Juniors may enter classes in adult divisions and are encouraged to do so. Heck, us old-timers need some new competition and we’d love for you juniors to show us your stuff. If you need help we are here to answer your questions so you’ll know just as much as we do on how to prepare and show your garden produce. So, if this sounds like you, pay the Adult Entry Fee of $5 instead of the Junior Entry Fee of $2…That way you can enter all the junior classes you qualify for and all the adult classes as well. This year there is a $25 Prize for the Top New Exhibitor in the Adult Section in Garden Products and $25 Prize for the Top New Exhibitor in the Adult Flower Show. Will that be you? Just wright NEW on your adult exhibit tags.


Indicate on your Junior Entry Tags Your Appropriate Age Category as follows:

“A” for 11 years and under

“B” for 12 to 16 years

PRIZES: $5, $4, $3 for “A” Entries

$6, $5, $4 for “B” Entries


3140 Mixed Vegetables in a Decorated Container Not Exceeding a 12”X 12” Area, 6

Varieties (no more than 2 of each kind)

3141 1 Potato with the Most Eyes

3142 Carved Pumpkin

3143 Strangest Looking Vegetable

3144 Largest Zucchini

3145 Ugliest Looking Vegetable

3146 Create any Animal from Veggies/Fruits etc.

ONT150 Make a Trillium Design Out of Veggies/Fruits etc.

GARDEN Special Ontario 150th Birthday Prizes for This Category as well as Prize


CAN150 Make a Canadian Design out of Veggies/Fruits etc.

GARDEN Special Canada 150th Birthday Prizes for This Category as well as Prize


3147 Judge’s Choice for Best Entry chosen from Classes 3140-3146, ONT150 &

CAN150 GARDEN Classes. 1 for“A” entries & 1 for “B” entries. Rosette

Ribbons and Sponsor’s Prizes.


“A” for 11 years and under

PRIZES: $5, $4, $3


3148 Single Plant in a Toy

3149 A Design Using Seeds

3150 Bouquet for Mom in a Mason Jar

3151 Plant in a Fish Bowl

3152 Sunflower, 1 Bloom with stem in water

3153 Tallest Sunflower, may have roots attached

3154 Bouquet for My Teacher’s Desk


JRA Canada is My Country: A Red and White Flower Arrangement to Celebrate

Canada’s 150th Birthday in a suitable container. Use any accessories you

wish to let everyone know this is definitely A Canadian Design. Examples:

Flags, Maple Leaves, Canada Geese, Beavers, Red & White Candles etc.

Special Canada 150th Birthday Prizes for This Category as well as Prize



JRA And I Live In Ontario: An Arrangement to Celebrate Ontario’s 150th

Birthday Of Flowers/Plants in a suitable container. Use any accessories

you wish to let everyone know this is definitely A Design with the

Province of Ontario in mind.

Special Ontario 150th Birthday Prizes for This Category as well as Prize


3155 Arrangement in a Hat

3156 Houseplant, NAMED

3157 Fireworks: An Arrangement depicting Fireworks. Use your imagination.

3158 A Hallowe’en Arrangement in a Pumpkin. Hint: Use Black/Dark Purple/

Purple/Orange/Yellow Flowers and Accessories to achieve a Spooky Feeling

3159 Judge’s Choice for “A” Juniors chosen from Classes 3148-3158. Rosette

Ribbon Sponsor’s Prize. (This Includes CAN150 and ONT150 JRA classes)

“B” for 12 to 16 years of age

PRIZES: $6, $5, $4


3160 Collection of Common Roadside Flowers in a Container of Choice

WARNING: Beware of the Wild Parsnip in Bloom. When this plant is in

bloom, it’s SAP will burn exposed skin and is photo sensitive. Everytime

the affected andskin is exposed to sunlight painful blisters appear and

become larger and larger, more and more painful. If you don’t know this

highly invasive plant. Please Google it before you go Native Flower

Gathering. Ask an adult or parent for Help.

3161 A Design Using Seeds

3162 Sunflower, 1 Bloom with stem in water

3163 Tallest Sunflower, may have roots attached

3164 Sunflowers and Cattails arranged in a DecoratedApple Juice or Other Can.

Hint: To Stop can from being top-heavy put sand in the bottom of your

can to weigh it down and you can push the stems of your Flowers/Cattails

right into the stand to Stabilize your Arrangement


JRB Canada is My Country: A Red and White Flower Arrangement to

celebrateCanada’s 150th Birthday in a suitable container. Use any

accessories you wish to Let everyone Know this is definitely A Canadian

Design. Examples: Flags, Maple Leaves, Canada Geese, Beavers, Red &

White Candles etc.

Special Canada 150th Birthday Prizes for this Category as well as Prize



JRB And I Live In Ontario: An Arrangement to Celebrate Ontario’s 150th

Birthday Of Flowers/Plants in a suitable container. Use any accessories

You wish to let everyone know this is definitely A Design with the

Province of Ontario in mind.

Special Ontario 150th Birthday Prizes for This Category as well as Prize


3165 Bouquet for My Teacher’s Desk

3166 Arrangement in a Hat

3167 A Houseplant, NAMED

3168 Fireworks: An Arrangement Depicting Fireworks. Use your imagination.

3169 A Hallowe’en Arrangement in a Pumpkin. Hint: Use Black/Dark Purple/

Purple/Orange/Yellow Flowers and Accessories to achieve a Spooky


3170 Judge’s Choice For “B” Juniors chosen from Classes 3160-3169. Rosette

Ribbon and Sponsor’s Prize. (This includes CAN150 & ONT150 JRB


Overall Top Junior by Points. Points shall be awarded as follows:

1st = 3 points

2nd = 2 points

3rd = 1 point

Sponsor’s Prize