Unit 3 Week 4 Day 3: Frog and Toad Together


High Frequency: afraid, again, few, how, read, soon

Comprehension: Plot

Grammar: Verbs for Now and Past

Vocabulary (Amazing Words): gardener, nature, sprout, dim, shade, blossom, destroy, humongous

(Selection Words): rain, ground, head, shouted, shouting

Reading Comprehension:
Main Idea
Story Vocabulary / Reading Street Book #3
Story: Frog and Toad Together
We are going to read a story about a two friends who try to grow a garden.
Look at the pictures in the story Frog and Toad Together.
Do you think this story is real or make-believe? Make-believe.
How do you know? Frogs and toads don’t wear clothes or talk.
Who are the characters in this story? Frog and Toad are the characters
Story Vocabulary
rain – Rain is water that falls in drops from the clouds.
What is rain? Rain is water that falls in drops from the clouds.
ground – Ground is the soil or dirt on the surface of the Earth.
What is the ground? Ground is the soil or dirt on the surface of the Earth.
head – A head is the top part of your body or the front part of most animals’ bodies.
What is a head? A head is the top part of your body or the front part of most animals’ bodies.
shouted – Shouted means called out or yelled loudly.
What is shouted? Shouted means called out or yelled loudly.
Shouting – Shouting is calling or yelling.
What is shouting? Shouting is calling or yelling.
All stories have a plot. A plot is the beginning, middle and end of a story. A plot is what happens in the story. When I read this story, think about what happens in the beginning, the middle and the end of the story.
(Read Frog and Toad Together aloud while the children follow along.)
Story Comprehension
What does Toad want? Toad wants to have a garden.
What problem does Toad have? His seeds will not grow.
What does Toad do to get his seeds to grow? He shouts at them, reads them a story and sings them a song.
What did Frog say the seeds need to grow? Frog said seeds need water, sunshine, and time to grow.
What happened at the end of the story? Toad’s seeds grew.
Verbs that tell past and present / Last week we learned about verbs.
What is a verb? A verb is a word that tells what someone or something did.
This week we are going to learn about verbs that tell when something happened.
Verbs can tell if something already happened, or if it is happening now.
Let’s think about action words. What is something that you like to do?
I’ll go first. I can jump.
(Write) jumps, jumped
Read these words. jumps, jumped
The word jumps tells that I am doing that now.
The word jumped tells that I already did it.
(Invite children to name an action that they can do. Add –s , and –ed to the words to show past and present.)