Index of FNA Position Statements



Medication Administration by Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 2007

Retention of the Mature/Experienced Nurse 2003

Nursing Workforce Safety: No Lift Environments and 2003

Safe Patient Handling and Movement Initiatives

Advancing Registered Nurse’s Satisfaction 2001

Public Health Nursing – Keep Florida Healthy1998

Nursing Quality Indicators for Health Care1995

Promoting Volunteerism within the Nursing Profession1993

Cultural Diversity in Nursing1993

Cigarette Smoking1993

Pursue Funding for Adequate Immunization to Florida's Children1992

Women's Need for Universal Access to Care1992

Utilization of ARNP's in Nursing Homes1992

Prescriptive Privileges for Nurse Practitioners in Florida1991

Prescribing Controlled Substances - ARNP's1991

Case Management1990

Public Health Nursing Leadership in Home Visiting Programs in Florida1990

Recognizing and Supporting Aerospace Nursing1989

Teenage Sexual Responsibility1988

Opposition to AMA's RCT Concept1988

70/90 Coalition1988

Long Term Care1988

 Reaffirmation of 1985 Resolution to Promote Nursing Participationin

Multidisciplinary Ethics Committees 1998

Guidelines for Cancer Chemotherapy and Nursing Practice1986

Role of the Professional Nurse in the Planning, Organization1985

and Delivery of Disaster Services

Responsibility for Clients Requiring Nursing Services in the

Home Health Setting1985

Reduction in Medicare Home Health Care Visits Potentates Health1985


Position on Gerontological Nursing1983

Public Health Nurses Authority to Dispense Medication1983

Patient Teaching1983

Organ Donor Program1983

Health Care Policy/Legislation

Commission on Excellence in Health Care’s Legislative2001

Actions: Implications for Nursing

Proposal to Support the Florida Commission on Mental Health 2001

and Substance Abuse

Medication Waste In Long Term Care Facilities1999

Medicaid Fee Increase in Home Health Settings1999

Education on End of Life Decisions1998

Reaffirmation of Need for Child Safety Restraints1998

Improper Use of the Term “Nurse”1998

Medical and Nursing Services for Ventilator Dependent Adults Over the1998

Age of 21 Years

Adequate Nursing Staffing Based on Acuity in Skilled Nursing Facilities1998

Background Checks for All Staff Across All Health Care Settings1998

Adequate Staffing in Home Health Settings1998

ARNP Scope of Practice and the Life Prolonging Procedure Act of Florida1996

Registered Nurses Administering Over-the-Counter Medications As An 1996

Independent Nursing Function

Reinforcing Public Health Nursing in a Restructured System 1994

Universal Access to Care1990

Equal Access to Health Care1989

Individual Responsibility for Legislation1985


Nurse’s Right to Privacy2001

Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Testing1996

Licensure and Regulation of Registered Nurses1995

Advanced Practice Licensure in Florida1994

RN and EMT Licensure and Practice1985

Florida Board of Nursing Sunset Law1985

Impaired Nurse Program1985


Cigarette Smoking and Tobacco Use Prevention2005

Innovations in Joint-Faculty Positions2001


Universal Nursing Languages1998

Expansion of RN Mobility Programs in Florida1996

The Prevention and Elimination of Lead Poisoning in Children1996

To Faculty and Administrators of Nursing Education Programs1985

for Content on Ethics to be Enhanced in Curricula1985

Reaffirmation of FNA Educational Position1985

The Professional Nursing Association Represents Technical1984

and Professional Nurses

Role of the Professional Nurse in the Educational Process1984

Titling and Licensure of Registered Nurse in Florida1984

Strategies for Implementation of Two Levels of Nursing Practice1984

Continuing Education1984

Workplace/E&GW of Nurses

Workforce Advocacy for Safe Patient Handling: Beyond Legislation 2007

Effects of Physical and Emotional Fatigue on Nurses in the Workplace 2007

Eradication of Horizontal Violence and Bullying in Nursing 2007

Safe and Secure Work Environment 2005

Safe Staffing2005

ANA’s Principles for Nurse Staffing Applied to Florida Hospitals2001

Models of Voluntary Overtime2000

Blameless Medication Error Reporting Systems2000

Controls To Promote Needle Safety1999

Latex Allergy1999

Shared Accountability in Today’s Work Environment1998

Identification of Registered Nurses as Distinct Health Care Providers1995

Health Care Ergonomics for Nurses1995

Registered Nurse Staffing Patterns1995

Supervision of New Graduates1993

Positioning Nursing in Restructuring the Workplace1993

Implementation of the OSHA Standards on Occupational Exposure1992

to Bloodborne Pathogens for State Employees

Guidelines for Practice for the Nurse with a Bloodborne Disease 1992


Bloodborne Pathogens/Tuberculosis and Nursing Students1992

Third Party Reimbursement1991

Nurses' Responsibility for Safe Practice1989

Third Party Reimbursement1989

Nursing Shortage1987

Insurance Claims Information and Data Collection1987

Affordable Professional Liability Coverage1987

Malpractice Crisis1987

Professional Liability Insurance1985

AORN Statement1984

First Surgical Assistant1984

Adequate RN Staffing in Long-term Care Facilities1984

Medication Administration in Long-Term Care1984

Statement on the Role of the Community Health Nurse1984

Administration of Medications by Unlicensed Personnel1984

Employment of Graduate Nurses1984

Identifying Nursing Costs1983

Nurses Participation in Health Care Cost Containment1983

Worker's Compensation1983

Employee's Right to Know Hazards in the Workplace1983

Liability Insurance1983

Consumer Advocacy/Ethics

Preparation for Disaster Response2007

Increasing Nurses’ Awareness of Public Cord Blood Donation 2007

Obesity in Children of Florida2005

Opposition of Geriatric Specialist Assistant in Long Term Care2003

Patient Privacy in and Electronic Age2000

Proposal to Support the Runaway Act of 20002000

Support Tort Reform In Long Term Care (LTC) Regarding1999

Caps on Attorney Fees1999

Domestic Violence1995

Human Rights of Citizens in Need of Mental Health Care1995

Human Rights of Older People and the Florida Mental Health Act1995

Curbing the Public Health Epidemic of Handgun Violence in Florida1994

Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in Schools1992

Domestic and Workplace Violence1992

Client's Rights Regarding Administration of Artificial Sustenance1987

To Promote Nursing Participation in Multidisciplinary Ethics Committees1985

Nurse Intervention in Child Abuse Investigation and Treatment1985

Elderly Abuse1984

Client's Rights Regarding Treatment and Care1983

Child Passenger Safety1983

Communicable Diseases

Influenza Immunizations2007

Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases 2003

Prevention Strategies to Reduce Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted1998

Diseases Among Teenagers

Women and AIDS1993


Nursing and Human Immunodeficiency1992

Reporting of HIV Exposure Data to HRS1990

Promotion of Increased Nursing Research on AIDS and HIV Disease1990

U.S. Travel Restrictions on HIV-Infected Visitors1990

Nursing Case Management for People with HIV/AIDS1989

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome1983

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