Bulletin Notices
May 7th, 2017
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (B.A.S.)
Today’s Readings:
1 Peter 2:19-25 & John 10:1-10
Next Sunday’s Readings:
1 Peter 2:2-10 & John 14:1-14
There is a great activity box full of puzzles and colouring pages, providing fun for fidgety little ones in the back entrance hall of the church.
Are you graduating high school?
We want to support you through a new program designed to encourage you through your next transition. Adopt-a-Grad is a really simple idea… we match every one of you up with a person or family from our church who will pray for you and encourage you during your first post-high school year. All you have to do is fill out the online Adoptee Info sheet (https://goo.gl/forms/fvtgpuO5MMaOqpAp1) and provide us with a picture of yourself. This program is for all graduating high school students at SPOTH.
Registration Deadline: May 14, 2017
If you have further questions, contact Dee James at 905.550.0532 or .
Maria Jemmott, Francine Fleming and three others, authors of WALKING THROUGH and Other Stories, are hoping to see you at their first book signing event. Wewill be at Open Studio Cafe, Nautical Village, Pickering, On Saturday May 13, 2017, between the hours of4:00 and 7:00 P.M.
We invite you to drop in, meet the authors and purchase an autographed copy of Walking Through and Other Stories. It will make a wonderful Mothers' Day or birthday gift. Looking forward to seeing you…Maria
5km Walk & 2km Toddler Trot
Funds help patients dealing
with life threatening illnesses.
We need to reach out to your congregation with the hopes and prayers you can help us to assist patients diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses in Durham Region. Perhaps we may be able to assist some of your members with our programs.
Our 2k/5k charity fundraiserneeds a few more people to register by May 7for theevent on Saturday, June 10that the Abilities Centre, Whitby. Ken Shaw, CTV News is volunteering to MC the multi-generation, family-friendly walk for all abilities. Light breakfast is included after the event, and just costs $40 if you register today or $45 the day of the race. Children under 6 years are free; 7 to 12 year-olds are $15.
Laurie Docimo, Shine Through the Rain Foundation
Church Donation Envelopes
This is just a reminder from the Envelope secretary. Please, please, please do not use an envelope # unless you actually have current 2017 envelopes in your possession. Please write your full name on a donation instead and place in a blank envelope. Once you no longer have physical envelopes, I reassign those envelopes to someone else. So someone else may be getting your tax credit if they have that envelope # now. This also applies to people on PAR. Your old envelopes have been reassigned. Thanks for your continued support of St Paul's on the Hill.
- Cassie Williams Envelope Secretary
The Leprosy Mission raises funds for their wonderful work around the world by selling stamps to dealers. People are not using stamps as much as in the past. If you have stamps, please consider donating them and put them in the box in the narthex. Contact Barbara Beard for additional information. 905-837-5396
NB We are looking for used stamps not new.
Thank you!
Counters needed ...
We require a few people to come forward as volunteers for our donation counting teams. This would require only one Sunday for a few hours after service approx.
once a month or so. Please speak to... Canon Kim,
Mike Persaud or PamJohnstone
Prayer Praise & Healing (PP&H)
PP&H is an informal and unhurried service that provides the opportunity to just rest in God’s presence. Come and share in a time of prayer and praise with Pastor Doug Willoughby and the worship team Laudate (loud-ah-tay) every month except June, July, August and December.
Our next date:
May 28 at 7 PM – featuring the Teen Challenge Choir
Needed for Tanzania Mission…
We would like to supply the children with baseball mitts and balls. If you have any to donate, please drop them off in the church office. Thank you!
We are pleased to now offer PayPal as a convenient option for making donations to our favorite Church on the Hill. PayPal also accepts major credit cards.Please visit our websitewww.stpaulsonthehill.com
Go to menu, scroll down to donations. Click on donation line i.e. general or other and follow the prompts.
AV Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to join the AV Technical Team at St. Paul’s. As a member of the team you will provide audio reinforcement and video support to presenters and worship teams at regular Sunday services and special occasions such as concerts, weddings, and funerals. The goal of the AV team is to optimize the experience of the congregation whatever the occasion.
A technical background and a working knowledge of computers are essential prerequisites, however full training will be provided. Please contact Pam Johnstone at 905-683-8726 or if you feel called to this important ministry.
Would You Like to be Part of a Life-Giving Experience!
We’re inviting you to be part of a group from St. Paul's to be part of a GTA-wide initiative to
reach out to Pickering-Ajax with the Good News of Jesus.
To learn more
and be part of this exciting initiative
join us at the
Alpha Training Conference
Saturday, May 13, 2017
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Registration is open now!
Cost: $35 per person (includes lunch)
Who is it for?Leaders and teams who are running Alpha in their community.
Location: Bayview Glen Alliance Church,
300 Steeles, at Bayview
Interested? Please contact Canon Phil
Check Out What is Happening With the Children & Youth!
Kids Church
Kids Church runs during the 9 am and 11 am services for children newborn to youth high school age. We are still DESPERATE NEED of teachers for preschool through to grade 6. If you would like to volunteer your time alternate weeks with our future church leaders, please speak to Jacquie James at 905-621-0155.
Sr. Youth Group Grade 9 & up
Sunday Evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm in the boardroom.
Bring a friend! The chocolate bar rule is in effect.
For more information, speak to Dee James 905-550-0532.
Sherri Everitt will host a Parent Drop in Group the last Sunday of each month in Canon Kim’s office during Youth Group.
Please join her for a hot beverage and a sweet!
Foundations (JK to Grade 2), Middlers (Grade 3-5), Bedlam (Grade 6-8)
Thursday Evenings 6:45 to 8 pm
All three programs run simultaneously each week. Foundations and Middlers run in the main hall, contact Jacquie James (905-621-0155) for more information while Bedlam runs in the boardroom, contact Dee James for more information at 905-550-0532. New joiners are always welcome.
Each Thursday the Parent Room is open in the room on the lower level directly up the ramp. Please feel free to sit and enjoy a hot beverage from our Keurig and chat with other parents. The last Thursday of each month Sherri Everitt will host a Parent Drop In during the Thursday Evening Program all are welcome.
Come out and join the excitement, meet some new friends and as we like to say HAVE CRAZY MAD FUN!
Our End of the Year Celebration is May 18th
6:30 to 8:00 pm
We will begin with a BBQ, Awards then Games
Tickets are $1 per child – DEADLINE to purchase tickets is MAY 14TH
There will be no program for the adults during the party and the Parent Room will NOT be open
Child Baptism & First Communion
JK to Grade 8
We will be running the Child Baptism & First Communion course again this fall for those children who are JK to Grade 8 who have not yet been baptized or who have been baptized and wish to go forth and receive their First Communion.
The dates are as follows:
Saturday September 23rd 9 am to Noon
Parents & Sponsors of the Candidates are required to be present for the first hour
Saturday September 30th 9 am to Noon
Candidates ONLY
No class on Saturday October 7th this is Thanksgiving Weekend
Saturday October 14th 9 am to Noon
Candidates – Parents & Sponsors are required to attend from 11:15 am to noon
The service is SundayOctober 15th at 3 pm
For more information please speak to Jacquie James 905-621-0155
The Childrens’ & Youth Ministry Team are looking:
· Men’s or ladies plain white t-shirts, if you have some you are no longer wearing we would love to put them to good use!
· Baby food jars
· 500ml plastic containers like sour cream or cottage cheese
· Spring and summer children’s & youth (size 6x up to adult large) clothing, shoes, rain boots - clean and in good condition for families in the community who are in need.
Items can be dropped off on Wednesday, Thursday evenings or Sunday mornings.
Please contact Jacquie James at 905-621-0155.
9:45 AM T0 4 PM
Camper Registrations and Leader Applications are LIVE!
Go to www.stpaulsonthehill and follow the links
Leader Training will be July 10th to 13th.
For more information speak to Jacquie James 905-621-0155
St. Paul’s on-the-Hill
Youth Achievement Scholarship 2017
As a church community, we are excited to endorse and support our youth with this successful scholarship program for the tenth year. Students currently enrolled in high school, connected to our church or community, who plan to enter university/college in September 2017, are invited to apply. Applications are due May 19, and the awards will be presented on Sunday August 27. Applications are available on the church web site - www.stpaulsonthehill.com, in the church office, in the Guidance offices at all Ajax/Pickering high schools and at selected churches in Ajax and Pickering.
Tax receipts are available for businesses or individuals who wish to donate to this worthy cause. A special charitable donation form, available in the Scholarship envelope in the narthex and on the web site, must accompany your donation in order for you to receive the appropriate acknowledgement. Thank you!
Please pray for:
· St. Paul’s, Uxbridge
The Rev. Dana Dickson
· Pray for the church & people of Ndokwa - (Bendel, Nigeria) & The Rt. Rev. David Obiosa
New Mid-Week Eucharist
With Healing
A Wednesday morning service with Eucharist and prayer for healing at 10:30 a.m. with our new Honorary Assistant, The Rev. Keith Todd will continue through the months of April and May, except no services on May 10th and 17th.
· Join us before the service at 9:30 am for Bible study.
Multicultural Day
May 13th from 1:00-7:00 p.m.
The Anglican Church of the Nativity is hosting the 15th annual Multicultural Day on May 13th. Food, drinks, arts & crafts will be available for sale. Participate and enjoy cultural performances, songs, shows, etc. For more infor-mation please see the poster on the bulletin board in the lobby to the right of the stained glass window.
St. Paul’s on-the-Hill Presents
The Teen Challenge Ontario
Men’s Ministry Team
Sunday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m.
Do You know Someone struggling with addiction issues?
Sunday May 28th @ 7:00pm the Teen Challenge Choirwill be here at St. Paul's to share in music and their testimonies how God is setting them free from ADDICTIONS.
Please plan to attend and bring someone with you that
may need to hear this message of Hope.
This replaces the usual PP & H service for May.
His Name is Jesus
by Max Lucado
He could hold the universe in His palm
but gave it up to float
in the womb of a maiden.
Christ became one of us.
and He did so to redeem all of us.
The man...
who spoke with such thunderous authority
and loved with such childlike humility.
The life of Jesus Christ
is a message of hope,
a message of mercy,
a message of life in a dark world.
The palm that held the universe
took the nail of a soldier.
On the eve of the cross,
Jesus made His decision.
He would rather
go to hell for you
than go to heaven without you.
the moment He removed the stone,
He removed all reason for doubt.
Christ's resurrection
is an exploding flare
announcing to all sincere seekers
that it is safe to believe.
We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. I John 2:1