Student Social Emotional Action Team

Date, Place & Time of Meeting: / ABSENT: / MISSION
Our Purpose
The mission of the Parkway School District is to ensure all students are capable, curious and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world. / VISION
Our Priorities
We succeed when all our students and graduates are:
  • able to transfer their prior learning to new demands,
  • in and out of school
  • fully prepared for their next educational challenges
  • creative, thoughtful and effective problem solvers
  • increasingly self-directed, skilled and persistent as learners
  • literate and critical consumers of information and ideas
  • articulate speakers and effective listeners
  • acting out of a strong sense of personal, social and civic responsibility
  • always seeking to understand the views, values and cultures of others
  • working skillfully with others to achieve common goals
  • pursuing a personal direction based on an understanding of their talents and interests

October 25, 2011
Room A, ISC / Valerie Hayes, Lou Jobst, Lisa Luna, Bonnie Maxey, Scharma Banks, Fred Crawford, Susan Dansdill, Jason Rooks, Bill Senti, Patrick Shelton, Chris Shirley, Svetlana Bigott
TEAM NORMS: / Individual Role & Responsibilities:
  • Start & end on time
  • Be an active participant
  • Share the air
  • Focus our work on using existing resources (school, district and community based)
  • Use the ‘parking lot’ for non-agenda items

TO STRATEGIC PLAN / 2011-16 CSIP Goals & Measurable Objectives
Approved by the Board of Education on May 4, 2011
2011-12 Priorities – 10 Measurable Objectives –
Goal 1: All students are Capable Learners who transfer their prior learning to new demands,
in and out of school.
Vision: All students and graduates will be fully prepared for their next educational challenges.
  • All students will meet or demonstrate growth toward ongoing rigorous transfer goals, as measured by assessments within and across all Parkway curricular areas.
  • All students will meet Missouri's required proficiency or growth targets on state exams.
  • All students will take the ACT and achieve a composite score above the national average, with the district average ACT composite score rising to at least 25.
  • All students who take an Advanced Placement exam will score qualified to extremely well-qualified.
  • All students will graduate and be well-prepared for their future as measured by the district graduate survey as well as career and college readiness data.
Goal 2: All students are Curious Learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Vision: All students will offer creative, thoughtful, and effective solutions when faced with challenging problems.
  • All students will improve their ability to develop potential solutions for relevant problems in their community and the world.
  • All students will sustain high levels of creativity and expand the capacity for divergent thinking they exhibited in their early childhood years.
Goal 3: All students are Confident Learners who are increasingly self-directed, skilled, and persistent as learners.
Vision:All students will act out of a strong sense of personal, social, and civic responsibility.
  • All students will improve in their confidence, self-direction, and persistence as learners.
  • All students will report that they are physically and emotionally safe in Parkway.
  • All students will monitor and make adjustments to achieve their personal goals, including academic, health, social, and civic goals.
Goal 4: Develop and support strong professional communities that utilize data, knowledge, experience andresearch to improve practice and accomplish goals.
  • All staff members will provide evidence that their professional learning and collaboration has had a positive impact on their effectiveness in their role.
  • All staff members will engage in professional learning and collaboration that positively impacts Parkway’s diverse student population.
Goal 5: Recruit, employ, develop and retain an exceptional staff dedicated to and representative of Parkway’sdiverse community.
  • Every classroom will be staffed with an effective teacher as measured by Parkway's teacher evaluation model.
  • All employees will be effective in their roles as measured by Parkway’s evaluation models.
  • The diversity of our teachers, administrators, and supervisors will mirror that of our students.
Goal 6: Responsibly and efficiently allocate resources including finances, facilities, personnel and time.
  • All programs, schools, and departments will maintain fiscally responsible practices to effectively accomplish the Mission.
  • All personnel, time, and facility space will be allocated responsibly and flexibly based on the Mission-related needs of students and the financial realities of the district.
  • All financial practices will be approved by an external auditor, and Parkway will annually receive the Certificate of Excellence from the Association of School Business Administrators.
  • All capital improvement projects will be completed successfully, and funding will be secured for future capital improvements.

Welcome & introductions
Bullying surveys
  • Review draft bully surveys in elementary and secondary groups
/ Everyone divided into two elementary and two secondary groups to review the draft bully surveys. Additional time was needed to allow the groups to address wording, types of questions, developmental appropriateness and how to administer surveys. It was agreed to survey all students except those in grades k-2. / Work with Nathan Tyson to incorporate the group feedback into the surveys. Collaborate with Julie Harrison to develop developmentally appropriate definitions of bullying for the survey intro’s. / G3-MO2
Subcommittee work
  • Team membership/Team leaders
  • Roles/responsibilities
  • How to communicate with Action Team
  • Develop Action Plans for recommendations
/ Time was limited due to lengthy conversation on bullying surveys. Subcommittees met in groups to begin developing Action Plans. Subcommittee 3 has suggested that our Action Team consider adopting social emotional learning standards as a guide for our work as a whole. / Facilitators will be meeting with team leader designees from each subcommittee to discuss roles/leadership and how to develop action plans.
Facilitators will prepare for next Action Team meeting to discuss social emotional learning standards and how they apply to our group’s work. / G3-MO2
Next Meetings:
November 22, 2011
Room A, ISC / “It’s no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” ~Winston Churchill
As long as I can conceive something better…I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it.~George Bernard Shaw