Date / June 26,2017 / Location / Montague Public Safety Complex / Facilitators / Robert Quinn-O’Connor
Time / 7:00-8:45 pm / Duration / 105 minutes / Call in #PIN Code / N/A
12MRC, CERT and DART members / ABSENT:
Robert Quinn-O’Connor / GUESTS:
Police Chief John Paciorek, Deerfield Police Department
Agenda items / Point Person(s) / Discussion
Welcome / Robert / Meeting called to order at 7:05
Update on status of CERT / MRC / DART / Robert / There were no updates to the current status of the MRC, CERT and DART teams.
ID Badges, Applications and Agreements; MAResponds / Robert / Badges, certificates and paperwork were handed out to various members.
Q & A period / Robert / There were no questions
Announcements and Upcoming Events Schedule / Robert /
- IMPORTANT - Responding to Quarterly Drills
We must have at least 40% of our volunteers participate in all four quarterly drills by June 30, 2018 to meet our obligations to the state budget office. - Updates to April’s Training:
- Narcan takes 3-5 minutes to work,
- The person may or may not wake up angry and swinging at you for destroying their high. But it is best to administer it and back away from the person. Chief Paciorek added that most people come to and immediate start to vomit (sometimes projectile vomit) so that is another reason not to be too close. Also,pull out any needles still in their body and carefully place it against a wall or other object where no one will accidentally have contact with it. And make sure you are wearing gloves as the new synthetic, carfentanil, being added to heroin can be absorbed through mucous membranes and possibly hands or at least cuts on the hands.
- If Narcan doesn’t work in 3-5 minutes administer a second dose but make sure 9-1-1 has been called.
- Pet First Aid, Wednesday, June 28th, 5:30pm-7:30pm, Easthampton Fire Dept, 32 Payson Ave, No cost, light dinner served. Participants can expect: Pet First Aid Information, Live Demonstrations, Lifesaving Techniques; Arterial Bleed Scenario (with fake blood!) and everyone will get a free Pet Emergency Kit Bag and collapsible food bowl.
- FEMA “Hard Knox” It’s taking place 10/18 – 10/21 in Hawley. The scenario is a hurricane like the 1938 one that hit MA. The focus will be on testing the federal urban search & rescue team’s capabilities to search through Hawley State Forest and conduct river search and rescue. We have to talk about how your team wants to be involved. There won’t be a sheltering component, but Larry Holmberg is working with SMART on a DART component. Perhaps we should focus our efforts on joining with them?
- The Humane Society of the United Statesassisted the Wolfeboro, NH Police Department in rescuing 84 Great Danes from a puppy mill last Friday. They are looking for DART members to volunteer to help. This would be an opportunity to get some experience in a real setting with live animals. Volunteers could be deployed independently or in teamsof 2-4 people. I could help those who are volunteering on the same days to carpool.
In-Service: Traffic and Crowd Control / Police Chief John Paciorek, Deerfield Police Department / A presentation on Traffic and Crowd Control was given by Chief John Paciorek from Deerfield. He discussed equipment needed and the message the proper clothing sends as well as body language and your voice and how to use it to control a situation, the various techniques that can be used, the need for assertiveness, calmness and authority necessary to control large crowds at events as well as traffic in disaster or emergency situations. He also discussed the role of common sense in designing traffic go-arounds and intersection management.(See the attached participant’s manual used during CERT Basic Training Concepts That Apply to Traffic and Crowd ManagementTraining.
Schedule Next Meeting Date and Adjournment / Robert / The July meeting being held on Monday, July 24th at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is only for those who need to re-certify for CPR/AED and First Aid. Otherwise the next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28that 7:00 PM at the Montague Public Safety Complexin Turners Falls. The topic is Disaster Psychology.The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.