The Anglican Church of St. Nicholas

1512 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N1R7


To contact the wardens directly, email:

Prayers for the Week

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering persevere in prayer.” Rom 12: 12

For the world: For all those suffering in the midst of war, civil unrest or disaster

The Global Church: The Church in Nigeria

For the Diocese: Huronia Deanery

Ministerial:Highway Gospel Church

Parish Ministries: The ministry of our Sacristans & Servers

Parish Families: Christine Yange, Neda Zezel & her family, Bill & Joan Alkerton

The sick or those in need: Gord, Angela, Karen, Dianne, Ian, Dorothy, Jack C., Jack W., Gareth, Lynda and Gary, Betty, Marie-Louise, Mary, Eileen, Vivienne, Mabel, The Abdulmajid Family, Fox.

And all those living with chronic problems, our housebound parishioners and their caregivers

Prayers – If you desire prayers for yourself, family, or friends, please contact the prayer chain. Members of the prayer chain will uphold your name (s) in daily prayer

for 30 days. To request prayers from April 10 to 25, please contact Mavis Hristow at 416-690-6862

Daily Devotions– Copies of Forward Day by Day are also available at the back of the church. This devotion includes a short passage of scripture, a brief reflection and a prayer focus for each day of the week.

We warmly welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please introduce yourself to the clergy, fill out the “Newcomer / Visitor” Information form (on the back page of this bulletin) and place it in the offertory plate. Please also join us for refreshments following the 10:30a.m. service.

This week with St. Nicholas

Tuesday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer

Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Thursday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer

7:30 p.m.Choir Practice

Saturday 5:00 p.m.Family Friendly Fellowship

Sunday 8:30 a.m.Said Eucharist

10:30 a.m. Sung Eucharist

12:15 p.m.Worship Committee Meeting

Scripture Readings for Sunday April 29, 2018

Acts 8: 26-40 Psalm 22: 24-30 1 John 4: 7-21 John 15: 1-8

A few service notes….

Gluten free wafers are available for communion. To indicate your need, please pick up a purple card from a sidesperson. With the purple card in your hand at the altar rail, the communion minister will know that you require a gluten free wafer.

All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination or age, are invited to receive Communion in the Anglican Church. If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine, please come to the Altar, and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing.

Children are welcome at St. Nicholas’! Children are invited to attend our Church School Program downstairs during the 10:30 a.m. service.

The Adult Community Lunch and Fellowship continues every second Tuesday until the end of May. The next lunches are May 1st & May 15th. If you can help with this initiative, please contact Sonia at Thank you.

The Barnabas Group meets the third Sunday of each month at 12:30 p.m. in the Memorial Room. This faith based support group is for women diagnosed with depression and/or anxiety. We come together to support, comfort and listen to each other in a safe, confidential environment. For further information please speak with Stephanie Ford, Heather Wickenden or Cheryle Pollock, Parish Nurse. Come to our next meeting and see if the Barnabas Group is for you.

Family-Friendly Fellowship & Supper –Saturday, April 28TH- The Family Friendly Fellowship & Supper will continue on April 28thfrom 5-7 p.m.. This lively, relaxed and interactive Service is followed by a kid friendly meal in Robinson Hall is open to everyone. Please don’t forget about Vacation Bible camp August 20th - 24th.

Donations to Outreach –The people of St. Nicholas made a wonderful commitment to support our Parish Outreach ministry which includes supporting the Churches by the Bluffs Foodbank, a bi-weekly Adult Community Lunch Program here at St. Nicholas, a Men’s Cooking and Support Group partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society and the Amazing Christmas Feast. Donations to Outreach may be made using the blue “Outreach” envelopeswhich are available in the pews and at the back of the Church.

Altar Flowers Each week the flowers on both Altars can be given in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a significant life event. (Anniversary, Birthday, Baptism etc.) If you would like to do this, please write your name and phone number on the calendar at the back of the church. As the week approaches Barb Cutts will give you a call to see if you have any colour requests, and also to get the wording for the bulletin. Payment of $70.00 can be put in an envelope, please be certain that the envelope is clearly marked “For Altar Flowers” and placed on the collection plate.

Thank you to The Outreach Committee for hosting the Fundraising Concertlast night featuring the Bach Children’s Chorus and the Bach Chamber Youth Choir.

Our May Parish Breakfast on Saturday, May 5th at 9 a.m. will be a special “Parish Town Hall” event. Following Bishop Kevin’s example at the York-Scarborough Town Hall meeting, we will be exploring our current ministry and hopes for the future. In preparation for our Parish Town Hall, members of St. Nicholas are being invited to participate in an early Rogation walk by choosing an area within the Parish Boundaries and walking around the area to offer prayers and build awareness – who do you see? What is changing? Who is in need and in what way? If you would like to participate, please take a section of the Rogation Walk Map, add your name to the sign-up sheet (so we know who is walking where) and enjoy!