Аzotovitand Fosfatovit– a confident step
to rational agriculture and big crops
Kuznetcov M.
Open Company «Industrial Innovations»
«Take a mineral nutrition from the nature»
The academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zavarzin G. A.
Now the intensive technologies applied in a modern farm-production, appreciably are based on use of a wide spectrum of chemical protection frames of plants and fertilizers therefore there is a destruction of the whole groups of useful bacteria – links of soil food chains. This process is at first sight almost imperceptible, but suppression of the vital microflora for plants demands more and more high doses of fertilizers for achievement of the necessary result. Ecological niches released thus are filled with pathogenic microbes that, in turn, demands application of new chemical means with wider spectrum of amazing action.
Yes, in plant growing without chemical protection frames it is impossible to receive big crops, but it is possible to replace a part of chemical means with success more effective and safe for ecology biological preparations. So, joint application of fertilizers with microbiological fertilizers considerably increases their efficiency and reduces the expense. Finally it is possible to achieve economic benefit at the expense of the low prices for biological products and the high, qualitative crops received with use of bacterial fertilizers.
By estimations of the Stavropol scientific research institute of agriculture, commodity wheat productivity in 50 ts/hectares takes out nitrogen from one hectare on the average 250 kg in recalculation on operating substance. Ammoniac saltpeter with the content of nitrogen of 34%, with the account of operating ratio of 50%, 1400 kg/hectare of physical weight would be required approximately, whence follows that the basic share of maintenance of plants a nitrogen nutrition lies on a soil microflora fixing nitrogen.
Today in the market of agricultural preparations highly effective microbiological fertilizers of mark of Azotovitand Fosfatovit based on most productive штаммах of soil bacteria, fixing nitrogen and going phosphates are presented. According to institute of agricultural radiology and agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, preparations are capable to accumulate in soil from 15 to 25 kg NPK on operating substance for one month of vegetation of plants, and so – till the end of the vegetation period. The given preparations are made by the Russian company «Industrial Innovations», Moscow, have the state registration, are awarded by honourable diplomas and gold medals of quality at the Russian and international exhibitions, such, as «Russia uniform – 2003», «ROSAGRO – 2005», «Rosbioteh ХХI» (2007 and 2008), "Mellow autumn" (2006 and 2007). They are successfully applied in more than 1000 agricultural productions, agroholdings in Russia and abroad, and also by the Russian Academy of Sciences in the program "Preservation and restoration of fertility of soils, the earths of an agricultural purpose and agrolandscapes, as national property of Russia for 2006-2010" have been recommended. As a result of numerous researches of productivity of preparations of Azotovitand Fosfatovit both in scientific institutions, and in practical production the guaranteed increase of a crop averages not less than 10%.
Production of preparations is under construction on the innovative technologies, which application allows to get an essential rise by a crop (quality and quantity), to raise fertility of soils, to reduce the cost price, to improve an ecological component of agricultural production.
On all questions to address:
355000, Kulakov-prospectus, the house 10 "Д", office 305, Stavropol, Stavropol Territory, Russia,
Open Company «Industrial Innovations»,
bodies: 8(8652) 23-71-67