Inspire School of Arts & Sciences Board of Directors

Regular Session – 7:00 pm

Monday, January 9, 2017

Inspire Classroom IC-6

335 W. Sacramento Avenue Chico, CA

The mission of the Inspire School of Arts and Sciences is to provide high levels of learning and support within a personalized environment that allows students to explore their interests and develop their talents.

Minutes – Regular Session

1.  Call to Order

·  7:15 meeting called to order

In attendance: Rob Reddemann, Gail Holbrook, Kate McCarthy, Debbie Travers, Dave Zeichick, Linda Hovey, Doris Luther, Jerry Crosby, Mark Clarno (parent)

2.  Consent Calendar

a.  Consider Approval of December 12, 2016 minutes (attachment 1)

b.  Consider approval of donations

c.  Consider approval of expenditures

·  No donations or expenditures to report

Gail moves to approve the consent calendar, Dave seconds. Approved unanimously, Linda Hovey abstains.

3.  Student Report

ASB president, Jemma Ochs

·  Formal Dance coming up

·  Freshmen visitation day – Feb 16th

·  Chico Community Scholarship Association is open – trying to promote Inspire applicants

4.  Principal’s report

a.  GALA Report

i.  Jerry extended an invite to the board to attend the GALA

b.  Updated enrollment numbers.

i.  (attachment 2)

c.  Calendar of Events

i.  (attachment 3)

d.  Fire Inspection

i.  Reported findings, we passed on revisit

5.  Discussion/Action Items

5.1a. Discussion/Action: Consider approval of changes to the Charter (attachments 4, 5, 6)

a.  Inclusion of 501(c)(3) language

b.  Both Inspire and CUSD have done preliminary legal review

c.  Jerry reviewed the overview document of proposed changes to the charter document by the lawyers

d.  Each proposed change was reviewed and approved with the exception of the following:

i.  Page 47 edit was changed to “Inspire has a comprehensive set of student policies”

ii. Also, page 47 will be revised to reflect potential future practice of separation from CUSD services.

e.  Jerry will do another review regarding the charter language that mentions CUSD services

i.  Implications for MOU

e.  Rob reported out on the planning meeting from earlier in the evening with CUSD for the Inspire board consideration.

f.  A discussion of the options regarding locally funded or direct funded charters was had

g.  Services and their respective costs were reviewed as provided by CUSD

h.  A series of meetings will be held to review services provided by CUSD and relative cost

i.  Jerry reviewed the potential impacts of the Butte Schools Self-Funded Program (BSSP) and the California Valued Trust (CVT)

j.  Presentation of Petition: Jan. 18th (Board will consider and vote on changes made to charter language to allow for incorporation separate from CUSD. Language will be included that makes it clear we are a separate entity, and may have ramifications for board membership and our MOU with CUSD).

Kate moves to approve changes on the document presented, David seconds. Approved unanimously.

5.1b. Discussion/Action: Incorporation

(Board will vote on incorporation after prior discussion.)

a.  Jerry reviewed the recommendations from legal counsel regarding the makeup of the board.

b.  Linda clarified the roles between the Board members and non-profit corporate officers.

c.  Board directs Jerry to define bylaws further and bring language back next month.

d.  The board would like to vote to incorporate as a separate entity, or as a school under the CUSD.

Gail moves to incorporate as a separate entity with our own 501(c)3; David moves to amend the motion, given the information presented and the changes in our present circumstances, to include the articles of incorporation as written. Linda seconds. Approved unanimously.

5.1c. Discussion/Action: Approval of SARC Report LCAP Report

a)  SARC template was released late in close proximity to the deadline.

(SARC template is still not online with CDE; nor is the LCAP report. We will need to submit the SARC report and then approve at our next meeting.)

6.  Public Comment.

7.  Items from the floor.

·  Gail will miss one meeting in February.

·  Linda offered her expertise

8.  Announcements.

Debbie motions to adjourn, Kate seconds. Approved unanimously.

Inspire School of Arts & Sciences Board Meeting Minutes

January 2017 Page 2