MAY 10, 2007 AT 6:00 P.M.
COUNCIL:Darrel Thomas, Vice President
Roger L. Deck
Joseph Fogle
Keith Berry
Larry Parker
Donald K. Walton
COMMISSIONERS:Kristina Warren, President
Gene R. Beck, Vice President
James Baird
ATTORNEY:Elizabeth South
AUDIENCE:16 Individuals
The Putnam County Commissioners and the County Council met in Joint Session on May 10, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the courthouse annex.
EMA Director Kim Hyten discussed the packet that was sent out and explained that they had worked with legislators to change the bill. The only thing not on the table is to utilize the public sewer system from the city because it would save $32,000. They are possibly looking into having the highway department hook onto the system also.
Commissioner Warren asked about the timeline. Mr. Hyten said the roof should be completed by November. Terry Burnsworth from Pyramid said it would take him six to eight weeks to complete the drawings.
Commissioner Warren asked if either board had questions. Don Walton said he is in favor of the project because it is very important for this county. The courthouse roof is critical and he would like to see local contractors used for this project. Mr. Burnsworth said the jobs would be bidded out and everyone would have an equal chance.
Roger Deck asked if the specifications could be done in eight weeks. Mr. Burnsworth said yes and then there would be a minimum of 17 days for bidding process. Nothing can be started until the 911 towers are down from the roof.
Jay Fogle asked about the increase in cost. Dave Costin explained the raise in costs were mainly due to inflation.
Keith Berry asked who was in charge of this project. EMA Director Kim Hyten and 911 Director Dave Costin said they have worked on this project for the last five years with other review committees. Mr. Berry is concerned because the $2.6 million will not cover the courthouse roof
Attorney Elizabeth South asked if Senate Bill 331 had passed. Mr. Costin said the bill had been signed by the governor.
Don Walton thinks the county should look into paying for the roof out of the hazardous waste fund. They would need to research the law to see if that was possible.
Commissioner Baird believes this is a good opportunity to discuss this because everyone was together. He asked Dave Costin to explain the different line items.
Commissioner Warren asked if there were leasing options for the electrical equipment. Mr. Costin replied there are leasing options but he cannot get a better interest rate on a lease. Leasing would increase their payments.
Larry Parker asked if a move to a new center would increase their operating budget. Mr. Costin replied that it would but he will be able to absorb the costs. Jay Fogle believes it is too much money but it is needed. He thinks there are some things they can do without and hopes he does not see them before the Council in the next few years asking for more money.
Dave Costin said they will be paying approximately $336,000 for the next ten years out of the Hazardous Waste Fund. They are hoping to have $14 million left in the fund after ten years. There is a cap on how much can be spent out of this fund each year, 10% of the balance as of January 1st of each year.
Commissioner Beck made the motion to approve $2,674,917 and $250,000 for the courthouse roof pending Council’s approval for funding and legal approval of contract. Commissioner Baird seconded. The motion carried.
Don Walton made the motion to approve $2,674,917 and $250,000 for courthouse roof pending legal approval of contract. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.
Don Walton made the motion to adjourn. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried. Gene Beck made the motion to adjourn. Jim Baird seconded. The motion carried.
Kristina Warren, PresidentGene R. Beck, Vice President
James BairdDarrel Thomas, Vice President
Donald WaltonRoger L. Deck
Larry ParkerJoseph Fogle
Keith Berry Attest: Carrie Boling
Deputy Auditor