Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group


Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group(the “Group”) is purely a social organization promoting the care and socialization of dachshunds (the “Goal”). The Organizers, Assistant Organizers of the “Group” have volunteered their time to organize social activities to promote the “Goal”. I understand that attendance at Meetup “Group” Events is not without risk to myself, my guests or my dog(s). I recognize and accept the inherent risk related to participation in Meetup “Group” Events activities. I also recognize and accept that some of the dogs which (we) will be exposed may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury, even when handled with the greatest amount of care.I hereby waive and release the Organizers, Assistant Organizers and Officers of the “Group”, any hosts, including Kathy Gelein, ANY Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Sponsors, its officers, employees, members and agents from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I, my guests or my dog(s) may suffer, including specifically, but without limitation, any injury or damage resulting from the action of said dog(s), or any other dog, and I expressly assume the risk of any such damage or injury while attending any Meetup “Group” Event, training session or other function of the center, or while on the training grounds or the surrounding area thereto. In consideration of and as an inducement to the acceptance of my application for attendance by my dog(s), my guests and/or me at any Meetup “Group” Event, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the Organizers, Assistant Organizers and Officers of the “Group”, any hosts, Kathy Gelein, ANY sponsor of the group., its officers, employees, members and agents from any and all claims by any member of my family or any other person accompanying me to any Meetup “Group” Event or function, or surrounding area thereto as a result to action by any dog, including my own, or for any other reason. I agree to abide by the following Policies:

  • Applicants must be of at least 18 years of age to join Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group. Children are the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian and should be supervised by guardian at all times at any Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Event that includes off-leash play time.
  • Members may bring adult guests to any Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group event. It is the group members responsibility to alert his/ her guest about the membership agreement and that attending the Sacramento Dachshund Meetup is at his/her risk and will not hold Sacramento Dachshund Meetup or it’s organizer or sponsor responsible for any injury or damage incurred at an event.
  • Members must keep their dog(s) in sight at all times and restrained when necessary. It is the member's sole responsibility to supervise their dog(s) when attending any Sacramento Dachshund Meetup sponsored activities.
  • All dogs must be current on their Core Vaccinations, as determined by their personal veterinarian. This is a rule of all Sacramento County Dog Parks and members of the group shall abide by it.
  • Puppies must be at least 16 weeks of age and must be up to date on their "Puppy Vaccination Series" to attend our Events.
  • All dogs must be in good health to attend Meetup Events. If your dog is ill, harboring parasites or other infectious disease, they may not attend Sacramento Dachshund Meetup events until they have received clearance from their veterinarian.
  • To prevent the spread of communicable disease, we ask that if you have recently adopted/purchased your dog/puppy, that you wait at least four (4) weeks until you bring them to one of our Events.
  • Unspayed females, when in heat, may not attend Meetup Events...
  • Dogs must be kept on-leash and under control at all times. Dogs may play "Off-Leash" only while inside the dog park fence.Be prepared to clean up after your dog so that we will continue to be welcome wherever our meetings may be held. This is a dog park rule and it is a common courtesy.
  • If your schedule changes and your are unable to attend an Event that you have RSVP'd "Yes" you MUST update your RSVP to "NO" as soon as possible and no later than 1 hour before the scheduled Event. Failure to update your RSVP, resulting in a "NO SHOW" may result in the loss of privileges and/or membership in Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group.
  • If you wish to promote your business or organization in any manner at Meetup Events or on our Message board, you must first obtain permission from the Organizer of said group.
  •'s Terms of Service Agreement

Kathy Gelein

Sacramento Dachshund Meetup Group Organizer