Expository final draft

Katya Avila

Period 5

“The choice is yours,” Says the evil queen. Snow white stares at the blood red apple, deciding between her life, or her loves life, a determination that she could never remake once its done. But still, she picks up the apple, and the evil queen smiles. “Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice” –Ayn Rand, 20th century Russian-American author. When following ones conscience, they make decisions that may lead them somewhere where they can’t go back and change their decision. Some of those decisions are simple like deciding which candy bar to purchase at the counter, but some are life changing like where to live, or certain actions that a person does. The giver, Ariana Grande, and baking all relate to decision making and not being able to go back once you’ve made your decision.

To commence, not being able to change made decisions can relate to The Giver by Lois Lowry. In the Giver, Jonas was given the option to live a life in the community, where all was perfect, except for the fact that he and the giver kept the world’s greatest memories. Or, leave the community, and to teach the people about what those memories were, and take them out of the bubble, risking his own life. Eventually, Jonas chooses to leave, and that impacted him majorly. He experienced all the memories in real life, and gone through many troubles, all for the sake of the community. Jonas experience relates to the quote because when he made that final decision to leave the community, he couldn’t go back anymore. This specific decision was life changing. Nothing in the outside world was the same as in his little dome AKA community. If he came back, there would be many consequences, and now that the community knows violence, and truly what release is, they would possibly punish Jonas that way.

Proceeding, Ariana Grande is a great example of how decision-making can really affect someone. Ariana Grande, is an actress and singer who is known to be cute, and different in the good way. When she went to audition, the people who interviewed her fell in love with the fact that she dies her hair red! She loved it too, but now, she just doesn’t feel it anymore. Literally! Now her hair is absolutely messed up, and she really regrets dying her hair in the first place. Now, all she can do it wait until new hair grows in. She even got a weave and always puts her hair in the same style, which she is getting lot of criticism for. Ariana Grande, or more specifically her hair, can relate to the quote because Ariana probably didn’t think it totally through before she made that decision. It wasn’t like Jonas’s life or death situation, but now, she will have to wait a few years until her hair can grow back, and now, there’s no going back. All there’s left for her is wait that few years, and keep going forward.

To conclude, the finality of making resolutions can relate too baking. There’s always that person who bakes those cupcakes with, too much sugar, too little sugar, too much salt, not enough salt, and on. But once they’ve made 200 cupcakes with not enough sugar, there’s no more time or ingredients to go back and make another batch! In other words, there’s no going back. Until we can time travel, there would be no way to add in that extra dash of sugar. Instead of you eating those cupcakes the cupcakes will be eating you for all the mean things you said to it. I remember when I was at my aunts party, my little cousin ate a cookie, and said it tasted like “tree leaves”. My aunt replied by saying “Maybe you can help me bake next time, but until then, there’s no turning back”. Baking can relate to not being able to go back because, like I said, until we invent a time machine to when we were still making that batter of the cookies, all the guests or people eating the cookies will have to eat the too-little-sugar too-much-salt not so sweet treats. Ayn Rand explained how when something is done it can’t, or in this case would be too hard and take to long, to go back from. You may not have enough sugar left to make those cupcakes perfect, and without enough sugar, you can’t make a new batch.

Ultimately, when following ones conscience, they make decisions that may lead them somewhere where they can’t go back and change their decision. Ayn Rands quote, “Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice” relates too, the giver, Ariana Grande, and baking for many reasons that now know. After reading the quote, it really stuck with me. I notice people making decisions in everyday life, and realizing that the choice they wouldn’t be able to go back. It’s really important because it teaches people to think out their choices, and don’t just go for it. Just think, if Snow White never took the apple there would be no epic love story, and a totally twisted happily ever after.