provided (you’d be amazed at what these kids can eat!) and most hang out and watch a movie or play some board games. They last about 1.5 to 2 hours and are chaperoned by parents.
  • Team Apparel:Denise Coughlin will be coordinating all team apparel again this season. Information on team suits and apparel will be sent out shortly.
  • Parent Shirts and Towel Orders:Vivian Kotchmen will be coordinating this order. Ordering information for these items will be available after the start of the season. Be on the lookout for this information.
  • SWC Pasta Party – This pot luck style banquet that will be held the Thursday prior to the Conference meet at the Brecksville Community Center following practice. All families and siblings are encouraged to attend this event. This is a celebration of the season and somewhat of a pep rally for the conference meet.

Vivian Kotchmen has done a fabulous job organizing this event in the past and will continue this season. As time gets closer, she will send out a Sign up Genius for families to sign up to bring an food to share.

High School Swimming/Diving Meet Order and Explanation of Events

1. 200 Medley Relay:

A four person Relay event with each athlete swimming 50 yards in the following order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Freestyle.

2. 200 Freestyle:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 200 yards of Freestyle.

3. 200 Individual Medley:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 50 yards of each stroke in the following order: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle.

4. 50 Freestyle:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 50 yards of freestyle.

5. 1 meter Spring Board Diving:

An individual event with one athlete performing 6 dives for varsity dual meet competition, 3 dives for junior varsity dual meet competition, and 11 dives for District and State level competition.

Warm – up for swimmers

6. 100 Butterfly:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 100 yards of butterfly.

7. 100 Freestyle:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 100 yards of freestyle.

8. 500 Freestyle:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 500 yards of freestyle.

9. 200 Freestyle Relay:

A 4 person relay event with each athlete performing 50 yards of freestyle.

10. 100 Backstroke:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 100 yards of back stroke.

11. 100 Breaststroke:

An individual event with one athlete swimming 100 yards of breaststroke

12. 400 Freestyle Relay:

A 4 person relay event with each athlete swimming 100 yards of freestyle