Goal Setting and Performance Appraisal Form

Employee: / Click here to enter text. / Date: / Click here to enter text. /
Manager: / Click here to enter text. / Evaluation Period: / Click here to enter text. /

At the beginning of the year, managers should meet with their direct reports to set goals. Each individual should have no more than five goals that are aligned with the unit/division and overall University goals. Throughout the year, managers should meet with their direct reports to check in on progress against goals, and modify as needed. At the end of the year, managers should meet with their direct reports to discuss annual performance against goals and performance behaviors. Please use this form to document goals (beginning of year) and performance ratings and comments (end of year).

Goal Setting (Beginning of Year) / Performance Evaluation – by Goal (End of Year)
Employee Comments / Manager Comments / Rating
Goal 1 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Goal 2 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Goal 3 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Goal 4 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Goal 5 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Performance Evaluation – by Performance Behavior (End of Year)
Performance Behaviors –
All Staff / Rating / Performance Behaviors –
Staff with Direct Reports / Rating
Collaborates and Partners with Others / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE / Builds and Leads Teams / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Communicates Effectively / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE / Ensures Teams are Collaborating Across the University / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Is Accountable for Actions and Performance / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE / Instills Program/Operational Excellence / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Solves Problems Effectively / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE / Leads Change / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Takes an Institutional Perspective / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE / Manages Performance / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Thinks and Plans Strategically / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Performance Evaluation – Overall (End of Year)
Employee Comments / Manager Comments / Rating
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / ☐EE ☐AE ☐ME ☐NI ☐BE
Employee Signature:
(Signature indicates Performance Appraisal meeting was held) / Date:
Manager Signature: / Date:

The following section includes definitions of the performance behaviors and the performance rating scale.

Performance Behavior Definitions – All Staff / Performance Behavior Definitions – Staff with Direct Reports
Collaborates and Partners with Others / -Actively builds positive and productive relationships with members of department/unit and individuals outside of unit
-Works collaboratively with others and contributes to a positive work environment
-Works effectively with and treats people of varying backgrounds and perspectives fairly and works to understand viewpoints different from their own / Builds and Leads Teams / -Recruits and selects the right people with the right skills at the right time for the team
-Develops and manages the team; coaches and develops others to build skills and capabilities
-Manages conflict within the team, between individuals and groups outside of the department
Communicates Effectively / -Communicates ideas and information in an effective manner (in speaking and in writing)
-Readily shares information and keeps appropriate parties up to date
-Listens attentively and demonstrates an understanding of others / Ensures Teams are Collaborating Across the University / -Builds an environment of collaboration, partnership and trust
-Holds others accountable for collaborating
-Sets the team up for success by matching skills and needs
Is Accountable for Actions and Performance / -Accepts responsibility for performance and results – gets the job done
-Takes initiative to understand and produce results aligned to department priorities
-Can be counted on to be where needed and when needed and willingly adjusts to shifting priorities and changes in work / Instills Program/ Operational Excellence / -Creates the structure, processes and environment that enable University and department/unit success
-Acquires and allocates resources to support achievement of objectives
-Implements best practices to improve efficiency and outcomes
Solves Problems Effectively / -Uses an efficient process to solve problems
-Makes effective, timely decisions based on sound judgment
-Identifies causes of problems and develops solutions to effectively resolve issues / Leads Change / -Identifies and champions new initiatives; leads change by example
-Generates unique, innovative ideas and solutions to improve processes and results
-Uses effective methods to implement change and overcome resistance to change
Takes an Institutional Perspective / -Considers the needs of the department/unit and broader University when making decisions
-Understands how individual decisions and actions impact the broader unit
-Projects a positive image of the University and demonstrates a commitment to the University's vision and mission / Manages Performance / -Sets clear goals and identifies specific measures for expected results
-Provides support and resources to achieve objectives and provides candid and constructive feedback
-Monitors work progress and accurately evaluates performance; addresses performance issues
Thinks and Plans Strategically / -Communicates a clear purpose for the department/unit and aligns staff roles to accomplish department priorities
-Develops plans that balance long-term goals and immediate priorities and anticipates and plans for future conditions and circumstances
-Keeps the department/unit and University perspective in mind when implementing initiatives
Performance Ratings / Performance Rating Definitions
Exceeds Expectations (EE) / Consistently exceeds goals and expectations. Demonstrates superior performance and routinely performs at a level above current responsibilities. Results have a substantial impact on the department, unit and/or University. Performance at this level occurs throughout the year.
Above Expectations (AE) / Consistently meets and frequently exceeds goals and expectations. Delivers results that are beyond the scope of the current role and responsibilities. Produces results that involve extra, unique or innovative contributions and solutions.
Meets Expectations (ME) / Consistently meets goals and expectations and may exceed one or more expectations. Goals and objectives were achieved or were offset by successful performance in other areas. Delivers important and valuable results throughout the year.
Needs Improvement (NI) / Meets expectations for most goals but is below expectations for other goals. Acceptable performance in some areas but needs improvement in other areas. Performance is inconsistent across all expectations. Improvement is required in specific areas.
Below Expectations (BE) / Does not meet most goals or expectations. Did not achieve expected overall results during the past year. Performance frequently fails to meet minimum requirements and expectations. Significant improvement required.