Board Meeting Minutes: May 10, 2018
7:00 PM, Hazen HS Library
2018 Board Member / Position / Present 5-10-18John Flemming / President /
Mark Brainard / VP-Baseball /
Steve Wales / VP-Softball /
Tim Siebersma / Secretary /
Noni Wilson / Treasurer
Clayton Carlson / Safety Officer
Charlton Lee / Umpire in Chief /
Mike Battin / Coaching Coord.
Jeff Solam / Publicity /
Jen Davis Hayes / Sponsorship Fundraising
Jacob Hanan / Field Scheduler
Jason Jorgenson / Field Maintenance
Greg LaMont / Equipment /
Michael Waiters / Registrar /
DelreneFlemming / Uniforms
Amy Brainard / Uniforms /
Jeremy Wilson / Information Officer
Naomi Solam / Players Agent
Nick Scappini / Players Agent
Jen Waiters / Softball Registrar
Nina Neal / Softball Scheduler
Kyna Lower / Intro to Softball Coordinator
Natalie Ford / Softball Events Coordinator /
Jennifer Novak / Softball
Jesse Whiddon / Special Events Coordinator
Quorum present?Yes
Motions Seconded and Passed and to be enforced this current season:
- To refund AAA fast pitch softball parents for umpire no-shows which were at the fault of UNW
Motioned Passed: 10 yes, 0 no
- To revise the All-Star player selection process such that the All-Star manager has 1 autopickrather than 4. The All-Star player selection committee will select the rest of the players.
Motioned Passed: 10 yes, 0 no
- To have the All-Star player selection committee for each level decide whether an All-Star tryout session will be held or not
Motioned Passed: 9 yes, 1 no
- To order the charcoal and white All-Star uniforms for baseball 10s and 11s, and to order the grey full button-down All-Star uniforms for the 12s. All will include the red cloth fitted hats with white and blue lettering.
Motioned Passed: 9 yes, 1 no
Motion approved after the meeting via email:
- To increase the baseball All-Star fee to $125 to better cover the actual cost of the All-Star uniforms
Motioned Passed: 12 yes, 0 no
Motions Voted Down: none
Other Decisions made:
- We will aim for more volunteer umpires next year, with registration discounts or free registration for parent volunteers
- For All-Star player selection, non-committee managers will be present to answer questions about players on their team
- Regular season managers will put together All-Star player lists for reference
- There will be no change to the All-Star manager selection process
- The All-Star fee will be unchanged at $100
- There is no league tournament for softball
- The baseball league tournament will start May 21
- We will plan an end-of-season Jamboree and equipment-return for June 16
- Our next board meeting will be Monday June 11, 7:00
- Baseball league tournament: May 21 – 31
- Baseball TOC is ~ June 16-18 at TBD
- Baseball District tournament: 10s/11s start June 23 at PacWest
12s start July 6 at Bar-S West Seattle
- Baseball State tournament: 10s start July 7 in Everett
11s start July 14 at TBD D7
12s start July 21 at Sedro Woolley
- Softball TOC is June 8 – 10 at Highline
- Softball District tournament: 10/11/12 June 22-24 at TBD D7 (maybe McKnight or Hazen)
8/9/10 June 25-27 at TBD D7
9/10/11 probably won’t have a team
Action Item Summary:
- Charlton – PA system for Under-the-Lights
- Noni – get check to Steve Wales for SHLL registration fees
- Greg – deliver BBQ to Under-the-Lights May 12 & 19
- Greg / Anthony / Mike B – organize end-of-season Jamboree for June 16
- John – talk to Del about regular season substitution rules (must subs be married to another player)
- Charlton / Steve / Natalie – determine AAA softball umpire no-show refund amount
Discussion Notes:
- Umpires
- Minors fast pitch softball has had an issue with having UNW umpires for their games.
- Although we submitted our schedule to UNW early, our schedule had to change due to D7 changes.
- Initially, the schedule was the issue, but more lately it has been umpire cancellations or no-shows.
- In general, Majors softball has not had the same issues.
- It was suggested that the Minors softball families be refunded for umpire no-shows
- It was noted that Thunderbirds hire teenagers as paid umpires, which works well
- We will try to get more volunteer umpires next year, including reaching out to high schools and offering discounts for parent volunteers (for example, a full registration refund for 8 games of umpiring)
- All-Star Selection
- Selection will be around June 1
- In talking to other leagues, one difference from our policy is in the number of players selected by the manager vs. by other means, such as the selection committee
- A motion was made, seconded and approved to have the manager get 1 auto-pick, with the remainder determined by the selection committee
- The selection committee will be the All-Star manager plus at least 2 other managers and assistants that do not have kids in the running for All-Stars
- A motion was made, seconded and approved to have the All-Star player selection committees decide whether or not to have an All-Star try-out session
- Baseball All-Star Uniforms
- 2 options were shown for All-Star uniforms: One is $71 per uniform and dark grey with white pants. One is $88 per uniform and is light grey with grey pants and full button-down jersey
- The uniforms will require about 4 weeks lead time
- A motion was made second and approved to go with the less expensive option for 10s and 11s, and the more expensive option for 12s
- A motion was made seconded and approved to go with the red cloth fitted hats with white and blue lettering. All levels will get the same hats.
- The All-Star budget is $4000
- It was originally decided to keep the All-Star fee at the same as last year at $100, but later it was determined that $125 would be required for baseball only to cover the cost of the uniforms. Post-meeting, a motion was made, seconded and approved to raise the baseball All-Star fee to $125.
- Hazen Softball Field Priority
- Newcastle wants some dates for use of the Hazen softball field next year
- There will be no change in priority this year, but next year could be different and will require further discussion between RLL, Hazen, Newcastle Pony and Renton School District
- Open Items
- Steve needs a check for $500 to pay SHLL for softball
- We will discuss digitizing our by-laws and other documents in Office 365 at the next meeting
- We need to spread the word on board member succession since many current board members will not be back next year
- Next year we should have more of a UIC + scheduler committee to keep umpire scheduling and game scheduling closely tied together
- We will plan for an end-of-year Jamboree again with details discussed at the next meeting. Last year it worked well at McKnight. Greg & Anthony will organize, with help from Mike Battin. June 16 is a possible date.
- The next meeting will be Monday, June 11 at 7:00 PM in the Hazen High School Library