December 12, 2011
Home of President Doris Lockey
The meeting was called to order by Doris Lockey, President, at 4:10 p.m.
Board Members Present were Officers Doris Lockey, President; Betty Capel, Secretary; Mark Stevens, President Elect; Charlie Parada, Treasurer; Lorrie Parker, Director of Administration, Roz Dauzat, Director of Membership; Christina Rathbun, Co-Director of Service; Marie Underdown, Co-Director of Service; Mike Berger, Past President; Richard Martin, Sergeant-at-Arms; Kris McBride, Comptroller.
Board Member(s) Absent None
Guest(s) Present None
The minutes of November 7, 2011, Board Meeting were emailed for approval. Christina moved to accept, with a second by Mark. Motion carried.
Secretary’s Report – Betty Capel
Copies of the November, 2011, attendance report with make-ups and Month-End report were emailed for information and discussion. Betty reported only one member below the required 50%. Roz moved the reports be accepted, with a second by Charlie. Motion carried. She will invite the 2010 and late 2009 new members to the orientation meeting to insure they have the proper knowledge of attendance of 50%. Doris asked her to consider the continuance of 100% attendance pins at year’s end.
Treasurer’s Report – Charlie Parada
Charlie emailed Operation and Foundation reports for September, 2011, for information and discussion. The Operating Account has a balance of $8271.90, and The Foundation Account has a balance of$84,068.61. A transfer correction of $10,559 was made due to a deposit slip error. The Foundation account was very active the past month. Charlie reported that he had spoken with Bill Perry of Edward Jones. A report of this was emailed to the Board. The money sitting idly in the Foundation account is needs to be invested, and a CD was recommended, as it will earn .02% interest. $25,000 CD was purchased recently and will be due May 15, 2012. Bill suggested staggering the purchases. Roz moved that $25,000 CD be purchased for one year. Mark seconded, and motion carried.
The Board was reminded that the Scholar Athlete money is port of the total Foundation account, but only for one year. Kris reminded the Board that $15,000 - $18,000 of the Foundation balance belongs to t Memory Park. Due to recent charges by members, Betty asked that they be reminded the charges cannot be made to their Foundation accounts, except for EREY.
Charlie reiterated that the new billing system works well. Kris moved this report be accepted. Marie seconded, and motion carried.
Directors’ Reports
Comptroller – Kris McBride
Kris also likes the new system. Problems with members getting behind in their account payments was the reason for the new rule of not charging their Foundation accounts. The members currently behind were discussed. The Foundation financial first quarter end report was not received in October, as Kris was absent. Kris will email this report to all Board members. In January, Kris will go over the first 6 months of records. She cannot pull receivables, and can only look at individual records. She recommended that members be asked about the club having PayPal through ClubRunner for their use. Kris will be sending out the next quarter billing after Dec. 16.
Administration – Lorrie Parker
Decorating for the Christmas Party/meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Yacht Club.
One program to be scheduled is the mid-year report. It was suggested for February, after the District Mid-Year conference so members can be informed. Doris suggested the club have a social event, and Gary Parker was suggested as a program to show films of the club events he has recorded.
Membership – Roz Dauzat
DG data for Presidential Citation reminder was received. We had 49 members on July 1, 2010.
Melanee Tackaberry as a prospective member was tabled until further approach from her.
Linda Ricketts will be scheduling the Red Badge Program/Orientation.
Christina moved, with regrets, that the resignation of Babette Eikenberg be accepted. With a second by Charlie, the morion carried. It will become effective January 1, 2012.
Service – Marie Underdown and Christina Rathbun
Marie reported that the Bridgewood/Fairway Homes Thanksgiving dinner was a success and fun for everyone. The kids liked the gift cards. One suggestion is to have it at another time of the year, i.e. BBQ before school starts.
Christina reported that all the books are gone! Also, Willis Interact has 4 participants and 1 alternate for RYLA, and Montgomery Interact has 4 participants. She is working on getting drivers, as RCLC will transport them to RYLA camp the first week-end in January.
Memory Park – Kris McBride
Kris reported there had been several meetings with the city and everything is rolling in the right direction. By June 30, it is hoped that the transfer will be complete. The county is in the process of closing in the space under the library with an iron fence for temporary control. They are waiting on the final decision on the space, as building materials are in that space. The park committee (soon to be the park Board) needs to get plans underway for an annual fundraiser sponsored by the park. One possibility is a skeet shoot (sporting clays) with Iron Teams competition. This will not be an RCLC event.
Gala – Tony Westlake
Tony reported that profit from the Gala, after all collections and a few expenses left, would be $31,885.52. The food served at the Gala bore no relation to the tasting decisions; consequently, $4000 cash refund was received from La Torretta for the food. The 2012 fundraiser will be November 10, already booked at La Torretta. He commended all committees for the work well done. He asked the Board if a similar event should be planned for next year, or have the Gala every other year. This decision was tabled, as the Board felt the committee needed to make that decision and recommendation to the Board.
Foundation Report – Mike Berger
No update.
Old Business
2012 Nominating Committee – Mark Stevens
Mark will leave the slate of officers as is for now. He then presented to the Board the possibility of using the money for the International Conference in Thailand to send Board members to District Conference for a good representation. This decision was tabled for now and judgment made as the time draws nearer.
Roll of Fame Nomination
Christina was asked to chair this nomination process and to look at all members for possibilities.
New Business
Tabled until next Board meeting in January.
Other Business
The Eagle Scout whom we are supporting was thrilled with the money contributed to his project.
Kris reported that the Vets’ panels in Memory Park need corrections. This will have to be paid for and completed either from money intended for Honor Flight or by RCLC.
Roz moved to table the remaining items on the agenda due to lateness. Marie seconded, and motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Capel
RCLC Board Minutes, October, 2011 Prepared by bcapel 2 | Page