Eagle News – September 8, 2016
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Key dates & events

September 15
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. / Curriculum Night (all grades) in the Ardmore gymnasium. Come learn about the dynamic instruction occurring in your child’s classroom!
September 24
12:30 – 4:00 p.m. / Ardmore Olympics – This is the biggest event of the school year! Join us for athletic events, carnival games, food, music, and face painting, and watch your favorite staff members get soaked in our Splash Blaster Booth! Bring your families, friends, and neighbors. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m.
September 29
9:00 a.m.– 2:30 P.m. / School Picture Day –Bring your best smile to school! Individual and class pictures will be taken.
October 4
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. / PTSA board meeting – Ardmore Library. Elected officers and committee chairs will meet to conduct business. All parents and teachers are welcome to attend. Only board members may vote.
October 5
7:35 – 8:45 a.m. / Walk to School Day – Join your friends and get a little exercise. BLITZ from the Seattle Seahawks will join us on the walk and at school!
October 11
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. / PTSA general meeting – Gymnasium. Get to know other parents, give your input on school events and initiatives, and if you want to, join a committee. See details in News & Announcements below.
October 14
All day / No school – Professional Development Day

To keep up with new events as they are scheduled, visit the Ardmore PTSA calendar.

Help wanted: Ways to get involved

Students: Join the Eagle Mail club

Students in grades 3-5 can have fun while helping your school get the word out about Ardmore news, events, and happenings around the community. Join our after-school program to help compile Eagle Mail packets to go home with students each week. The club meets on Wednesdays from 12:10 – 1:10 p.m. and is supervised by PTSA parents. Snack included. To sign up, email .

Parents: Make a difference (and make new friends)
Whether you have 15 minutes or plenty of time, there are many ways to help out at Ardmore.

Hearing screening helpers: We need 5-6 parents to help escort students to and from the screening area, and to assist the audiologists with screenings as needed. (8:00 – 11:00 a.m.)

Contact: Marianna Sarbandi,

Photographer: Love taking pics? We need you! Take pictures of students at school events, etc.
Contact: Mrs. Nordstrom in the school office at .

Eagle Mail parent helpers: Work with another parent to help students assemble weekly mail on Wednesdays from 12:10-1:10. Contact: Carrie vanRosmalen,

Ardmore Olympics update

The 2016 Ardmore Olympics are almost here…
Get ready!
The Ardmore Olympicsis the biggest event of the year! It will be held at the Ardmore playground on Saturday, September 24, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Registration opens at 12:30. Be sure to arrive early so that you can check in your student before the games begin.

The Olympics offer something for everyone:

  • An opening ceremony where classes (teams) and teachers walk around the field
  • Olympics-style student events with gold, silver, and bronze medals by grade
  • Group events on the field, plus side events where kids can
    take a solo turn at their own pace
  • Free t-shirts for Ardmore students in attendance
  • Carnival games with prizes
  • New this year: Jet blast splash booth! Don’t miss your chance to blast Mr. Miller, Dr. Ewing, or one of our brave teachers!

In the weeks leading up to the Olympics, students will participate in ourannual fundraiser. Unlike other schools, we raise funds only once per year. We will not ask students to sell magazines, cookie dough, or anything else.

Your student will bring home a packet explaining the event day and how fundraising works. If you do not receive one by Monday, September 12, some will be available in the school office. Highlights:

  • Students are eligible for solo and class fundraising prizes based on participation and total raised
  • The funds raised will benefit ALL Ardmore students towards things like field trip costs, books and funds for all classrooms, Family Fun events like Multicultural Night and the Talent Show, and snacks for testing periods,as just some examples.
  • Funds can be raised by asking family, friends and neighbors
  • Online donations are accepted at ardmoreelementary.org/ardmore-olympics. This link sends donors to our Paypal account, where they can specify a student's names in the notes to seller.
  • Remember Corporate matching! Last year, this was our largest source of donation dollars.

A big thank you to the following community sponsors who make this event possible for us. Because of them, ALL of the funds raised by our students go right back to our students and school via the PTSA:

Bellevue Pediatric Dentistry

Advanced Orthodontics

My Gym Bellevue

Allegro Pediatrics

Team Foster Realty

PRO Sports Club

Wayback Burgers

Juanita Vision Works

Mathnasium of Bellevue

Peak's Frozen Yogurt

Picnics Dogs

Rainy Day Dinner Club

Keep up with the latest details on our Olympics webpage at

All Ardmore families are encouraged to attend. It’s a great way to celebrate our diverse community and a fun afternoon with something for everyone!

News & announcements

Curriculum Night is September 15

Come find out about Ardmore’s dynamic approach to instruction and how we balance academic as well as social development. You’ll have a chance to meet your teacher and go inside your child’s classroom. This is an important evening that parents should try to attend.

Gifted Program applications are due by October 31

The Bellevue School District Gifted Program is currently accepting applications for students in grades 1-11. All BSD students and private school students who live within the BSD attendance area and are in grades 2-11 are able to test for possible inclusion in gifted services. Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are available for download as of September 1, 2016 for winter testing in December-February 2017. The application deadline is October 31, 2016. The applications, list of types of academic data, and proof of residency information can be found at

PTSA summer update and fall preview

The Ardmore PTSA has been busy this summer, preparing for Back to School, the Olympics, and setting up committees. Check out an update from 2016-2017 PTSA President JJ Cadiz on the PTSA blog at

Parents: Help decide school programs and committees

The Ardmore PTSA is hosting a General Meeting on October 11 at 6 p.m. to discuss programs and events that the PTSA will support for this year. All parents are encouraged to attend. Only PTSA members can vote or lead committees. (You can join online at

Past programs include:

  • Multicultural Night
  • Talent Show
  • Math Night
  • Grants to teachers for field trips
  • Nutritious snacks for test days
  • Visiting speakers and presentations

From the principal’s desk

New carpool and drop-off procedures

If you haven’t seen it already, be sure to watch a fun video in which Mr. Miller and Dr. Ewing (or, Superman and Iron Man) walk you through the new safety procedures that we all need to know.

Keep up with Mr. Miller on social media




About this newsletter

The Ardmore Eagle News goes out every other Thursday, except for holiday weeks. Send questions and submissions to . Submissions are due one week in advance of the next newsletter, must be relevant to the broad Ardmore community, and may be edited for space and/or clarity.

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