Teacher: Mr. E. Lulik Year: Fall 2017
Textbooks: Physics – Principles and Problems Room: 207
Chemistry – Matter and Change
Units Periods % of Final Mark
1. Foundations of Chemistry
a. Nomenclature and Types of Reactions 10 12
· Part 1 Nomenclature and Formulas
· Part 2 Balancing
· Part 3 Types of Reactions
b. The Mole 10 11
· Part 1 The mole
· Part 2 Molarity
c. Stoichiometry 10 11
2. Heat 15 15
a. Heat and Kinetic Molecular Theory
· Heat and Temperature
· Specific Heat Capacity and Latent Heat
· Thermodynamics
b. Heat involved in Chemical Reactions
· Enthalpy
· Hess’ Law
· Thermochemical Equations
3. Properties of Waves
a. Waves 12 11
· Part 1 Properties of Waves
o Wave Terminology
o Universal Wave Equation
o Principle of Superposition
· Part 2 Wave Phenomena
o Transmission, Reflection and Refraction
o Diffraction and other Wave Phenomena
b. Light 15 14
· Part 1 Characteristics of Light
o Sources and Transmission of Light
o The Speed of Light
· Part 2 Reflection
o Laws of Reflection
o Plane Mirrors
o Curved Mirrors
· Part 3 Refraction
o Snell’s Law
o Total Internal Reflection
c. Sound 8 6
· Part 1 Applications
o The Human Ear
o Other Applications
· Part 2 Transmission of Sound
o Production of Sound
o Speed of Sound
· Part 3 Characteristics of Sound
o Intensity
o Pitch
o The Doppler Effect
o Harmonics, Resonance and Interference
Total 80%
Evaluation: Exams 45%
Quizzes, Assignments & Labs 35%
Comprehensive Final Exam 20%
Progress Report Date: January 31, 2018
Parent/Teacher Conference: Thursday, October 19, 2017
Course Finalization Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018
A. Expectations
· When a lesson is being taught or questions are being answered by the teacher or by another student, please do not talk to other students. It is a sign of respect to the teacher and your fellow classmates.
· When you arrive in class, start taking down notes or work on the review question(s) that are on the board.
· When instruction is complete, you may have time to work on assigned questions. This time is for assignments or studying not socializing with neighbors.
· Do not use cell or smart phones in class without the teacher’s permission.
B. Archbishop M. C. O’Neill Student Handbook
All students are to familiarize themselves with the student handbook. Handbook usage is mandatory for grade 9 students. The handbook can be accessed at
C. Lockers
Locker use is mandatory. Students should leave outer wear and backpacks in the lockers.
D. Attendance
It is the policy of Regina Catholic Schools that if you have 15 or more excused/unexcused absence(s) or late(s), you may be removed from the class. To excuse your absence(s) and late(s), your parent or guardian must notify the office at (306) 791-7240.
E. Late
The responsibility is on the student to arrive to class before the bell rings to start class. If you have a note from the office, student services, or another teacher you will not be marked late.
F. Class Work
Daily class assignments must be completed every day to insure success. The end result of not completing assignments is usually low marks or possibly failure.
G. Assignments
Assignments must be turned in when due. Students with NHI’s are expected to attend OAR. A deduction will be taken off any assignments completed during that OAR period. Any assignments not completed by the OAR date will result in a zero.
Refer to the handbook for cheating and plagiarism penalties (Academic Fraud)
H. Exams
In the majority of cases, students will be given at least one-week notice of an exam. If a student is absent (excused) they will write a comparable exam at a mutually agreed upon time.
Any forms of cheating or plagiarism will result in a mark of ZERO for that particular assessment.
Exams must not leave the classroom.
I. Wiki Page
Google to view daily assignments and covered material.
J. Exit/Entry Log
The log will be filled out by the student including the in/out times and reason for leaving. The teacher will sign the log when the student returns.
· For the 2017-2018 school year a final progress report will be sent out at the end of each semester (Semester One: January 31, 2018 & Semester Two: June 28, 2018). We invite parents and guardians to regularly monitor their son’s/daughter’s academic progress by accessing the HomeLogic program utilized by our school division.
· HomeLogic offers real-time information to parents and students for all classes in one centralized location. It is a web-based program which provides 24/7 access to a student’s timetable, attendance profile, grade history, current/past semester assignments and exams (with due date information) and best of all, a student’s up-to-date gradebook information (assignment marks, exam marks, and his/her current average in the class).
· If you have not already registered for HomeLogic, attached you will find the instructions for registering as a parent/guardian for this online program ( When you first register, you will need your son’s/daughter’s student number. This can be found at the top of a student timetable (in brackets beside the student’s name).
**Please note that only one progress report will be sent out during the semester given the 24/7 access to student progress through HomeLogic.
We hope that the following important dates will help you plan your activities for Sem. I:
· Thursday, October 19, 2017 (by appointment only – further information forthcoming).
2. All Catholic schools in the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division practice continuous evaluation – students are evaluated throughout the year using a variety of evaluation tools and strategies. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to meet student needs and to determine grades. At the end of each semester, students have one week of Course Finalization. During these five (5) days, each subject has a final evaluation day worth 15 – 25% of the course. This evaluation day may be structured in a variety of ways, including (but certainly not limited to) an activity-based evaluation, a two-hour comprehensive exam, or an off-site activity. Every subject at a particular grade level will be consistent in how it is evaluated. For example, all History 20 teachers will decide whether the students will write a comprehensive exam or have an activity-based evaluation day.
Attendance is directly related to academic success; therefore, it is vital that students attend school every day during the semester. This is particularly important during Course Finalization Week, January 23 to January 29, 2018. Any absences during Course Finalization Week must be for “Pressing Personal Need” (e.g., death in the family, or serious illness supported by a Doctor’s certificate) and must be approved by the Administration.
The Course Finalization Days for Semester I are as follows:
Period 1 - Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Period 2 - Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Period 3 - Thursday, January 25, 2018
Period 4 - Friday, January 26, 2018
Period 5 - Monday, January 29, 2018
We appreciate your cooperation in planning family vacations in conjunction with school holidays and semester turn-around days.
O.A.R. (Outstanding Assignment Recovery):
O’Neill Catholic High School believes in fostering the academic potential of all students. Therefore, we have created additional opportunities for students to hand in, and receive credit for, outstanding assignments. Students are expected to attend O.A.R. should they have an NHI appearing in HomeLogic. Parents will receive emails from the office if their child has an outstanding assignment(s).
O.A.R. Dates: Oct. 19 (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), Nov. 16 (3:30 – 5:30 p.m.), Dec. 14 (3:30-5:30 p.m.) and Jan. 16 (3:30-5:30 p.m.)